Psalm 42 F.O.M. (Fishers of Men) Style
F.O.M. – Fishers of Men
Vocals – Kourtney Smith @Kourtney.Smith.MusicForYah
Vocals – Larissah Gregory @TehillahOfYah
Q.A. – Zack Smith
Instruments – Adam Fink
Visuals – Victoria Fink
Inspiration – Ruach Ha’Qodesh (Holy Spirit)
Honor and Glory – To Yahuah (YHWH) through his Son Yahusha!
Fishers of Men Playlist:
Deep calls to deep
at the sound
of Your
All Your breakers
Your waves have
passed over me
passed over me
As the deer pants for
the water brooks,
So my soul pants for You, Elohim.
My soul thirsts for Elohim, the living EL
why are you cast down, oh my soul?
and why are you disquieted in me?
hope in Elohim
for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance
YHWH will command his loving kindness in the daytime
and in the night, his song shall be with me
and my prayer unto the El of my life
YHWH is the El of my life
Deep calls to deep
at the sound
of Your
All Your breakers
Your waves have
passed over me
As the deer pants for
the water brooks,
So my soul pants for You, Elohim.
My soul thirsts for Elohim, the living EL
I love, I love, I love
I love, I love, I love
oh yahuah
how my soul thirsts for you
i love you
i love you
(I love, I love, I love)
Deep calls to deep
Deep calls to deep
(deep calls, deep calls, deep calls to deep)
i pour out my soul to you oh yahuah
with my voice of joy and praise
You are my rock
You are my rock
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