Ep13: The Mystery of Babylon – Doug Batchelor FYTube

Amazing Facts Presents
The Pinnacle of Prophecy: Unlocking Revelation’s Mysteries!
The Mystery of Babylon – Doug Batchelor
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00:00 – Intro
06:31 – Program Starts
08:23 – Theme Song
12:54 – Q/A
27:02 – Pinnacle Perspectives
36:50 – Special Music
40:29 – Main Presentation

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  1. Pastor Batchelor! On time stamp 33:00 you went down a list of the Protestant "Reformers" that all supported the idea that the Papacy is the Antichrist yet I wonder how it is that an organization, of which I was once a part of (Adventism) never stopped to question and search for themselves if there was any truth to what these "reformers" supported!

    When scripture is dead on who this system is, why the focus on Rome? I ask you to name any spot on earth that matches Turkey as the land of the Antichrist, especially that Turkey is specifically described as: "the land of Magog"?

    What other man, in our time, qualifies today but President Erdogan to be "Chief Prince of Mesheck and Tubal?" Ezekiel 38:3: "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal…

    Then the location described in Revelation 2:12: "And to the angel of the church in PERGAMUM write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, EVEN WHERE SATANS SEAT IS"…Not only the location but who it is that "sits" at that location! Who also qualifies as the "King of the North" Daniel 11:40: "And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind..

    Then, has a "Threat from the North" of him, Daniel 11:44: "But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many." Describing Russia, representing the land-mass of ancient Greece, where the only verse in the entire bible that pin-points where Christ marches TOWARDS…

    Zechariah 9:14: "And the Lord shall be seen over them"…

    Throughout my years of studying, I have failed to find any historian that can find any other spot on earth that can match all these requirements, unless they point directly to Turkey! There is No "beast" power, ever, that has done more against Christians than the Ottomans (Turks)!

    Everyone of these "reformers" were wrong, 100%, wrong, even when scripture told them otherwise! So for your audience, take a look at the Albigenses, Waldenses and the Fraticelli (Heretics) and what you will find is that between the 11th and 16th Century these are the ones that swayed the minds of the faithful because of their hatred of the Catholic Church. There is no getting around that with the exception of ONLY the Catholics, who focus on Pergamum; the Jews, Evangelicals and even the Muslims all support Rome as "the seat of Satan," instead of Pergamum (Satan's actual headquarters)!

    We see the threat coming to our door-steps and it's not from Rome! Because of two oceans, we have been "protected" from the mess happening all over the world by Islamic Terrorist, but those days are gone! Abu Sayyaf group in the Phillipine's, Taliban in Afghanistan, Al-Nusrah Front in Syria, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Al-Shabab / Boko Haram in African Continent, Al-Qa'iada and most recently, Hamas!

    These are just a few but you get my point! Is it not time to start telling the truth to get people prepared? Jeff

  2. Pastor, Ross. Just because something has been spoken of for "500 Years" doesn't make it truth! Pastor Batchelor stated, "not something I dreamed of in a private interpretation"…Then please tell us, if this is not someones private interpretation, then what do you call it? We can go back and forth all day long, but it is exactly that!

    Explain why we have these names throughout scripture describing the Antichrist? Egypt (Antichrist is called "The Pharaoh of Egypt"), Assyria (Antichrist is called "The Assyrian"), Babylon (Antichrist is called "King of Babylon", then Medo / Persia, Greece and according to you…Rome! Problem I see is that when this Harlot is being described throughout scripture, there is no other place it could be but in Arabia! Yet, you point Rome out as being the culprit.

    Isaiah gives authoritative proof on who this beast power is yet you give no time to it because you are relying on the "Great Protestant Reformers", "The Giants" to provide the answers for you rather than truth! Isaiah 21:9 says, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen", the same announcement used in Revelation 18:1-2. In other words, Ancient Babylon was simply a TYPE of the last days Babylon and the names provided are all areas in Arabia…
    – The "Burden against Dumah" (verse 11), the "Burden against Arabia" (verse 13), "All the glory of Kedar will fail" (verse 16). Both Dumah and Cedar are in Arabia, yet where in the Bible does it say, the "Burden against Rome"? You won't find it!

    Sure, all of these "reformers" agreed that Rome was this Harlot, the Antichrist, but who exactly were these people and why not explain the background on each of them, rather than "they were Catholic". Martin Luther, the one and only who gave birth to Nazi Ideology! The harbinger of all the chaos that is in the world today. 

    Instead of Christianity (Church) being the "Bride of Christ", unspotted and unblemished it is a mere shadow of what it was during the time of the Apostles, even the early Church Fathers! What is tragic is that very few have taken the time to examine scripture, and the history of the Church to see where the evils came from and it certainly was not from the Catholic Church!

    Fact…Luther, did not bring scriptural knowledge to the world, nor was he any kind of hero! He denied the authenticity of Revelation, had contempt at the book of James, Ester and Jonah, accusing Christ with having relations with the woman at the well. Then there is John Calvin, who gave the order to have people burned alive, gave support to the Turks in their battles against the Catholic Church, including his beliefs in Darwinism. Thomas Cranmer, a person with little to no experience and a self appointed "theologian" who made himself archbishop! He worked against the Catholic Church by forcing "reformation" ideology onto the people. When Queen Mary came to power, he was charged of heresy and recanted his faith. Because of heresy, he was put to death. ,

    Pastors, tell the truth to your audience, not bits and pieces so that you tarnish the name of the Catholic Church and its beliefs, (the teachings of the apostles)! A church that was instituted by Christ of which the keys were given to Peter. Jeff

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