Ep7 | “Is There a Correlation Between the Close of Probation and Noah’s Ark? | Pastor Doug Batchelor FYTube

Ep7 | “Is There a Correlation Between the Close of Probation and Noah’s Ark? | Pastor Doug Batchelor

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00:00 – Intro
02:18 – Start of Program
07:30 – If we do something wrong, will it be visible to everyone at the judgment?
08:44 – Is the recent extreme weather a sign of the tribulation or is it part of the perilous time mentioned in Revelation 8 verse 7?
11:00 – Who is Melchizedek mentioned in Hebrews 7 verses 1-10?
13:29 – What was the doctrine that the apostles adhered to in Acts 2 verse 42?
15:24 – During the days of Nehemiah, and before Christ, how was the Day of Atonement kept when the ark was not in the Most Holy place?
17:19 – Is praise dancing appropriate for church?
19:59 – What would have happened if Hagar did no bare Abram a son?
21:33 – Is there a correlation between the close of probation and the closing of the door on Noah’s ark?
24:02 – Who is the “he” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 7?
25:23 – Is our calendar based on sun worship?
27:57 – In Exodus 20 verses 3-5, it says God is perfect. How is it then that He can be jealous?
32:51 – What does the Bible mean when it says to “not permit the woman to teach and to remain silent”?
35:39 – What is Leviticus 19 verses 23-25 telling us to do with our trees for food?
37:32 – What are the graves images mentioned in the second commandment?
41:44 – Please explain John 8 verse 56?
43:37 – In Matthew 18 verses 21-22 is the 7 times 70 mentioned here the same as the 490-year time period in the book of Daniel?
45:32 – How can we encourage Christians to study doctrine for daily living?
48:58 – How do I study the Bible and take notes?
50:56 – Why does the Bible use animals as symbols instead of giving a straightforward explanation?
53:33 – When we die, do we go immediately to heaven or hell?
56:15 – According to Revelation 1 verse 7, why is it necessary for those who pierced Christ to see His return?
58:51 – Why do we wear shoes in church if being in the presence of God is on holy ground?
59:54 – Can you explain the rapture of the church?
1:00:50 – Do you think Judas Iscariot would have been forgiven if he had repented after the resurrection?

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  1. Every ministry including yours must get your priorities correct.

    Christ’s ministry in the first century was no exception in the midst of a "time prophecy" in Daniel 9.

    Therefore Jesus' entire focus was on the "family of Judah" and not gentiles on God's promise of "blessing of the grace" to Judah for the "Scepter" or "Rulership" with their Messiah as future kings as for Genesis 49:10 during this age under 'god' of this age.

    When Jesus sent His disciples to preach the good news of the coming kingdom which happened to be the "principal message" that God sent Jesus to proclaim during this age of 6 millennia under human self rule in place of God's rule, Jesus expressly told them, “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans.

    But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6).

    Jesus narrowed their focus to the areas which should be most receptive—those who knew the Law and were expecting their Messiah.

    Even Paul, in his missionary journeys even after Judah lost his exclusive right for the "Scepter" followed the same priority of preaching to the Jews first (Romans 1:16) because God's promise to Judah was irrevocable.

    God's word remains eternal through all the ages, the present age, the Millennium and after the Millennium for eternity.

    Jesus’ words to the Canaanite woman also show an awareness of family of Israel’s place in God’s plan of salvation in its entirety, yet narrowed down to the first-fruits only during this age under Satan the Devil until he is taken out at the second coming of Christ.

    God revealed through Moses that the children of Israel were “a holy people to the LORD . . . chosen . . . a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 7:6).

    It was through the Israelite nation that God issued His Law, preserved His Word, and sent His Son. This is why, elsewhere, Jesus tells a Samaritan woman that “salvation is of the Jews”(John 4:22) because God's promise is to the Jews for the "rulership" during this age until God test them in the "Time Prophecy" in Daniel 9.

    God did allow the family of Judah(Jews) ample time when He said;

    “Seven times seventy years is the length of time God has set for freeing your people(Jews) and your holy city(Jerusalem) from sin and evil.

    Sin will be forgiven and eternal justice established, so that the vision and the prophecy will come true, and the holy Temple(altar)will be rededicated"(Daniel 9:24)

    (Unfortunately, Judah(Jews) failed in this test to live up to God's expectations and lost their exclusive right for the "Scepter" and paved the way for the other tribes, tongues, race and nation to share their rulership blessing).
    This is something became a stumbling block for the ministry of apostle Paul because Jews refused to believe that they lost their right to the rulership with Messiah when Paul brought the good news to the gentiles.
    Jews simply did not understand the scriptures without God pouring His Spirit to every Jew except whom God called and chosen.
    Only those who received God's mercy and grace accepted their Messiah including a remnant of non-Jews.
    One of the reasons that only a remnant received God's Spirit and grace was yet to be revealed in the future by apostle John in the book Revelation as 144000 first harvest in Rev 7:1-8 and Rev 14:1-5.
    In Matthew 15, when the Jewish Messiah says that He was sent to “the house of Israel,” He is simply connecting His presence with God’s purpose in Old Testament history and promises.

    Christ was “born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law” (Galatians 4:4-5).

    Paul explains in detail in Romans 11, God's preference was still Jews to repent and come back to their Messiah as God and Christ planned that way from the beginning!

    Therefore it is always need to be kept in mind what God and Christ's priorities are for this age as no one can reverse what God had promised to the family of Judah under the Law and prophets.

    Reason why Jesus warned that if anyone is desiring of entering the kingdom in heaven for God to consider them in the "second Resurrection" as "Levite", their teaching should not be contrary to the "Law and Prophets" in Matthew 5:17-20: "Teaching about the Law"

    17 “Do not think that I have come to do away with the Law of Moses and the teachings of the prophets.

    I have not come to do away with them, but to make their teachings come true.

    18 Remember that as long as heaven and earth last, not the least point nor the smallest detail of the Law will be done away with—not until all its teachings come true.

    19 So then, whoever disobeys even the least important of the commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be least in the Kingdom of heaven.

    On the other hand, whoever obeys the Law and teaches others to do the same, will be great in the Kingdom of heaven.

    20 I tell you, then, that you will be able to enter the Kingdom of heaven only if you are more faithful than the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees in doing what God requires"

    This is a stern warning to religious leaders of the religion called Christianity today!

    The reason for This warning is that Jesus knew as the greatest prophet of all time false Christianity will preach contrary to the law and prophets without God granting them His Spirit.

  2. 47:05 I'm wondering how long do you think the devil or Lucifer burns? Because it's not just you go to Hell for a life of sin, but you've joined with the devil in the rebellion against a, Holy, Perfectly Righteous, Omnipotent, Vengeful GOD, that only Holy, Perfect Righteous man can stand before GOD and as you know, this is why we need Christ Jesus, for only through Him can we stand before GOD!

  3. Disagree to be absent from the body is to be present with Lord your soul goes back to creator the day that is for his judgment and to give out new body . It’s in bible to die your body or vessel goes back to dirt but soul goes to be with Lord until books are open then you receive your new glorified body .

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