2021 Virtual House Church – Bible Study – Leviticus Week 28: Metzora ForYouTube

This is the 2021 Week 28 Torah portion – Metzora – with related studies from the Prophets and New Testament.

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Leviticus Week 28: Metzora

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  1. Jesus explains plainly and to believe him is to believe his God, because Jesus did nothing of himself, but as he heard from his God, so he spoke:

    John 3:5-7 KJV
    [5] Jesus answered,
    Verily, verily,
    I say unto thee,
    Except a man be
    •of water and
    •of the Spirit,
    •he cannot enter into
    •the kingdom of God.
    [6] That which is
    •born of the flesh is flesh;
    and that which is
    •born of the Spirit is spirit.
    [7] Marvel not that I said unto thee,
    •Ye •must •be •born •again.”

    Every person is born of water.
    Nine months of fetus development happens in wather. Then water brakes and birth happens. First intake of breath on its own, makes that fetus

    By first breath fist man
    became a LIVING SOUL.

    Genesis 2:7 KJV
    “And the Lord God
    formed man
    of the dust of the ground,
    and breathed into
    his nostrils
    the breath of life; and
    •man •became •a •living •soul.”

    By procreation all men are born from water and are born by and from CORRUPTIBLE SEED…
    CORRUPTIBLE SEED has power.
    It guarantees LIFE up to 120 years,
    and today by DNA we may proove who the donor is, of that CORRUPTIBLE SEED.

    Now…. the CHILD is NOT recognized by their actions, but by the SEED THEY RECEIVED. Their actions only determine whether they are to the glory or to shame of one who provided that seed.

    God gives his INCORRUPTIBLE SEED to those who come to him by the way of his beloved only begotten son, Christ Jesus. There is NO OTHER TRUE WAY TO GOD.
    Jesus said:

    John 14:6 KJV
    “Jesus saith unto him,
    I am the way, the truth,
    and the life:
    •no •man •cometh •unto •the •Father,
    •but •by •me.”

    Because it was MAN that caused DEATH and it had to be MAN who made way to receive everlasting LIFE.
    Any COURT in earth and in heaven
    would accept such a sure justice!
    Man cause DEATH!
    Man caused LIFE!
    God made the plan, man had
    to implement that plan.
    his own will, but to do his God’s will,
    as we read in the WORD OF GOD.

    Ephesians 1:12 KJV
    “That we should be
    to the praise of
    his [GOD’s] glory,
    who first trusted in Christ.”

    God is all knowing and God knew
    that Jesus of his own self would
    do nothing. That also his own will
    he would suppress into background
    and do only the will of his father.

    John 8:28 KJV
    “Then said Jesus unto them,
    When ye have lifted up
    the Son of man,
    then shall ye know that I am he,
    and that
    •I •do •nothing •of •myself;
    but as my Father hath taught me,
    I speak these things.”

    Jesus had his own will, but always
    did will of his God.

    Luke 22:42 KJV
    Father, if thou be willing,
    remove this cup from me:
    •nevertheless •not •my •will,
    but thine, be done.”

    Jesus loved his God and always
    did his will…. we should always
    do our God’s will also, not
    doing our own will.
    Our God is God of our Lord
    Jesus Christ also, his father
    is our father also.

    John 20:17b KJV
    “….. go to my brethren,
    and say unto them, I ascend
    •unto my Father, and
    •your Father; and to
    •my God, and
    •your God.”

  2. Shalom Rob, Juan and Jake 🙏
    Thank you for the Torah lesson!!

    I, also, have a thought that the hedge of protection around Job was lowered mainly because of the fear that Job had. His heart was gripped with fear for his family. Remember, he said the all that he feared off has come upon him. Fear is the absence of faith. Now, that lowered his hedge of protection and opened the door for the devil to attack Job. But, Yahweh had commanded satan not to touch his life, hence his life was spared. Once Job renounced self-pity, prayed for his friends who mocked him and praised Yahweh, satan was rendered weak because satan cannot stand the praises to Yahweh. Yahweh stepped in and restored Job a double portion.

    Shalom brothers 🙏

  3. The whole Tanahk is shadows
    Jesus Christ is The fulfilment
    HE is The Substance!

    In the law of Sinai something unclean makes the clean unclean
    (Weak, inept)
    Jesus touched The Leper’s
    The woman with blood issue
    The demon possessed
    The dead
    HE made them ALL Clean and alive!
    (Quick & Able)

    YHVH created everything in 6 days
    The last was Adam & then Eve
    So their very first evening was The Sabbath Rest!
    Typical Sabbath for Jesus read John 5
    HE walked to Jerusalem
    HE healed the man paralysed for 38 years ( Israel in The wilderness)
    HE commanded him to pick up his Pallet
    (Sticks) and walk carrying it!
    (Numbers ~ Moses stoned a man for picking up sticks on a sabbath)!

    Jesus said
    Love God
    Love people ~ Everyone
    Do Not Kill
    Love your Enemies ‼️

    Acts 2 ~ Pentecost 🔥
    What do they get led to do?

    Sell the land ‼️

    It’s totally changed folks

    The Kingdom is within by supernatural baptism of The 🕊Holy Spirit 🔥

    YHVH = Yehovah.
    Jesus = Yehoshua

    Jesus was led by The Holy Spirit ‼️

    HE taught His Disciples The Same ‼️

    Jesus was asked “ are YOU going up to The Feast “?
    HE said “NO”‼️
    Do you catch the power & significance of that!?
    Every Israelite male over 21 had to GO
    To The 3 main Feasts! By The Law!

    HE later went secretly ~ Led by The Holy Spirit ‼️

    Many in Israel followed the law but didn’t know or were not known by YHVH.

    Are you fully baptised in The Holy Spirit?

    As on The Day Of Pentecost!

    No 1 is justified by the law.

    Only by Jesus Christ The Lord ✝️🕊♥️

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