On a Celestial stage, the sacred pages of the Bible unfold the inspiring narrative of the new heaven and new earth, from the poetic visions of Isaiah to the apocalyptic revelation of John. We are guided on a journey of hope and promise. Let’s explore the depths of these prophetic visions where the divine promise of renewal transcends time, inspiring towards a celestial future of peace, justice, and perfection. This is an invitation to reflect on eternal hope and the certainty of a glorious destiny in the words of Isaiah and John.

Welcome to the journey of the new heaven and new earth. The promise of a new heaven and a new earth is one of the most impactful and comforting narratives in the Bible. It transcends the boundaries of time and space, nurturing hope and inspiring the faith of many throughout the centuries. The biblical vision of the new heaven and new earth is multifaceted, addressed by different sacred writers and interpreted by theologians throughout history. The starting point for this eschatological vision is found in the book of Isaiah, Chapter 65, Verse 17, which states:

“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.” In this passage, the Prophet Isaiah envisions a new creation where God will reign over all nations. The world will be a place of peace, justice, and prosperity, and all living beings will dwell in harmony. In this vision, Isaiah describes a world without death, without suffering, and without tears. The sun and the moon will no longer be necessary, for the glory of God will illuminate the earth. Wild animals will live in peace with domestic animals, and children will play without fear.

Isaiah’s vision is one of hope and promise, reminding us that God has a plan for the world—a plan of peace, justice, and prosperity. Another significant vision of the new heaven and new earth is described in the book of Revelation, Chapter 21, Verses 1-3:

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.'”

The passage continues, promising the wiping away of every tear, the absence of death, mourning, crying, and pain, as the former things have passed away. The familiar earth, as we know it, will not endure forever. After the great Final Judgment, God will create a new earth. God also promised to Isaiah that He would create a new and eternal land, as mentioned in Isaiah 65 at the beginning of the video. In John’s time, the sea was considered dangerous and unstable, also associated with the origin of evil.

We don’t know how the new earth will look or where it will be located, but God and His followers—those whose names are written in the Book of Life—will be gathered to live for all eternity. Will you be there? The New Jerusalem is where God will dwell among His people. Instead of us ascending to meet Him, He will descend to be with us, just as when God became man in Jesus Christ and lived among us. Wherever God reigns, there is peace, security, and love. Have you ever imagined what the holy city, the New Jerusalem, would be like?

Described as the place where God will remove all sorrow for all eternity, there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain. Regardless of what you are going through now, this does not represent the final word. God has written the final chapter that speaks of complete joy for all those who love Him. We may not know everything we wish, but it will be enough to know that eternity with God will be more wonderful than we could ever imagine. God is the creator of everything and everyone.

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  1. Compassionate Healer and Provider, I lift up my prayers for both physical well-being and financial stability. Grant me the strength to overcome sickness and adversity, restoring me to optimal health and vitality. Bless my finances with stability and abundance, providing for my needs and allowing me to support those I love. Help me to trust in your divine timing and provision, knowing that you are always present to guide and sustain me. Amen.

  2. We (U.S.A.) are the ones who brought down fire from heaven in Aug. of 1945 and we are the ones that gave life to the image of the beast in May of 1948. Rev 13:13-15 (KJV).

    But know this, if the truth were being told then the prophecy, Matt 24:14 (KJV) would have happened years ago. But when the true gospel is preached in all nations then all will know the TRUE reason for the “Great Tribulation” which is for all on this earth except the elect (the “hot”) which are “caught up” to the third heaven (where God dwells) in a twinkling at the last trump, the beginning of the Great Tribulation:

    14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the GATES into the city. Rev 22:14 (KJV).

    The hypocritical and unbelieving (the “cold”) for vengeance and wrath unto the second death (the lake of fire, our nearest star). The sincere in want for truth (the adoption “the lukewarm”) for chastisement unto ever lasting life, that will be SPEWED out to a new earth (the waters above Gen. 1:6-8) after 3 ½ years of chastisement, Jer 25:29 (KJV)


    15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

    16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. …

    19 As many as I love, I rebuke and CHASTEN: be zealous therefore, and repent.
    Rev 3:15-19 (KJV)

  3. Hello Peoples There !
    The Bible Story of Israel Jerusalem. Hello Peoples To all the Countries Arround the World 🌏. This is a Message For the Peoples on Earth .
    God above Us. Would Like To Transform the Israel Jerusalem. Into the Holy City . Tuning Back To the Future of the Holy Bible descriptions.
    He Needs All Your Gold in Every Countries. For the New Jerusalem Israel. Send to Him All Your Gold Reservations. He Needs Urgently . ✝️🙏😇💯💙☘️💙🌷💙😇👼🌏💘🌐

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