Most People Don’t Realize That This ANGEL Is Coming To The Earth FYTube

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  1. Antichrist & Signs Of The End

    2 Esdras 5:1-13 (Deuterocanonical Old Testament)
    Archangel Uriel: "Now concerning the signs: behold, the days are coming when those who dwell on earth shall be seized with great terror, and the way of truth shall be hidden, and the land shall be barren of faith.
    And unrighteousness shall be increased beyond what you yourself see, and beyond what you heard of formerly.
    And the land which you now see ruling shall be waste and untrodden, and men shall see it desolate.
    But if the Most High grants that you live, you shall see it thrown into confusion after the third period; and the sun shall suddenly shine forth at night, and the moon during the day.
    Blood shall drip from wood, and the stone shall utter its voice; the peoples shall be troubled, and the stars shall fall.
    And one shall reign whom those who dwell on earth do not expect, and the birds shall fly away together; and the sea of Sodom shall cast up fish; and one whom the many do not know shall make his voice heard by night, and all shall hear his voice.
    There shall be chaos also in many places, and fire shall often break out, and the wild beasts shall roam beyond their haunts, and menstruous women shall bring forth monsters.
    And salt waters shall be found in the sweet, and all friends shall conquer one another; then shall reason hide itself, and wisdom shall withdraw into its chamber, and it shall be sought by many but shall not be found, and unrighteousness and unrestraint shall increase on earth.
    And one country shall ask its neighbor, `Has righteousness, or any one who does right, passed through you?' And it will answer, `No.'
    And at that time men shall hope but not obtain; they shall labor but their ways shall not prosper.
    These are the signs which I am permitted to tell you, and if you pray again, and weep as you do now, and fast for seven days, you shall hear yet greater things than these…"

    1 John 2:18 (Canonical New Testament)
    "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour…"

    Didache 16:1-8 (Apocryphal New Testament)
    "Watch" over your life: "let your lamps" be not quenched "and your *loins" be not ungirded, but be "ready," for ye know not "the hour in which our Lord cometh." But be frequently gathered together seeking the things which are profitable for your souls, for the whole time of your faith shall not profit you except ye be found perfect at the last time; for in the last days the false prophets and the corrupters shall be multiplied, and the sheep shall be turned into wolves, and love shall change to hate; for as lawlessness increaseth they shall hate one another and persecute and betray, and then shall appear the deceiver of the world as a Son of God, and shall do signs and wonders and the earth shall be given over into his hands and he shall commit iniquities which have never been since the world began.
    Then shall the creation of mankind come to the fiery trial and "many shall be offended" and be lost, but "they who endure" in their faith "shall be saved" by the curse itself.
    And "then shall appear the signs" of the truth. First the sign spread out in Heaven, then the sign of the sound of the trumpet, and thirdly the resurrection of the dead: but not of all the dead, but as it was said, "The Lord shall come and all his saints with him." Then shall the world "see the Lord coming on the clouds of Heaven…"
    *(Dictionary definition: 'Loins'– The region of the sexual organs, esp. when regarded as the source of erotic or procreative power).

    Apocalypse of Elijah 3:1-18 (Apocryphal Old Testament)
    "The son of lawlessness will appear, saying, "I am the Christ," although he is not.
    Don't believe him!
    When the Christ comes, He will come in the manner of a covey of doves with the crown of doves surrounding Him. He will walk upon the heaven's vaults with the sign of the cross leading Him. The whole world will behold Him like the sun which shines from the eastern horizon to the western. This is how He will come, with all his angels surrounding Him.
    But the son of lawlessness will begin to stand again in the holy places. He will say to the sun, "Fall," and it will fall. He will say, "Shine," and it will do it. He will say, "Darken," and it will do it. He will say to the moon, "Become bloody," and it will do it. He will go forth with them from the sky. He will walk upon the sea and the rivers as upon dry land. He will cause the lame to walk. He will cause the deaf to hear. He will cause the dumb to speak. He will cause the blind to see. The lepers he will cleanse. The ill he will heal. The demons he will cast out. He will multiply his signs and his wonders in the presence of everyone.
    He will do the works which the Christ did, except for raising the dead alone. In this you will know that he is the son of lawlessness, because he is unable to give life.
    For behold I will tell you his signs so that you might know him.
    He is a… of a skinny-legged young lad, having a tuft of gray hair at the front of his bald head. His eyebrows will reach to his ears. There is a leprous bare spot on the front of his hands. He will transform himself in the presence of those who see him. He will become a young child. He will become old. He will transform himself in every sign. But the signs of his head will not be able to change.
    Therin you will know that he is the son of lawlessness [Antichrist]…"

    The Apocalypse of Peter – The Ethiopic Text (Apocryphal New Testament)
    "Enoch and Elias shall be sent to teach them that this is the deceiver [Antichrist] which must come into the world and do signs and wonders to deceive. And therefore shall they that die by his hand be martyrs, and shall be reckoned among the good and righteous martyrs who have pleased God in their life. [Hermas, Vision III.i.9, speaks of 'those that have already been well-pleasing unto God and have suffered for the Name's sake'.]"

    Esdras 6:25-26 (Deuterocanonical Old Testament)
    Archangel Uriel: "And it shall be [at the end] that whoever remains after all that I have foretold to you shall himself be saved and shall see my salvation and the end of my world. And they shall see the men who were taken up, who from their birth have not tasted death; and the heart of the earth's inhabitants shall be changed and converted to a different spirit…"

    The book of '2 Esdras' is in the original King James Bible version of 1611, click here to download a copy:
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    The Apostles of Jesus wrote a rule book for the true Church called "The Didache":
    Click the link to watch a narrated version:
    Get the full manuscript here…
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    Lots of Love

  2. Though sometimes my Christian walk turns into a crawl Jesus lifts me up, Jesus my King was born in a King size bed a manger in a barn full of animals, Jesus my King was beaten wore a crown of thorns and crucified for the sins of the world, my spiritual warfare can be fierce & my mind feels like a war zone, the invisible war of Ephesians 6:12, but I KNOW THAT IT IS ALL ABOUT PRAYER & READING THE WORD OF GOD The King James Bible, I just say JESUS & Lucifer & his demons flee, for i know that God has always had His hand over me since I was a little boy & God IS ALL WAYS THERE FOR ME … so thanks to all who prayed for me, but to those with negative remarks before you talk about the splinter in my eye think about the wooden beam in your eye & he who is without sin cast the first stone at me …this world is so Godless now & its only going to get worse as for me it is JESUS JESUS JESUS TILL THE DAY I DIE …

  3. He is here I saw him in. June at 333am. In Massachusetts he is massive. Atleast 15 feet tall..eyes black and size of bowling balls.. 5 ft wide..barbwire part of his essence, basically a crown . All black and white..

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