The Book Of Revelation Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes 2024 FYTube

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

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  1. 2 Corinthians 11:1

    King James Version

    11 Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me.
    Again, I've been a follower of your channel, first and foremost a follow of Jesus Christ. Which version of the Holy Bible do you use?

  2. Revelation 13:16-17

    King James Version

    16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    IN their right hand or in their foreheads….. may I ask what version of the Holy Bible you are using?

  3. This subject is not as complicated as it seems. A Much too common problem though is confusing or Conflating the players! IT IS The Mark of the beast ! NOT the Mark of Babylon!! When you remember that, it is much easier to follow along. Ok – Ready ? So, we will for right now focus on 3 Books – Ezek. 38,39….. Daniel – various chapts…… And Rev. 13,17. Clear your mind of any held assumptions or presuppositions on this subject, reread these parts and just let the texts say what they say. Ok, now, Daniel has much to say about this coming final empire . GOD even showed him 2 different illustrative images to help him and us better understand. Daniel Really is Special and Loved by the LORD. The crazy amount of details, specifics and clarity given him is something else ! So take your time mining through the whole book, you'll be rewarded with plenty of Gold Nuggets ! One thing you should pick up on is the prominent role the " Greek " empire ( in it's varied iterations ) plays in his narrative. He spends a long time laying out a clear trail to follow. Remember, we are trying to understand the identity of this last empire. In both of Daniel's vision, the first 3 are the same – Babylon, Then Medo/Persian, Then the Greek empire ( recall, Greek in title but primarily based from Macedonia to Syria ). But both images are awaiting a final 4th kingdom or beast. SIDE NOTE: Flip over and read Rev 13 and 17, because the final beast there is the same one we're looking at in Daniel. ( You are going to be so thrilled when you put All this together ! ) Now Daniel breaks down prophetically ( even then ) the emergence of Alex the great and the subsequent division of his kingdom into 4 parts. He then focuses on 2 of them, The king of the South and the king of the North. He is the one who we are looking at here. The Seleucid empire – mainly centered in the lands just N. of Israel, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey. Daniel tells us that this final king/kingdom will come at the end of days from this Greek kingdom offshoot and will be Led by a little horn that will arise and gather forces to attack Israel. Now watch this. Daniel's image of the standing man, remember the head is Babylon, then you keep working down to the next one which is the chest and arms – Medo/Persian.. Then still continuing down, the next part is the middle and upper thighs – the Greek empire …. NOW STOP ! Right here is where people just insist on inserting Rome !! DON'T!! Let Daniel and the text tell you ! Recall, he has already told us ! The final little horn will be an end time version of this lingering, never really gone away Greek offshoot! CONTINUE DOWN ON HIS IMAGE ! What follows upper legs when you continue going down ? Yep, lower legs, feet and TOES ( the 10 toes he says that will be at the very end is the same 10 horns that John sees in Rev 17 ) . Ok ok Now , remember John in Rev 13 sees a mess of an animal ! But he does say it looked like a what? A LEOPARD ( Symbol of the Greek empire ) and also features of Babylon and Persia ( mouth and feet ). And He then declares the idea of this coming final emperor/empire will appear to be dead but will be resurrected. Hold that thought as we go back to finish the thought on continuing down Daniel's image. Follow – upper leg = main Greek empire then comes the Seleucid empire, then the Islamic empire! We're at feet and toes, now what? What could be a logical continuation occupying the same land ?? Indeed – the Ottoman empire ( Completely related to the Islamic empire ). But wait, coincidentally that rule ended there in Turkey about 100 years ago! When the Caliphate was ended after more than 1200 years. So what is in store? What is this final coming power?? A Reborn Islamic Kingdom! Ok exhale, take a breath and go to Ezekiel 38, 39 God then Calls the players by Name ! Gog is HIS enemy! He is the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal ( Modern Turkey and immediate area ). He will be joined by the other Toes/Horns – Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya and Sudan for starters. Rev 17 tells us that these(10) will unite under the Antichrist and will be of ONE MIND! PEOPLE! That common cause is Islam !!! It's so Clear and Amazing when you dig and show your desire to know by putting in the work. Soooo, All the way around full circle. This MARK ! REMEMBER! It's the Mark of the beast NOT the Mark of Babylon!! The Beast Is an Islamic Coming leader and therefore his Mark will be relative to that dynamic ! I suggest it will be something as straightforward as the SHAHADA! SWORN AND WORN !!! WHEW! now I can exhale ! I pray you people actually get to examine this and verify it for youself, because the devil's executives here on this platform have been throttling me senseless. For Zero reason!

  4. To deny me the right to trade or socialize because I wouldn't take the Mark .. honestly won't change my life much at all .I'm not a big into consumerism and rarely feel the need to socialize.. only like to socialize with like-minded. Being religious like-minded is very hard to find.. I wouldn't take a tattoo afraid of the mark. My body is a temple of Christ so shall I keep it clean.. To each their own thow….

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