1. I hate all these fuckin terms, just let me eat elk in peace in my multimillion dollar mansion. God, why do the homeless have to be so… Ugh. I could help them with the philanthropic opportunities I was given by being a hack comic but that's so… well I was born a poor person that had to do things, and I think doing things makes you strive for a better future. I don't want to do anything about the future though. As a super rich guy, it's easier to bitch about the government not doing anything about homeless people whilst also asking the government to take care of the homeless people. Such a problem. Like dude, if only the they didn't exist and I could just, ya know, get my Starbucks in peace without being accosted for 20 bucks. Fuck man, it's hard out there for people, like people are only people if you…

    I know this is an old clip, but for fucks sake it makes me realize what a retard Rogan has always been. Step up and DO SOMETHING with your insane wealth if you want something done bitch. Otherwise pay your fucking taxes and let the government handle it. Sargon is an unbearable pussy, but fuck Joe Rogan as well. The the fuck has he done for the homeless he pretends to cry about?

  2. Community Is Important:

    Libertarian: We should be doing far more things person-to-person, with people actually helping one another, getting involved in each others’ lives, working together in various community groups to come up with better alternative solutions for the unique problems that we all face.

    Progressive: Yes! That is so true. And what we can do is to hire more government bureaucrats and take more money from us, and these can then apply the solutions we come up with to help other people, and in this way we can build up our community.

    Libertarian: But you are undermining community with bureaucracy, and tailored solutions with one-size-fits-few solutions.

    Charity is Important

    Progressive: We need to force everyone to be charitable by taking everyone’s money and spending it on programs that sound like they’re charitable.

    Libertarian: But government wastes our charity money on inefficient, ineffective, bureaucratic monopolistic programs, which usually exacerbate the problems and introduce new adverse problems.

    Progressive: But we have to make people be charitable!

    Libertarian: But “charity” requires voluntary giving. What we really need is to open up the space to a diversity of creative smaller solutions to more targeted problems.

    Progressive: I just think that people are just too greedy to really help the poor.

    Libertarian: But politicians and bureaucrats are people. Are they not greedy too, except that you are giving them deadly violent power with which to act on their greed.

    Small Is Beautiful

    Progressive: Big corporations are ruining our lives!

    Libertarian: Yes, we should reduce all the artificial government barriers to entry and all the obstacles to running a business, so that small businesses can thrive and entrepreneurs can bust up big staid conglomerates, providing us with better products with more of a human touch.

    Progressive: We certainly need more, smaller companies that really care about us. Let’s expand big government into our every economic activity. They can increase reporting and regulations across all those mean old bad big companies, and in this way our government will protect us from those bad corporations.

    Libertarian: But big government crushes small businesses without even noticing it, and becomes the captured tool of those big corporations. Corporatism succeeds — not by satisfying consumers — but by growing large enough to capture the government and then using the government’s violence (in laws and regulations) to keep out the small upstarts you and I both want that might challenge the corporation.

    Progressive: Yes! Big companies are the problem! The solution is bigger government to protect us from those ever-expanding big corporations!

    Libertarian: But the worst, biggest, most corrupt, most murderous, most thieving “big corporation” there is out there, is the government!

    Important Services

    Progressive: That service area is so important to us, and capitalism is doing such a poor job of it, that we need government to step in and provide it to us … for free.

    Libertarian: That service area is important, and it is doing such a poor job, but that’s because of all of government’s current interferences, supporting their corporatist cronies and mucking around with top-down central planning. If we really want better provision in that important service area, we need to remove the bureaucratic, cronyist, violently-imposed, special interest, cartelization and allow more alternatives to freely enter.

    Progressive: But what about guaranteed quality? But what about being free to all?

    Libertarian: You are paying exorbitant prices now, and will be paying even higher prices if you turn more of it over to a violent monopoly and its crony corporations — the price will just be hidden from you. And quality level and quality type are consumer variables, which individual consumers can tradeoff themselves, given their personal preferences. By going instead to a distributed, open market, we will allow a much richer assortment of services to better serve the various, diverse consumer segments.

    Progressive: So! You want everyone to die because they can’t access this important service!?

    Empowering the people is important

    Progressive: The people need to have a voice. We should put this question up to a democratic vote!

    Libertarian: But minority solutions will be swamped out by a majority’s imposition. We don’t need to impose a one-size-fits-all solution. We can have multiple solutions, and each person decides for herself which of the myriad solutions she prefers. That way, each person is empowered, and is empowered not just once every four years, but continuously, with their every choice. And if an important solution is missing, then that becomes a market opportunity for some entrepreneur to fill.

    Progressive: But the people must be heard — through voting for one solution imposed on everyone every four years!

    Peaceful Relations With Foreign Powers

    Libertarian: Government should not be forcing us to intervene in foreign countries. We are bankrupting ourselves and killing too many people and making too many enemies simply to prop up corporatist interests.

    Progressive: Yes, and that can free up our resources to use our military to help our real friends overseas.

    Libertarian: Why can’t we simply return the funds to the people and allow them to decide individually which “friends” they want to fund and whom they don’t? Why should some ruler decide for you who is your “real friend” and who deserves the sweat of your labor? They’ll choose their friends, not yours, and give them your sweat.

    The Future is Important

    Progressive: Really big future problems are barreling towards us, so we need government to take decisive action now to prepare us for that scary future.

    Libertarian: Yes, there are potential challenges in the future. Of course, epistemically we don’t know what the future will really hold, but what we need is resilience and abundance so that whatever comes at us in the future, we will be rich enough and flexible enough to handle. And that can best be served by allowing a thousand flowers to bloom.

    Progressive: Well, our rulers do know what will happen in the future and they do know the best one way to prepare us all for it, because they have paid off all these people handsomely to tell us what the rulers want us to hear, so we don’t really need resilience, nor abundance! We just need action, in line with what our rulers want to do to us. And if it’s backed by the gun of the state, that’s what is needed.

    Minorities Should Be Protected

    Libertarian: These minorities are currently getting the raw end of the stick from government. We have to repeal these laws that are hurting them so that they can have a chance.

    Progressive: Yes, and we can pass new laws to really stick it to these other people whom I don’t like, just to make up for our government’s historic abuse of the people I do like. That won’t cause any new problems.

    Rich People Are Suspect

    Progressive: The 1% have stolen from us. We need bigger government to protect us from the 1%

    Libertarians: The rich people who have stolen from us, are the ones who have used big government to steal. They do need to be stopped, but not by giving them an even bigger government to use against us. We need to take away the tool they use to rob us.

    The other rich people — who have become rich by giving us better products and services— they need to be appreciated for the service they provide to us. And for god’s sake, don’t feed them to the cronies by putting crony-controlled big government in charge of them; otherwise we’ll all be poorer and the cronies who rob us will become even richer.

    Desired Services Should Be Paid For

    Progressive: Taxation is important because we have all these programs which we think are really important and need to be funded.

    Libertarian: Yes, many of those service categories should exist, but perhaps not in their current monopolistic, violent instantiations. How about those who want those services pay for them, and those who desire alternative services pay for those?

    Progressive: You don’t want those services!? What will people do without these services?

    And the sibling bickering goes on and on, without being able to work together. The one is authoritarian (albeit from the left); the other is libertarian. And so they disagree about the ethical role of violence in society, and how that violence will enhance or curtail all our lives.

    The commonality is we see similar problems. Libertarians just disagree that the initiation of violence against otherwise peaceful, innocent people is an ethical, or consequentially sound, solution path.

    Which, by the way, is the same class of disagreement that we have with conservative authoritarians.

  3. Clean up the environment, get money out of politics, pay for my health care with taxes instead of paying for illegal wars with them, put taxes towards universally agreed upon programs, end the drug war, cleaner energy policies and a higher standing of living and a higher wage. What am I???….

    I am a guy who just wants those f**** things. spare me the labels and spare me the woke moniker. Make life fair in this country or f*** off. people of my ilk are not the Great Satan.

  4. I just wish that conservatives would stop calling progressives “liberals” because they’re more obsessed with a democracy based on identity politics (aka mobocracy) than they do with liberal democracy.

  5. Liberals believe some minor changes will fix America so that it works for everyone. They are pro Capitalism, and won’t fuss too much about people like Obama performing drone strikes abroad and deporting immigrants in masses. Progressives believe that America is a failed experiment that only works for the white and wealthy and should be broken down and rebuilt. Unfettered capitalism and trickledown Econ theory has resulted in an almost non-existent upward-mobility, and income inequality not seen since the Gilded Age, so that will be their main focus. Liberals are ok with a Congress full of multi-millionaires as long as half of them are women. Joe Biden is a liberal, Bernie Sanders is a Progressive. This guy’s explanation of the difference is overly subjective and unhelpful.

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