Signs That The World Is Ready For The AntiChrist FYTube

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
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►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

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Title: How The Antichrist Will Arrive And Be Revealed

The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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  1. Anybody ACTING like experts about a COMPLETE STRANGER that clearly hasn't even been set up YET?

    Are the FAKES & LIARS 💯

    GAMBLERS like you, WAIT for ANYONE ELSE to come out of nowhere to JUST make things LOOK EASY for you!

    You're all CLUELESS & NEED to LIE, NEED to blame YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan for ONE PERSON'S AWESOMENESS because, you're all CLUELESS & CAN'T figure 💩 out!

    FANTASIES, is all you STOOGES have, about a COMPLETE STRANGER that literally OWNS the future & there's NOTHING people like you can do about 😂🤣

    Jesus was BORN to BEG & WAIT for…

    👑👑🌍 you LIARS!

    Jesus had a MEGA CRUSH on a couple of storybook characters, he literally BEGGED on his knees to his daddy God Almighty to be as AWESOME as!

    The Antichrist 👑👑 is a LEGEND at least SIX THOUSAND years old!

    A LEGEND to Satan, God & ESPECIALLY lil Hey-Zeus!

    A LEGEND to Muhammad!

    A LEGEND to people like YOU!

    It's IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to be close to an expert about a LEGEND at least SIX THOUSAND years old, unless it's the real person 💯😂🤣

    MY "ECONOMIC SYSTEM" is getting set up to PROTECT MY family & friends from LIARS like you & Jesus, that KNOW you CAN'T actually solve 💩 for US, can ONLY BEG on your knees, ALLOWING the world to only keep getting worse, for MY family & friends 😡

    Too many of you CLUELESS COWARDS, almost have orgasms, when you THINK the world is literally going to END, for everyone else!

    That is PATHETIC!

    BEGGING for their STUPID Rapture, the QUITTERS Club 😂🤣

    It's TOO TOUGH, for all of you & lil Hey-Zeus, so DUH bestest only way is to QUIT QUIT QUIT & BEG God Almighty to MAGICALLY BEAM you from NASTY planet Earth to Paradise only in the after life aka BEGGING you God Almighty to JUST KILL y'all 😂🤣

    JUST leave the world TOTALLY DOOMED & JUST DIE like lil Hey-Zeus!

    You're all FAKES & NEED to lie because, you're all CLUELESS!

    NONE of you get ANY choices 💯

    The Antichrist 👑👑 is TAKING your precious egos & DESTROYING them, I am going to SHATTER the ABSOLUTE ARROGANCE of the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, that have been SELLING hope the whole time, SLAUGHTERING their way to the top of the world, torturing, molesting & murdering CHILDREN!

    Still denying & trying to hide their EXTREMELY EVIL actions against humanity, especially CHILDREN!


    Jesus "TURNS THE OTHER CHEEK" in the world only getting worse for MY family & friends!

    Jesus "TURNS THE OTHER CHEEK" on demons disguised as humans PREYING on CHILDREN, flourishing worldwide 😡

    The Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, ESPECIALLY Jesus blame God FIRST, the Antichrist 👑👑 second, the anti-Christ spirit third & THEIR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan, the older half brother of Jesus, is actually FOURTH!

    FOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOATS, all of you NEED to blame for everything that goes wrong, everything all of you KNOW is IMPOSSIBLE for you to solve & everything that MIGHT go wrong in the future!

    You're all FAKES that KNOW you can NEVER step up to start solving 💩 for humanity 💯

    So, YOU'RE ALL FAKES, including Muhammad & ESPECIALLY Jesus, with HIS big bully brother Satan Scapegoat!

    Natural Born Losers without the Antichrist
    👑👑 aka a COMPLETE STRANGER, that LIARS like you can ONLY FANTASIZE about in your washroom with the water running! 😜

    People like you, guarantee humanity stays DOOMED TOGETHER!

    People like you NEED to lie because, you can NEVER actually solve 💩 for US 💯

    People like you NEED to BEG on your knees for SOME kind of hope there's SOME kind of hope, some day, over yonder, WHENEVER o'clock is the perfect time to HAPPILY GAMBLE everyone you SAY you care about on a 50/50 chance!

    THOUSANDS of years people like you HAPPILY GAMBLING your own families & friends, HAPPILY GAMBLING the only planet we really have at the moment, HAPPILY GAMBLING God 😂🤣

    You GAMBLED & GAMBLE God Almighty, then BEG on your knees for God to MAGICALLY fix things you know is IMPOSSIBLE for YOU!

    Equals, people like you are definitely the FAKES, WAITING for the REAL THING!

    People like you openly admit, the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, are still WAITING to get CRACKED & FLIPPED, TOO EASILY, without a clue who, where, when, how & why!

    ACTING like experts!

    You're just BROKEN RECORDS, that learned from BROKEN RECORDS, that were GUARANTEED to stay CLUELESS & FAIL 😂🤣

    LIARS like you seem to THINK a person like me is SUPPOSED to be too STUPID to know who they are, BEFORE MY "ECONOMIC SYSTEM" is set up in a specific city first!

    Fools like you THINK I am the son of YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan because, you're a CLUELESS, LIAR!

    Which is it, you LIARS?

    Is YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan, the older half brother of lil Hey-Zeus, my INVISIBLE daddy?

    Am I a DANCING puppet for YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan?

    Does YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan, just give me MAGICAL powers from YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan?

    See, you LIARS are CLUELESS & NEED to LIE because, all of you KNOW you can NEVER actually solve the major growing pile of 💩 we're all facing!

    People like you were TRICKED into GAMBLING everyone you SAY you care about & call me EVIL, only because, I can actually start solving 💩 for MY family & friends…

    All of you couldn't & CAN'T!

    LIARS like you are the FAKES!

    I have been listening & watching the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, since 2009 HAPPILY GAMBLING everyone you SAY you care about on a 50/50 chance, ANYONE ELSE comes out of nowhere to JUST make things LOOK EASY for you LIARS 💯

    DEFINITELY, listening & watching LIARS like you, ACTING like experts about a COMPLETE STRANGER, you have NEVER seen a real picture of, NEVER heard speak & NEVER learned ANYTHING from personally!

    NONE of you learned from me, so you can ONLY LIE & FANTASIZE!

    JUST the fact the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, ACT like experts about a COMPLETE STRANGER, they expect to JUST make things LOOK EASY?

    Is more than enough to send a MASSIVE CRACK through the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets!

    More than enough to send a MASSIVE CRACK through Islam!

    F#@K you all, I KNOW you openly THREATEN a COMPLETE STRANGER, You literally EXPECT to OWN the world eventually!

    See, how STUPID people like you actually are?

    The OPPOSITE of DUH bestest only way!

    I don't snort DUH Bibel Dust, I'm the biggest Boogerman in DUH Bibel Dust, for MANY reasons & you CAN'T guess ONE😂🤣

    That is how CLUELESS & INSANE you people really are 💯

    NONE of you speak for me & NONE of you make the rules for me!

    I speak for YOU because, you CAN'T solve 💩 for everyone you SAY you care about!

    I make the rules because, YOU can ONLY watch everyone you SAY you care about, stay DOOMED TOGETHER with everyone else!

    NONE of you make the rules, or get to PICK & CHOOSE!

    You're GUARANTEED FAILURES, that NEED to LIE because, you HAVE to play the WAITING GAME for ANYONE ELSE to JUST make things LOOK EASY!

    This video is FULL of 💩

    It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to have a clue, you only learn from FAILURES, that CAN'T figure out 💩 & can ONLY leave US DOOMED!

  2. 🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜🌴🦜Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  3. This video is FULL of 💩

    Anybody ACTING like experts about the Antichrist 👑👑 are automatic LIARS, that CAN'T prove anything you say 💯


    You sit around WAITING for a COMPLETE STRANGER to come out of nowhere, to start actually solving 💩 all of you KNOW is IMPOSSIBLE for YOU!

    Calling me, FAKE 😂🤣

    Everyone you care about, has the world ONLY getting worse, without the Antichrist

    God & planet Earth, are DOOMED TOGETHER with humanity, until the Antichrist
    👑👑 sets up to start serving hope on a Silver Platter 💯

    Jesus specifically planned to BEG on HER knees, blame HER invisible scapegoat named Satan for HER own guaranteed failures!

    Jesus was born Jewish, you LIARS!

    Jesus was BORN to WAIT for Moshiach

    Guaranteed failures like the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, that NEED to LIE because, all of you KNOW you can NEVER actually solve 💩 for US, ESPECIALLY Jesus…

    DON'T speak for & definitely DON'T make the rules for the Antichrist 👑👑😡😡😡

    You're all CLUELESS, INSANE, HAPPY, GAMBLING, BEGGARS, that can ONLY make sure the world keeps getting worse for everyone!

    THOUSANDS of years, you IDIOTS have played the guessing, gossiping, blaming, ACTING like experts & WAITING A GAMES 😂🤣

    Jesus is ONLY famous for TRYING HARD to do what ONLY the Antichrist 👑👑 can do!

    You FAKES 💯😂🤣

    NONE of you can actually start solving the major growing pile of 💩 we're all facing!

    Equals, the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, that SELL false hope, ESPECIALLY Jesus are guaranteed FAILURES, that can ONLY leave humanity DOOMED TOGETHER & try getting the rest of us to HAPPILY leave the world to ONLY get worse for MY family & friends, you GOOFS 😡

    There are over three BILLION Christian & Catholic gang members, with their legendary failure Jesus, that ACT like experts, claiming to be DUH bestest only way & everyone else has cooties…

    All of you leave humanity DOOMED & are built from SLAUGHTERING other faiths, your own, innocent people, torturing & molesting CHILDREN 😡

    Jesus ALLOWS & WATCHES, for THOUSANDS of years because, he is an EGOTISTICAL, SADISTIC, PERVERTED, FAILURE, that NEEDED to BEG on his knees, NEEDED to blame HIS invisible big bully brother Satan Scapegoat for what Jesus KNEW he can NEVER actually solve!

    Jesus was crucified for being a FAKE!

    Not for the sins of humanity 💯

    Jesus NEEDED to lie to impress people & make friends because, he KNEW he can NEVER actually solve 💩 for humanity, or his daddy God Almighty!

    BLAMING his own daddy God Almighty, for what Jesus can NEVER do, BLAMING a COMPLETE STRANGER that wasn't even born YET, blaming an invisible, unstoppable force like on Star Wars & BLAMING HIS invisible best friend/big bully brother!

    FOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOATS, Jesus NEEDED & WANTED to blame for his own guaranteed failures, for everything that goes on the planet & everything that MIGHT go wrong in the future 🤮

    That is what is DEFINITELY called…


    Get REAL! Jesus is the King of GUARANTEED FAILURES, King of BEGGARS, King TRY HARD & definitely, King NEVER can do 😂🤣

    Get REAL!


    DON'T get to make the rules, you LIARS 😂🤣

    If YOU can start actually solving the major growing pile of 💩 YOUR family & friends are definitely facing, thanks to all the guaranteed to keep failing world leaders, BEFORE I start?

    Then LIARS like you, can PICK & CHOOSE, then you can make the rules 🤭

    I'm TAKING your choices AWAY 💯

    I'm going to CRACK & FLIP most of you, all of you are CLUELESS how & NEED to blame YOUR INVISIBLE SCAPEGOAT named Satan for ONE PERSON'S AWESOMENESS!

    So YOU are a LIAR 💯

    Jesus & HIS big bully brother Satan Scapegoat, are guaranteed, legendary FAILURES to me!

    I'm a LEGEND at least SIX THOUSAND years old, believed to actually solve major growing problems!

    The OPPOSITE of being a guaranteed failure, like Jesus & HIS big bully brother Satan Scapegoat!

    Both sons of God Almighty, were literally PUNISHED by God Almighty, for TRYING HARD to be as AWESOME as me 🤭🤪

    Satan got off easy & was only kicked out of the house aka Heaven!

    Jesus was jailed, beaten with a live audience, humiliated, crucified, then put on display to send a message to the world…

    "DON'T try this at home kids! It's extremely dangerous for the clueless & NEVER ends well for imposters! LOOK, LOOK, LOOK at ME ME ME now, literally HANGING around WAITING for MY hero Mr Fixmuch to JUST make things LOOK EASY, like YOU do!"

    Get REAL, you LIARS!

    It's you LIARS that CAN'T actually solve 💩 for US & literally WAIT for ONE PERSON to come out of nowhere to JUST make things LOOK EASY for you LIARS!

    Equals all of you are definitely NOT DUH bestest only way!

    The Antichrist 👑👑 is 💯

    You GOOFS try HAPPILY GAMBLING MY family & friends, you guaranteed FAILURES 😡

    I'm VERY REAL, I have specifically been planning for all the world leaders, all religions, to only keep FAILING & WAITING, since 2009!

    Listening, watching, waiting for people like YOU to HAPPILY leave everyone you SAY you care about to a COMPLETE STRANGER you claim is EVIL, or the world ONLY getting worse for everyone you SAY you care about!

    It's all of you that are FAKE!

    All major religions were founded on waiting for the exact same ANYONE ELSE to JUST make things LOOK EASY, they can ONLY use nicknames for 💯

    You're all EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to humanity, planet Earth & God!

    All of you definitely leave God DOOMED with humanity, then BEG on your knees for God to MAGICALLY fix things all of you did to HIM 🤭🤪

    See, how smart I really am?

    You have ZERO clue about me & can ONLY FANTASIZE about a COMPLETE STRANGER!

    I have been listening & watching the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, ACTING like experts about me, spreading lies & GAMBLING on a 50/50 chance ANYONE ELSE JUST makes things LOOK EASY, for over a decade & a half 💯

    I was WAAAAAAY ahead of the Christian & Catholic EXTORTION rackets, ESPECIALLY lil Hey-Zeus then 😜

    There is less than zero hope, for everyone you care about, until the Antichrist
    👑👑 sets up the "ECONOMIC SYSTEM" you have ZERO clue about!

    Without the Antichrist

    The world is guaranteed to ONLY keep getting worse for everyone you SAY you care about 💯

    That is the way YOU WANTED it, that is the way, lil Hey-Zeus WANTED it!

    It's people like you that FANTASIZED & WAIT for ANYONE ELSE to JUST make things LOOK EASY, or definitely ALLOW the world to ONLY keep getting worse for everyone you SAY you care about & everyone else!

    Over THREE BILLION Christian & Catholic gang members, ESPECIALLY Jesus, definitely makes sure the world ONLY gets worse, like Islam 💯

    The three BIG THORNS, I mean BIG HORNS, the Little Horn 👑👑 is guaranteed to UPROOT, EASILY & there's NOTHING all of you can do to stop me💯

    God Almighty specifically waits for ME to actually solve 💩 & JUST make things LOOK EASY because, all of you left & leave God DOOMED with the world ONLY getting worse!

    God Almighty is under the PROTECTION of the Antichrist

    Safe from BEGGARS & GAMBLERS like you & Jesus 😂🤣

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