Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Carlos Muñoz, Ep06 (02/26/2023) FYTube

Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross, Ep06 (02/26/2023)

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Questions answered in this Bible Answers Live:
00:00 – Intro
05:51 – Is there evidence that the Biblical account of Creation was six literal days?
07:55 – How can we grow spiritually?
10:30 – Why did Moses not get to see the Lord?
13:31 – If the body is the church of Christ, what does the body of the enemy represent?
15:35 – Will we obtain a crown for doing our part environmentally?
17:49 – How can we determine acceptable activities for the Sabbath day?
21:20 – When should we pray for God’s will to be done?
24:19 – Can you live without baptism and be saved?
31:47 – Please explain Christ sitting at the right hand of God right now, is He is in the Most Holy Place in the Sanctuary?
35:20 – What does the Bible mean in Proverbs 18 verse 21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue?”
38:08 – Will our pets be in Heaven?
40:37 – Please explain Isaiah 57 verses 1 and 2.
42:35 – Did God intervene for the blessing to go to Jacob on account of his father being hungry?
45:08 – At the Second Coming, the dead rise first. Is this all who are dead or is it a specific group?
47:05 – Who is the King of the South mentioned in Daniel 11 verse 40?
49:35 – Does the Bible mention the language that will be spoken in Heaven?
52:00 – What is the best way to respond when people say the Bible is not trustworthy because it was written by men?
54:15 – What Bible verses explain the signs of Jesus’ Second Coming?

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  1. i know in numbers 14:34 and ezekial 4:6 we find the prophecy principle of a day for a year. but could not genesis 29:27 be used as well? it's not a verse in prophecy but in the first part Laban ask Jacob to let Rachel fulfill her "week" then at the end says seven years?

  2. What was the lie that the serpent said to the woman?

    The serpent told the woman that she will not die and she will know good and evil like GOD. Did they (Adam and the woman) die after they ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? Yes, they died in TRUTH. GOD breathed to Adam the breath of life which is the breath of TRUTH but he died to it right after he ate the fruit. And another lie which is blaspheming the Name of GOD is that when the serpent said that they will know good and evil, like GOD? GOD is good, all the time! Knowing evil is only for Satan’s kingdom. GOD hates and condemns evil. When Adam and his wife chose the lie instead of the TRUTH, they did not know good anymore but only evil. Before the woman ate the fruit, she only knew good. She ate it because it was good for food and was pleasant to the eyes. There was no evilness yet in her eyes, not until she ate it and gave it also to her husband. You cannot mix good and evil. To chose good is to depart from evil and to chose evil is to depart from good.

    Do you know that the breath of TRUTH from GOD gave them an immortal body? If they did not give in to the voice of the serpent, they could have live for eternity. But when they ate it because they listened to the lie, the TRUTH and immortality left them and they found themselves naked. Nakedness is the absence of TRUTH. Nakedness is the result of the lie and from doing evil. Therefore, all flesh are naked but people will not see their nakedness because they are so proud and do not accept the correction from GOD.

    The souls who are chosen and predestined before the foundation of the world will accept and love the correction from GOD. Their hearts are so soft towards HIS Word because they know that HIS correction is an expression of HIS great Love for them. They no longer want to walk in the nakedness of their flesh and instead they wanted to be clothed with TRUTH and at the resurrection will be finally clothed with immortality and live with our One and Only GOD forever, for all eternity. We know that this evil world is not our real Home for this will be destroyed soon and we are so excited to be Home with our Father soon who loves us with an everlasting Love. Hallelujah! I love You, my King!

    Those who love the lie will never accept correction from GOD. They are stiff-necked people. They are ruled by Satan (because they allow him), by his evil spirit, who is controlling them. They will always believe in the lie because that is their mark in their foreheads and lie will continually come out of their mouths because that is their work which is their mark on their hands. They are already one with the flesh or with the lie and when they die, their souls will also go where the flesh is going – to the belly of Satan, to the bottomless pit.

    But the people of GOD who are chosen by grace from the foundation of the world will accept and live according to the TRUTH. The TRUTH will continually come out of their mouths because this is part of the good works that GOD has prepared for them. This is the righteous acts that will cloth them with immortality. They will not be ashamed and will not fear to speak the TRUTH even if the world does not believe them, and even laugh and mock them. They don’t care what this world says but that that the Name of JESUS (the TRUTH) will be heared and glorified thru their lives. Hallelujah!

    How did JESUS silenced the lie in the temporary flesh that HE was dwelling when HE was on Earth? He continually speak the TRUTH that there’s no chance for the lie to speak. And this is the work of the people of GOD. We have to continually speak the TRUTH. If you just listen and accept the TRUTH but hide it to yourself, you are no difference with the people who did not not accept it. You are still giving the lie a chance to speak if you will not do your part. Therefore, speak the TRUTH! Speak JESUS! Silence the lie with the Name of JESUS! Hallelujah!

    In what way was Adam deceived by the lie? Is it not because of keeping quite, without saying a word? The TRUTH was entrusted to him by GOD but He just ate the fruit without defending or speaking the TRUTH. We cannot be good stewards of the TRUTH if we don’t speak it. Let the world hear the TRUTH regardless of what their response be. Don’t be like the wicked and lazy servant in the Parable of the Talent (Matthew 25:14-30) who kept and hid the talent or TRUTH that was entrusted to him, therefore, he was thrown in the outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit of GOD says.” To GOD be all the glory!

    All praises, honor and glory belong to the KING of Kings and the LORD of Lords! Maranatha! Come quickly, my LORD! Amen and Amen!

  3. Question? should we keep the name Saturday as sabbath or the number of the day that it falls on? as like what happened to the small island nation of Samoa? the ex prime minister changed the dateline to a day behind for business reasons?

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