Declaring the End from the Beginning – Part 4 of 20: Stars and Planets? FYTube

How should we view the book of Genesis? It is the foundation of the Holy Bible. Is it literal or figurative poetry? This is Part 4 of a 20 Part presentation I gave at the Declaring the End from the Beginning Isaiah 46:10 Conference in February of 2019. It deals with Day 4 of Creation and the issue of what else was placed INSIDE the Firmament.

See also: World Upside Down (Biblical Earth Documentary 2020):

For those interested in watching this whole series in order, please check out the playlist I created for this series:

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  1. Dear brother Rob (and brothers and sisters), at 2:01 the young preacher has it wrong.

    The Scriptures clearly say Yehovah God created "light" on the 1st Day, not the "earth" as the clip of the confused young preacher would have us believe.

    The First Day: Light
    3And God said, Let there be LIGHT: and there was LIGHT. 4And God saw the LIGHT, that it was good: and God divided the LIGHT from the darkness. 5And God called the LIGHT Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Genesis 1:3-5
    Note there is absolutely no mention of the "earth"/DRY LAND (as we will see below was created on the 3rd Day) being created on the 1st Day. Sadly he does not put up the actual Scripture verses but instead uses a graphic showing his convoluted beliefs of what God created on the 1st and 3rd Days. 

    The 2nd Day: Firmament
     We can see, from the actual verses, what Yehovah God created after the 2nd Day, which is when God created the Firmament. They clearly show that on the 3rd Day God gathered the waters below the firmament into one place and He called them "seas" (oceans). We will see God apparently caused minerals to come up out of the waters, or, more accurately, made them "appear", and God called this dry land, "EARTH". 

    (note the ALL CAPS – for emphasis- in the verses below)

     The 3rd Day:
    9"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and LET THE DRY LAND APPEAR: and it was so. 10And GOD CALLED THE DRY LAND EARTH; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 11And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 13And the evening and the morning were THE THIRD DAY." Genesis 1:9-13

    So according to God, only the DRY LAND (created on the 3rd Day) is called "earth", not the waters! According to God, the waters are not the "earth" they are the seas (oceans). So the secular teaching that the earth is a spinning, rotating, wobbling, bubble of water, floating in a massive vacuum (void) they call "space" is antithetical.

  2. Do we yet have anything at all which allows us to model and predict the motions of the planets, if we don't (and I have seen zilch) then flat earth is a non starter. How can all u clever people not notice that it is the motions of the planets (the round planets) and our ability to predict their paths which is fundamental to this discussion, deal with step 1 then maybe we can look at step 2.

  3. Great stuff! Gotta love the true exegesis! Watched many of these conferences Rob Skiba has presented over the years. He’s always keeping his slides up to date, and showing the other side of the discussion. I too watched that documentary “Is Genesis History?” back when it came out, and I was already convinced of goocentricity and that the earth was NOT a ball. I too saw how Danny Faulkner couldn’t see his own error, and I just didn’t understand that…

    With that said, I am severely disappointed with so-called “Christians” who call people like Rob ‘idiots’ and ‘morons’. They show their true colors. Rob never calls THEM idiots or morons, and he patiently, painstakingly puts together these conferences, discussions, videos to do the homework and the exegesis that the other side of the camp says needs to be done, but the other side of the camp doesn’t want to even LOOK at it… Rob shows you how silly they look, but he never trashes them. True humility in my opinion. “By their fruits, you shall know them.”

    On a funny note… So the lights are IN the firmament?? Toward the end, when Rob is talking about the ‘bet’ prefix in Hebrew that means ‘in’, it made me think of that scene in Zoolander where Owen Wilson says “the files are IN the computer???” 😂

  4. One problem with the star portion of this video. It says the star which led the wise men was over Bethlehem. The Bible never says that the star was ever over Bethlehem.

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