Win The Battle Of The Mind! FYTube

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

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Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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    Is this the death of ONE THESE RELIGIONS?

    The age of ignorance is OVER!

    Make up your own minds about the alarming message received 11/09/2020, that will shake the very foundations of one of these religions.

    When Jesus was a man he had, what the rest of us have and that's a spirit/soul, so what happened to Jesus's spirit when he died on the cross?

    Where did that spirit go and where is it now? (Jesus said once you die you are spiritualised & you die no more)

    Jesus was resurrected after 3days/3nights as a spirit, so where is his previous spirit? (unless jesus never had the spirit/soul whilst a man, if so why not?

    The trinity – how many were there, before the heavens and the earth, from the very alpha (beginning)?

    So when did god separate into 3, and why?

    If the trinity is 3 then why did the holy spirit deliver the word to Mary, then the word can't be a separate entity?

    What is the 'words' purpose – and when the word was in Mary's womb for nine months and could not speak, then for them 9 months there were only 2 of 3?

    If the father, the word (flesh/jesus) and the holy spirit are 3 in one, then wasn't the spirit of Jesus (the man) holy, then there were 2 holy spirits, so 4 in total?

    If Jesus's spirit wasn't holy then Jesus cannot be part of the holy trinity, or can he?

    Did Jesus die on the cross?(He heals the sick and blind, brings back the dead, but this 6ft 33 year old dies in 6 hours, crucifixion to have prolonged death?

    Did Jesus die for our sins?(that includes the original sin and all sins under the sun, then did he also die for my sin in not believing in him dying for my sins?

    Jesus said those that love their children more than me are not of me, meaning you've sinned against Jesus, so it is a SIN not to believe in him, or isn't it?

    Why did Jesus pay for Adam's sin when Adam paid for his mistake 4 times over?

    So does that mean Jesus was born in sin i.e. Original sin?(christians say we are all born in sin, after baptism that sin is washed away, jesus baptised 30?

    So does that mean Jesus was in sin until 30?

    Was Jesus's mother born in sin?(until she was baptised in her old age)

    If Jesus died for the original sin, then why are we born in sin?

    If Jesus is pure from the word then why did he make his mother impure for 40 days?(Ref bible: And why is a woman impure for 80 days if she has a girl?)

    If Jesus is pure then why did he have the need for the call of nature?(was his waste pure?)

    Then why did god come down as a man?

    Jesus says I died for your sins – the father in heaven says the contrary " No man will bear the sin of his son nor will the son of the man", so who is right?

    If there is 3, then why are the 2 – the father and the word (in flesh) not in unison and are confusing the masses?

    If the only way into heaven is to profess jesus is god/son & died for our sins, then what happens to the 100's of millions that died before his birth?

    What happens to those that lived during the lifetime of jesus and died before his 30th birthday when jesus started to preach, the pagans etc?

    what happens to mother mary's friends/neighbours that died before his 30th, idol worshippers, do they go to hell, because its their fault they died ?

    What happens to all those people who met jesus from the age of 1 to 18 to 25 until 30, and died, do they go to hell, because he waited until 30 to preach?

    If jesus forgives them then will he forgive the 100's of millions that died before his birth, if not why not?

    JUDGEMENT DAY: God: Mr Butcher to hell with you, Mr. Butcher says I served jesus the best of meat he never told me this, as I died before his 30th, is that fair?(all these people that were kind and good to jesus & his mother will have to go to hell, what kind of justice is this, the angels will brace themselves)

    PEOPLE will not go quietly and the angels will think what kind of god of the bible do we serve, or do you think that's just?

    Why did Jesus use parables, to make them understand, like I am you, jesus said the only sign will be the sign of jonah, what is that sign?

    Jesus said 3 days and 3 nights buried in the earth, but he was laid to rest in a tomb, that is a failed prophecy, if not why not, he did say buried in the earth?

    Jesus wasn't in his tomb 3 days and 3 nights, laid to rest friday eve gone sunday morning (mary magdalene finds tomb empty) 1 day and 2 nights, fail?

    Do you believe a god or son would expose their genitals on the cross for all the people to see, there was no such thing as a loincloth, or was there?

    Did Jesus die? when mary magdalene went to his tomb she supposed Jesus to be a gardener, why was he dressed as a gardener?

    Jesus said you die a physical body and raised spiritualised with no flesh and bones, so why were the disciples scared when he appeared in the upper room?

    When the disciples handled his hands and feet and felt flesh and bones, they were overjoyed that he wasn't a spirit, then did jesus really die?

    (jesus said you are buried as a physical body with flesh and bones but raised as a spiritual body with no flesh and bones nor will you die no more)

    When was the last supper before or after the crucifixion (bible says before) but jesus ate broiled fish and honeycomb after his crucifixion in the upper room?

    Do spirits have a need to eat?

    If jesus prophesied to his disciples prior to his crucifixion then why did they all run away on that day, Jesus said I am dying willingly for your sins, why run?

    Is Jesus the way to the truth & life?(if so then why did he say I have many things (truths) to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now, I can't tell you know)

    Jesus said the Comforter will come 'HE' will lead you onto to all truth, so how can Jesus be the way to the truth?

    Who was this 'HE' Jesus was talking about (a man), the Holy spirit was present when Jesus said this, so which HE was this man, singular not plural men?

    It can't be Mark/Luke/John/Matthew etc it has to be one, and once you decide which one then tell us what did he tell you that Jesus couldn't?

    Jesus said don't go by way of the gentiles, aren't the muslims and the christians gentiles, so why do christians go by the way of jesus, if he shunned you?

    Why do we have to profess jesus is god to get into heaven when jesus said he will only take 144k to heaven – 12 jewish tribes of israel?

    If there is one contradiction in the bible is that enough to disregard it as not the word of god?

    How can Noah rest his mount on ararat in july but the tops of the mountains were under water until october, how is that possible or scientific?

    Does god do illogical things?

    How can you separate night and day when the sun wasn't created? (Ref: Bible)

    Why did 'lot' of the bible offer his daughters up to be raped and killed?

    Why did 'lots' daughters get their father drunk and sleep with him, and get pregnant?

    Why did god have small little children killed for calling elisha a baldy, god sends bears to rip them apart?

    Why does it say that disrespectful toddlers should have their skulls bashed against a rock?

    Why does it say that unruly teenagers should be brought before their elders and stoned to death?

    Why did god have the old frail disabled and the men women and children massacred and even the donkeys/goats/dogs/cats, is that mercy and love?

    Why did god say DO NOT KILL the pregnant women but slit open their stomachs and throw the baby in fire?

    Why did god tell them to spare the little virgin girls, 32,000 of them for mass rape?

    Why did god want his share of the virgin girls, god wanted 32?


    Trust me this is just the tip of the iceberg – you don't want to know what's coming it will literally destroy all the lies you were told in this life.

    I have just scratched the surface, and my christian friends it's all thanks to david wormfood wood tearing up the MIGHTY QUR'AN, i tried to ignore it bur he awoke the sleeping dragon within me and now you all are gonna get burned.

    My name is Adam Khan and I am a builder, you started it, I am gonna finish it.

    To all my muslim brethren copy and paste this on every muslim and christian videos, as I am going to do, let the word open up their eyes to the bibles deception, these heathens christian prick (Jesus's words, in the bible), gay smith, scam shamoun, fartun and all ye dogs (Jesus words in the bible) that lurk around your masters table for scraps….


    I have lots more to come – watch this space.


  2. Thank you Lion of Judah. I am motivated every day and night by all your videos about my Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, may God Almighty continue to bless each and everyone of you on such great work you all are doing. 🙂 <3

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