DON’T MISS THIS ! -What Happens After The Great Tribulation FYTube

This video reviews What Happens After The Great Tribulation and focuses on Revelation Chapter 20

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  1. There is no PRE-trib rapture. Although there are 2 raptures at Jesus coming. That is to say that at the second coming of Jesus, the dead in Christ will rise first to meet Jesus in the air, and 2nd the living will be gathered to meet christ in the air also.

    Notice Jesus tells us in the book of Mark when he is coming for the elect and it's after the tribulation, though not before the sun and moon are darkened

    Tribulation saints are those whom die in Jesus name during the time of the tribulation.

    Though the tribulation is not to be mistaken for the Wrath of God that will be poured out after the rapture, that is appointed for the unbelievers and those who took the Mark of the beast.

    – Mark 13:23-27

    23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

    24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light,

    25 And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.

    26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.

    27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

    13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

    Jesus and most all the apostles were killed as exapmles as how we should also be obedient unto death

    — 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

    13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

    14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

    15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.

    16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

    17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    – Do not take the VAX

    let no man decieve you Your not born agian or follow Jesus if your living in sin. Be ready The Lord is coming soon do not take the Mark of the beast.

    Soon the second phase will roll out and they will start to crack down on vaccine card counterfeiting by implementing new vaccine placed on hand or forhead with Luciferase invisible tattoo patch. Preventing anyone without the Vax entry to stores to buy or sell.

    – Research Nano Patch / Luciferase invisible mark/ microneedle Array/ Mark of the Beast vaccine thats is placed on the hand or forhead for vaccine passport registered via your smart phone.

    Calvinist is not biblical it's heresy, Calvinist AKA reformed theology teach Jesus did not die for everyone but only for those whom God called.

    Beware of these false teachers like Allen parr/Good hope/ Paul washer,John Macarthur /James white/Jeff durbin/Voddie Baucham/John piper/calvinist/ easy believeism/ once saved always saved/eternal security/ Hyper Grace.

    all of them practicing theies Calvinist teachings.

  2. "Thus says The Lord: I HAVE SENT FAMINE UPON THE LAND, even as in the day I caused a famine throughout the land of Israel. No, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of The Lord. As it was then, so it is this day also.
    From the churches of men and from the devout I have removed My hand, and from My people I have taken back My spirit.
    Lo, one full day has passed since I left them desolate, in severe thirst, with nothing at all to nourish them. I have left them in darkness, with no light to guide them, the still small voice silent. And what is this I hear among the churches of men and those devout in Israel, even among those who have recognized Mashiach in Israel? What voice do I hear lifted up to Heaven, crying out for guidance, longing for My presence and the Word of The Lord? What sound from the people has entered into the ears of The Holy One?!

    Not a word is spoken, no outcry is made!
    No repentance is offered, no plea is lifted up!…

    No one thirsts, not one hungers, not one of them
    Seeks The Light or grasps My robe, that I might guide
    Them through this darkness, through this desolate land!…

    None listen for My voice!

    Behold, I have spoken a multitude of words, a great number of speeches, Letter after Letter, Volume after Volume! Yet they will not eat of this bread, for they are already full! Nor will they drink from this cup, for they are drunken! Nor can they lift their heads to look upon this glory, for the weight of their sin remains upon them.
    They refuse to see, their eyes are blinded! They will not listen, their ears are unclean! They cover their faces and stop their ears! Foolish people, most wicked generation, I do not know you! Fill up then the full measure of your error, according to the perverse doctrines of your fathers! Bear the sin of your heresies, drink from the cup of your blasphemies, to the fullest!
    Yes, I hear your songs and your spiritual hymns, offered up to God… HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME![1] I see your uplifted hands, and I hear all these prayers offered up in the name of Christ… HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME!
    Perverse generation, the Day of The Lord is here; yes, I have declared it! In these very Letters and by My servants, I have made it known! Lo, through this man I have spoken it, for he does seek to honor Me… I HAVE BROUGHT GLORY TO MY NAME! Yet you have hated both Me and My Word! You have rejected the voice of The Living God, you have loathed the messengers of The Most High! Therefore shall I also reject you, for your ways are loathsome in My sight! I have left you in famine, and now I shall leave you utterly desolate.
    For I have called to My lambs; their hearts sing in anticipation. I have called to My sheep; they have embraced My voice. Yea, I have entered in and gathered them together. Behold, the harvest is separated, all is ready, the door is shut.
    I have but to call out, and the first election shall pass from your sight, and the gate shall be shut. For the door is shut already, the time has passed; no more shall pass through.

    I tell you the truth, you have done this!
    You have decided, your decision is made!
    Yes, YOU have shut the door to ME!…
    Therefore is it also shut to you…
    And it shall not be opened again
    Until you breathe your last, testifying to the
    Name of Glory and Him crucified,
    Until the time I open it anew…

    Behold, I shall open the gates of the city
    And the dead shall pass through,
    The martyrs of The Lord lifted up to glory!"


    “Yet understand this: In times past I overlooked the ignorance of the people. Yet now I command all people everywhere to repent in sincerity and in truth. In like manner, I have overlooked the ignorance of those who call The Messiah by another name. Yet now I command all who have ears to hear, to call upon His name as it is, was, and has always been, and not as they presume it to be. Indeed I am calling all tribes, tongues, peoples and nations to embrace Him as He truly is, and not as the churches of men would have Him be, says The Lord.”


    "Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse!

    Behold, even the whole of creation shouts,
    For it is He by whom all things consist,
    It is He who causes to be…

    For The Lord our God is One!"

  3. "Thus says The Lord: I HAVE SENT FAMINE UPON THE LAND, even as in the day I caused a famine throughout the land of Israel. No, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of The Lord. As it was then, so it is this day also.
    From the churches of men and from the devout I have removed My hand, and from My people I have taken back My spirit.
    Lo, one full day has passed since I left them desolate, in severe thirst, with nothing at all to nourish them. I have left them in darkness, with no light to guide them, the still small voice silent. And what is this I hear among the churches of men and those devout in Israel, even among those who have recognized Mashiach in Israel? What voice do I hear lifted up to Heaven, crying out for guidance, longing for My presence and the Word of The Lord? What sound from the people has entered into the ears of The Holy One?!

    Not a word is spoken, no outcry is made!
    No repentance is offered, no plea is lifted up!…

    No one thirsts, not one hungers, not one of them
    Seeks The Light or grasps My robe, that I might guide
    Them through this darkness, through this desolate land!…

    None listen for My voice!

    Behold, I have spoken a multitude of words, a great number of speeches, Letter after Letter, Volume after Volume! Yet they will not eat of this bread, for they are already full! Nor will they drink from this cup, for they are drunken! Nor can they lift their heads to look upon this glory, for the weight of their sin remains upon them.
    They refuse to see, their eyes are blinded! They will not listen, their ears are unclean! They cover their faces and stop their ears! Foolish people, most wicked generation, I do not know you! Fill up then the full measure of your error, according to the perverse doctrines of your fathers! Bear the sin of your heresies, drink from the cup of your blasphemies, to the fullest!
    Yes, I hear your songs and your spiritual hymns, offered up to God… HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME![1] I see your uplifted hands, and I hear all these prayers offered up in the name of Christ… HE LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ME!
    Perverse generation, the Day of The Lord is here; yes, I have declared it! In these very Letters and by My servants, I have made it known! Lo, through this man I have spoken it, for he does seek to honor Me… I HAVE BROUGHT GLORY TO MY NAME! Yet you have hated both Me and My Word! You have rejected the voice of The Living God, you have loathed the messengers of The Most High! Therefore shall I also reject you, for your ways are loathsome in My sight! I have left you in famine, and now I shall leave you utterly desolate.
    For I have called to My lambs; their hearts sing in anticipation. I have called to My sheep; they have embraced My voice. Yea, I have entered in and gathered them together. Behold, the harvest is separated, all is ready, the door is shut.
    I have but to call out, and the first election shall pass from your sight, and the gate shall be shut. For the door is shut already, the time has passed; no more shall pass through.

    I tell you the truth, you have done this!
    You have decided, your decision is made!
    Yes, YOU have shut the door to ME!…
    Therefore is it also shut to you…
    And it shall not be opened again
    Until you breathe your last, testifying to the
    Name of Glory and Him crucified,
    Until the time I open it anew…

    Behold, I shall open the gates of the city
    And the dead shall pass through,
    The martyrs of The Lord lifted up to glory!"


    “Yet understand this: In times past I overlooked the ignorance of the people. Yet now I command all people everywhere to repent in sincerity and in truth. In like manner, I have overlooked the ignorance of those who call The Messiah by another name. Yet now I command all who have ears to hear, to call upon His name as it is, was, and has always been, and not as they presume it to be. Indeed I am calling all tribes, tongues, peoples and nations to embrace Him as He truly is, and not as the churches of men would have Him be, says The Lord.”


    "Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse!

    Behold, even the whole of creation shouts,
    For it is He by whom all things consist,
    It is He who causes to be…

    For The Lord our God is One!"

  4. Thank you. MUST SEE THIS. This is an understanding the Lord gave me on 12th of June 2021.

    A- If you read Revelation 12, you will understand the following:
    * This introduction “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven” means that the story (= truth) described in Revelation 12 will be understood easily by so many people over the world, without need of explanation. When we see a wonder in heaven, we see a fact, there is no need of explanation, we figure out what we see, it is a reality, we become eye witness. The story (= truth) in Revelation 12 will be like a great wonder in heaven, God will open the mind of many people over the world so that they will understand very easily this truth. Nowadays, many people still think that this story is a blabla of religion or an imagination or a dream in the Bible. But there will be a time where everybody will be aware of all the truth in Revelation 12.

    * Woman having a crown of twelve stars upon her head, travailing in birth = Israel, 12 son’s of Jacob.
    * She delivered a man child who was caught up unto God = Lord Jesus.
    * She flees unto the wilderness, God feeds her there 1260 days = Jews must leave Jerusalem for another place, the wilderness. Jews will be fed there by God for 1260 years.
    * After the war in heaven, the dragon was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him, Michael and his angels overcame the dragon by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony = this war happened sometimes after the Lord rose from dead.
    * The dragon went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ = Satan pursues whom ever is accepting in his heart the Lord Jesus, because their number is increasing fastly comparing to the number of Jews.

    I understand A like this: this story in Revelation 12 talks about facts that happened already in the past up to our present time. The woman is Israel, the man child is the Lord Jesus, after his ministry on earth, He rose back into heaven. Sometimes later, there was a time where Jews left Jerusalem, to feed to the wilderness. Wilderness here is the different countries over the world where Jews lived for a duration of 1260 years . God fed them there, this is how we can understand why the business of many Jews flourish everywhere they do it. But this story, this truth is not yet understood by the whole people over the earth. The revelation to John is then to announce that in the future, people across all nations will understand this truth, it will be very clear to them, just like “a great wonder appearing in heaven”.

    But when is the start and the end of the 1260 days?

    B- If you read Matthew 24: 15-18, you will understand the following:
    * When Jews see the abomination of desolation standing in the Holy Place as per Daniel, let them fled to the mountains = Lord Jesus says exactly that when the abomination of desolation takes place on the holy place, This is the time for Jews to flee, leave Jerusalem for another place.

    From A and B, we have got the word FLEE out of Jerusalem for Jews, to go to live unto another place, and being fed there by God during 1260 days which means 1260 years.

    But when is the end of the 1260 years?
    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the “State of Israel” was created? You will see this on the summary at the right side “Declaration: 14th of May 1948”. This is the date the entire world testimonies the creation of Israel, then many Jews are back to their land.
    This is the end of the 1260 years.

    But when is the start of the 1260 years. Just do 1948 – 1260 = 688.
    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the “Dome of the Rock” was built on the Holy Place? You will see this in the summary at the right side “Date: built 688 – 692”.
    So the start of the built of the Dome of the Rock in 688 is the start of the 1260 years.

    WOW, how the calculation of God is so exact!
    Ok, the abomination of desolation, on the eyes of God of Israel, on the eyes of the Lord Jesus, on the eyes of Jews is to build something on the place of the holy Temple. Even Jews are forbidden by their chief rabbi’s to walk on the Temple mont in order to avoid to put the leg unintentionally on the holy of holy.

    C- If you read Daniel 1:1 – 2, you will understand the following:
    * God gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Juda.
    * Nebuchadnezzar king took part of the vessels used for sacrifice from the Holy Temple to Babylon, it means that the daily sacrifice was stopped because of missing vessels.

    D- If you read Daniel 12: 11 – 12, you will understand the following:
    * From daily sacrifice taken away to abomination of desolation set up, there is 1290 years
    * From abomination of desolation set up to “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to…”, there is 1335 years.

    Now have a look in Wikipedia website to see when the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah started? You will see this on the summary at the right side “Reign: 609 – 598 BC”. Then by considering C first *, we have got 609 – 3 = 606 BC, this should be the year where Nebuchadnezzar king took the Holy vessels to Babylon.
    But Is this information reliable: “Reign: 609 – 598 BC of Jehoiakim king of Judah”?

    Watch this now, by considering C secund * (daily sacrifice stopped) and D first * (1290 years) and the built in 688 of the Dome of the Rock (= abomination of desolation on the Holy Place), we have got:
    1290 – 688 + 1 = 603 BC
    We have to add 1 because there is no year 0.
    603 BC is closed to 606 BC from calculation above. But what is the “EXACT” year among both?

    I believe 603 BC is the “EXACT” year where the daily sacrifice was taken away. Why?
    Because we know exactly today the date of the creation of the state of Israel (14th May 1948), the Bible told us that this is the end of the 1260 days of Jews being in the wilderness, so we can EXACTLY calculate 1948 – 1260 = 688 which match with the year of built of the Dome of the Rock in Wikipedia website. If you read the details about the commencement of the built in Wikipedia, you will see 3 approximate years in the write up: 685, 686 and 688. I believe the EXACT year is 688 from our calculation.

    If 688 is the set up of the abomination of desolation, then if we consider D secund * (1335 years), we have got 688 + 1335 = 2023.
    WOW, we don’t know what will happen in 2023 but Daniel said: “Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335 days”.

    Dear friends, God bless you all, to reach 2023.

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