The Warning Jesus Gave About What Is Done In The Dark….. FYTube

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

Footage licensed through: Filmpac/Videoblocks
Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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  1. @Angel Puente Thankyou for your comment i only just saw it in my email, but i have alot that i too could tell you , my first battle with evil was in the whom of my mothers stomic, due to the severity of the situation i wont go to full detail , but my father would drink alot , knowing the house they lived in was haunted they wanted my mother to kill me .. by thinking that it was her inlaws n husband against her she thought " if i cant beat them , i might aswell join them" so she drank alot , depression set in and that is a perfect mix for evil to enter! Jesus had other plans 4 me, at 9mths old i had only developed as far as a 6mth old n actually put my mother in hospital 3 months befor my birth,so i was 2 week prem, and in a incubator! Then after i come home I catch ammonia from my hair being wet and the air conditioner so my first 2yrs of life i fought very hard as did God n Jesus as they had other plans for me… so angel i have more to share i just dont know how to find u as ur channel is off.

  2. GODS REAL: (Whether you Believe or Not cant we all change together as an WORLD!)
    To this Second, Satan Is still at work. Within ALL of US in our Heart, Mind, and Spirit! People ignore the fact of it and rather Choose to Sin and to Follow the Wrong and Evil Path of Life.
    Even Jesus Has said that GOD gave US Eyes but We cannot truly Percieve, Ears but We Cannot Truly Hear! (Eyes as in We truly blinded from the devil and not to see the truth. Ears as in, We Don't Hear God's Voice Anymore and Not Hearing God's Word He Told Us in the Bible.)
    Cant You See ALL the Evil Thoughts, Rich, Poor, Theft, Murder, Blashphemy, Lies, Adultery, Fornications, Anger etc in this World. (Its Not from GOD but from Satan) {Read Moses 1-9 and as Jesus says If you Believe in Moses, You Shall Believe Me!}
    Trust and put Faith in our Father God and Our Lord Jesus Christ and Repent and Confess ALL Sins and Plead the Name Of JESUS CHRIST!
    You Cant Ever Hide from Light because Even Light Shines Upon Darkness. (In our Hearts are Evil Thoughts, etc. Thats Darkness.)
    and if You Dont Confess them our Father will Toss us into the Lake Of Fire, because Our Hearts are Evil and Not GOOD and HOLY like Our Father GOD.
    if You Dont Believe in Your Father GOD, You believe in Satan and He Shall then Be your Father.

    Adam and Eve defied Our Father GOD by Falling for Satans Lies, and However Eve Didnt Word GODS Word the Way that GOD has Said it. and So, Satan which was the craftiest of All GODS Creation. He Twisted GODS Word. As, Well as Deceieving Eve
    By making Her See how Beautiful it looked to Consume it as well! And So She did and Fed it to Adam and They both knew from Good and Evil. Which therefore Satan is Within ALL Of US. Satan means Adversary, Meaning We Go Against The ALMIGHTY GOD Our Father.
    Why do You Think God's Commandment Says 'Honour thy Mother and Thy Father'
    (Where Did that Come From? Adam and Eve's Father was ALMIGHTY GOD! And they Honour GOD! Therefore Our Father and Mother on Earth that Birthed Us, We Grow up and Honour Our Mother and Father here too.
    Our Holy God wants us to Love Him as He Loved US. So GOD created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
    GOD Created The Earth, All the Animals, The Heavens, The Stars, Adam and Eve(First Humans).

    And he said unto the woman: "Yea, hath God said—Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (And he spake by the mouth of the serpent.)"
    And the woman said unto the serpent: "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden;
    But of the fruit of the tree which thou beholdest in the midst of the garden, God hath said—Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."
    And the serpent said unto the woman: "Ye shall not surely die;"

    "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
    And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it became pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be adesired to make her wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and also gave unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
    And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they had been naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves baprons."

    The Beginning Sin against God is Why Adam and Eve became Blood, Water, and Spirit. And why We Now Feel Pain, Sickness, and Death.
    (GOD gave them a choice really: And I, the Lord God, commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee; but, remember that I forbid it, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.)
    Our very life comes from God. Without the spirit and life of God within us we are nothing but dust: It is only because of the breath of God that we are what we are. Without that breath of God, we are merely dust.
    God said Everything was Spiritual before it was Physical.

    If We ALL Come Together Like GOD Created US to in the Beginning there would be no Chaos, War, Hunger, Murder, Etc.
    Evil and Satan is not the way. God Created US in His Image so we have to respect ourself and love everyone else like GOD does for US.
    Therefore what else would GOD do for You! When You Dont Believe and have Faith in Him Being our Holy Father and his Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    You are Bound to be the Children of the Father of ALL LIES instead!

    It's Your Life and we can only Pray that you reach the Word of God, but remember God just wants Us back as His Children, as He is Our Holy Father. And why Jesus said He is The Way, The Life, and the Truth!
    As Why GOD said we are saved by faith in Christ, but also that we are saved only through faith in Christ. Those who don't believe in Him cannot, and will not, find eternal life.
    (GOD has Forgiven us of the Sin from the Garden of Eden through the Blood Of His Only Begotten Son and only through him we shall have Eternal Life.)
    GOD made everyone of You for a purpose! We arent just Birds and Animals. We are in the Image of GOD. But without Him We shall not see Everlasting Life as We once did with GOD.
    We shouldnt Live for our own Evil and Sinful Will Now. But, Rather than what GOD truly has in store for Each and every one of US!

    Complete happiness and Peace throughout your mind body and soul.
    Have you thought How Perfect and Beautiful God Created Us and how everything is so perfect.
    With the Sun to Perfectly Warm us at the right temperature and to sustain life and Give the Plants Life? How we Learn Language, Speak, Create, ETC.
    How We Know Love, Pain, Sadness, Know whats right or wrong, We ALL have a Soul. We have eyes we See, We Hear, Our brain, memories, feelings. All this is because We Lost our INNOCENCE with GOD, when we SINNED and Fell for Satan which changed ALL of us from GOD.
    The very SIN is why We all Mourn. Judging, Murders, Rich, Poor, Sex, Blasphemy, Evil Thoughts, Lust, Anger.

    God doesnt Judge any of his Creations other than saying IT IS GOOD. Therefore why Shall we Judge amongst each self different skin, races, etc.
    We are ALL in the Image of GOD! None of that Matters. We are ALL made the SAME! Our Hearts, Souls, Body. We are not any Different from each other. We ALL HAVE A SOUL.
    Nobody is Special or Weird or Ugly or Cute. Those terms GOD NEVER SAID. IT IS MAN MADE. FROM SATAN! God never would speak with Profanity like WE speak. and rightfully GOD shall be the only one who shall shed ANGER for He is our Creator
    our Almighty Father!
    We are ALL made GOOD. Like GOD SEES US. So Trust and Believe and have Faith for our Father God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
    As long as GOD is by your side and in your Life, He shall protect and lead you from Darkness. As long as you truthfully love believe and give your whole body to GOD!
    And Truthfully See and hear how GOD made us in the Beginning!

    When You pray do an simple Prayer for GOD Created Us ALL and Knows What We Need.

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
    thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
     Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;
    and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    Im not judging anyone, for I have no rights to judge other than our Father GOD HIMSELF! I love you All Brothers and Sisters and Want to See Each and Every One of YOU ALL in HEAVEN as GOD wants You to BE! LIFE IS MORE THAN WHAT WE THINK IT IS! WE Weren't born on this WORLD to live and pay and die for whats made on this earth and from this earth!  Or Poor or Rich, we are all the same nobody is better than each other than GOD. God LOVES US ALL. We have more potential in each and every one of us and GOD sees that! And Live in Fear or any of that. GOD has a beautiful heaven in making for us with our Savior Jesus Christ! Follow Jesus and GODS Word! He is the way the truth and the LIFE!

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