Walking In The Spirit | Signs That You Are Walking The Spirit FYTube

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*This is an original narration recorded specifically for this video in the Lion of Judah studio*

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Music licensed through Audiojungle/ Artlist

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  1. Amen!

    Walking in the Spirit of God/Christ.

    *If you are not born of God, you do not have the Spirit of God, you are not a child of God but a child of the wrath of God, you are still under the curse of the LAW and in bondage to the law of sin and death. – Romans 8:9, Romans 7,8

    *You must first be born again/born of God/baptized in the Holy Ghost/be Saved and Sealed. Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ (lose your life for the sake of Christ) – Mark 8:34-38, Psalm 34:18, Romans 10:13, Jeremiah 33:3

    *If you have been born of the Holy Spirit of God, now WALK in the SPIRIT. Eternal life has just begun! – Galatians 5:25

    *Walking in the Spirit means bearing fruits of the Spirit, that is walking in selfless, sacrificial love, because God is love, loving others as God loved you while you were yet an enemy of God, bearing the burdens of others, loving God with all your mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself, walking as a living sacrifice unto the Lord, being rich in charity, not expecting anything in return.

    Galatians 5:16

    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    Romans 8:4

    That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    Romans 8:1

    There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

    Galatians 5:25

    If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 10:13

    There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    *Cut off that thing that causes you to stumble. Because Christ overcame, you can overcome. Lose your life for the sake of Christ and the gospel and you shall receive eternal life (kingdom of God within you).

    1 John 5:4, 1 John 4:4, Mark 9:35-50

    *Children always grow, they cannot stop growing, and so if children grow physically a child born of God should naturally grow Spiritually by walking not in the flesh but in the Spirit of God that is within you. If a child is not being feed healthy food, that child will lack physical health and will deteriorate quickly. In the same way, a person who is not born of God cannot be sanctified by the Spirit of God and or feed by God, that person will deteriorate quickly becoming more and more wicked, storing up God's wrath for himself on the day of judgment. – Ephesians 5:6, Colossians 3:6

    *If there is no growth, no sanctification, something is terribly wrong, this could mean you are a stillborn/false convert. Call out to Jesus for salvation and He will receive you and regenerate you, wash you white as snow giving you a new heart and sealing you with His Spirit of promise of everlasting life! – Galatians 5, John 6:40, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30


  2. The first person Jesus revealed Himself to as a resurrected Lord wasn't Peter, it wasn't John, it wasn't his mother, Mary, whom the Catholic Church makes a Saint and a Co-Redeemer. It was Mary Magdalene. That teaches us a lot. Jesus is not looking at your status in society. He is not looking into your bank account, into your success story. All He cares about is your dedication, your love, and how much of a Lord is He in your life.

  3. You know how these JUDGES of the Supreme Court, that Threw out Trumps case….. I be thinking,
    How are they Supposed to be free and fair Judges, if they do not Judge by THE LAW.
    Not only Constitutional Law, But by the Law of God. Read KJV Wisdom of Solomon …That is How Judges are Supposed to Judge, First and Foremost.
    They Make Us swear on the Bible, We Expect them to Judge by the Bible.
    {1 :1} Love righteousness, Ye that be Judges of the Earth: think of the Lord with a good heart, and in Simplicity of Heart, Seek him.
    {1:2} For he will be found of them that tempt him not; and sheweth himself unto such as do not distrust him.
    {1:3} For froward thoughts separate from God: and his power, when it is tried, reproveth the unwise.
    {1:4} For into a malicious soul wisdom shall not enter; nor dwell in the body that is subject unto sin.
    {1:5} For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit, and remove from thoughts that are without understanding, and will not abide when unrighteousness cometh in.
    {1:6} For wisdom is a loving spirit; and will not acquit a blasphemer of his words: for God is witness of his reins, and a true beholder of his heart, and a hearer of his tongue.
    {1:7} For the Spirit of the Lord filleth the world: and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice
    {1:8} Therefore he that speaketh unrighteous things cannot be hid: neither shall vengeance, when it punisheth, pass by him.
    {1:9} For inquisition shall be made into the counsels of the ungodly: and the sound of his words shall come unto the Lord for the manifestation of his wicked deeds.

  4. Your Life in Christ and the Holy Spirit in Christ are One and is United With the HOLY SPIRIT of the LORD GODFATHER in Christ. the Holy Spirit in Christ is the Spirit of TRUTH and Therefore,Stand in All Spiritual TRUTH in Your Life both Good and Evil. the Flesh is Selfishly Evil, the Reason Why it ends to Death and Return to Dust.But Your Spirits in Christ Lives Continually Everlastingly Because It is not Part of Dust.Therefore,Be More About the Positive Good Spirits of the LORD GODFATHER in Christ for It Shall be Your Eternal Good Spirits in Christ here in this World Continually until in HEAVEN.Good Spirits Dwells in HEAVEN and That there is no Evil Spirits in HEAVEN.Evil Spirits is the Spirits of the Serpent Devil and Dwells in this World and in the Power of Darkness.

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