1. My expose of Islam is right here. Spread the word liberally. All sources from Islamic texts, ie. The Quran and the Hadiths. You can cross-verify it too if you'd like.

    Narrated `Aisha:

    that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (ie, till his death).
    Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64
    Proving Muhammed was a pedophile

    Narrated 'Aisha:

    I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.)
    Sahih Bukhari 8:73:151
    Proving Aisha was a prepubescent girl

    Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

    The Prophet (ﷺ) said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. Abu Dawud said: A similar tradition has also been transmitted by Sulaiman b. Bilal from 'Amr b. Abi 'Umar. And 'Abbad b. Mansur transmitted it from 'Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas who transmitted it from the Prophet (ﷺ). It has also been transmitted by Ibn Juraij from Ibrahim from Dawud b. Al-Husain from 'Ikrimah on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas who transmitted it from the Prophet (ﷺ).
    Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447
    Telling you can kill gay people. So much for the religion of peace

    Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas:

    If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death. Abu Dawud said: The tradition of 'Asim proved the tradition of' Amir b. Abi 'Amr as weak.
    Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4447
    Telling that the punishment for gay sex is stoning till death. Very peaceful

    But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
    Quran 9:5
    This refers to a time when the polytheists had paid the jizyah ('protection' money extorted from 'kaffirs' by Muslims) and the Muslims had left them in peace for a time and this verse speaks about what to do after that time was up. Very peaceful religion

    Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
    Quran 9:29
    This tells that Muslims must fight everyone including the followers of other Abrahamic Scriptures (eg. Christians, Jews etc.).

    O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down. And let a scribe write [it] between you in justice. Let no scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him. So let him write and let the one who has the obligation dictate. And let him fear Allah , his Lord, and not leave anything out of it. But if the one who has the obligation is of limited understanding or weak or unable to dictate himself, then let his guardian dictate in justice. And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses – so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And do not be [too] weary to write it, whether it is small or large, for its [specified] term. That is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you, except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves. For [then] there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. And take witnesses when you conclude a contract. Let no scribe be harmed or any witness. For if you do so, indeed, it is [grave] disobedience in you. And fear Allah. And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of all things.
    Quran 2:282
    Telling that men are above women

    Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
    Quran 4:34
    Telling that women must obey every command of her husband and if she doesn't after the first 2 times, you can beat them

    Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth [righteousness] for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers.
    Quran 2:223
    Telling that it is a man's right for his wife to obey him when he wants to have sex and it doesn't matter when

    Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess. Thus has Allah ordained for you. All others are lawful, provided you seek (them in marriage) with Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) from your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr as prescribed; but if after a Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin on you. Surely, Allah is Ever All­Knowing, All­Wise.
    Quran 4:24
    Telling you can have slave women with whom you can have sex with. Sex Slaves. Islam never fails to disgust me more

  2. This nawaz guy is the last person the muslims want to represent islam. If you really want to know what islam is all about, you should call Hamza Yusuf Hanson or Timothy Winters. Believe me Joe, you wont regret. Pls make it happen Joe, i dont know how to thank you if it really happened.

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