This Is A Biblical *WARNING* We Need to Stop Ignoring | 5 Things Every Christian Must Know FYTube

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
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►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: This Is A Biblical *WARNING* We Need to Stop Ignoring | 5 Things Every Christian Must Know

The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

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  1. Sorry who are you to tell Gods Children what He really said? A preacher a prophet? What Church do you guys belong to.. what do you believe? Heres the ABOUT on their web site
    "We follow the mandate, Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

    Yeah…thats who they are. Could be Muslims or Mormons or Baptist or word of Faith.. no clue who what they believe. THATS the warning.. did we pray about this? Did God confirm this and how? Do not we have a right to ask you this? Been asking .. here and privately .. privately got nothing back

  2. "Creator"! Of "Time"!
    "Creator"! Of the "Universe"!
    Genesis 1:14-18 ][ Genesis 2:1-3
    False "Gregorian" "Calendar"
    False "Sunday" and "Saturday"
    False "Adoration"!!!
                              "To" "Who"!???
    To The "Father" Of "Lies"!
    Genesis 3:(4) Revelation 13:(4)
    Daniel 7:(25)"Changing"! "Times"! and "GOD"! "Law's"!  "Season's" "Day's"!  "Month's"!  "Year's"!

    "Who"!!! Unto them that Call "Evil"!
    "Good"!!!??? "And"  ["Good"! ] "Evil"!
                  Isaiah 5:[ 20 ][ 24 ]
                   Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]

      Genesis 1:(14-18)][ Genesis 2:(1-3)
         "Creator"! Of the "Universe"!!!!!!!
             "Creator"! Of "Time"!!!!!!!
           "Creator"! Of "Time"! "Cycles"!
    "Seasons"! "Day's Month's Year's"!
      Since the "Beginning"! of "Creation'!

             2 Corinthians 6:[ 14-16 ]
    "What"!? "Common" have "Light"!!!!!!!
            "With"!?  "Darkness"!!!???
             "Nothing"! in "Common"!!!

    "GOD'S"! "Calendar"! of "Creation"!
        "The "Gregorian" "Calendar"! 

             "Nothing"! in "Common"!!!

    2 Corinthians 6:(14-16)
    Mixing "Light"! "With" "Darkness"!!!
    "Invented" by the "Serpient" "Dragon"  "Satan"! In "Self"! the "Devil"! "And" "ROME"!!!      Genesis 3:[ 4 ] 
        John 8:(44)"Father" of "Lies"!
    "Inventor" of (24Hrs)"Mixing"
    "Light"!!!!!!!  "With"  "Darkness"!!!
           2 Corinthians 6:(14-16)

       The "Word"! of the "Creator"!!!!!!!
       "He"! "Separated"! the ("Light"!)
    Genesis 1:14-18] ("Separated"!!!! )
       John 11:(9)'Light'! 12'hrs=1Day'!
    "Light"!!!!!!!  from  "Darkness"!!!  

      And   "The "Father" Of "Lies"
    "Says" Let's "Invented" "Other"!? "Calendar"!!! And "Another"! "Day"
    Of (24Hrs) And that "Star"!?? "At" "Midnight"!!!??? "Or" "Sunset"!!!???
                    John 11:[ 9 ]
            2 Corinthians 6:[ 14-16 ]
                 Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]

    The "Creator"! Say "My" "Day! 'Starts"! at "Sunrise"! To "Sunset"! 12hrs=Day"!
        John 11:(9)  Genesis 1:14-(18) 
    "Combining"! "Mixing"! ("Light"!!!!!!!) "With"! "Darkness"? 2 Corit.6:(14-16)
                Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]

    The Creator of the "Universe"!/Time"!
    ("Divide"!) "Light"! from ("Darkness")
    Is a "Order"! form The "Creator"!!!!!!!
              In Genesis 1:(14-18)
    He is "Separating"!!!!!  ("Light"!)  from
                                        John11(9)                                      Ezekiel 22:[ 26]

    And "Who"!?? "Came"! Out  "With" "Other"? "Proposition" Or  "idea"! To "Deceive" the  "Whole"!  "World"! "With" "Darkness" and "Deceiving"
    "Methods" and  "Inventing"
    "Or" "Reinventing" "History " 
    ("24Hrs") "Day" "Combining"!?? "Intertwining'!?  "Mixing"!?  ("Light"!)   "With"  "Darkness" > "Who"!?  "Was"!?  "Answer'! > the "Serpient"!!!
    And >"ROME"!!!  Daniel 7:(25)
    Genesis 3(4) Revelation 13:(4)

    The   "Serpient"!!!!  "Seducing"!!! With
    "Lies" and "Wonder's"!  to "Eve"     "You" "Surely" Not "Die"
    "Now"! "Serpient" "Dragon" "Satan" the "Devil" in "Self" and "ROME"!!!
    "Seducing" "Deceiving" With  a "false" ("24Hrs Day")  "and"
    "Another"? "Calendar"? and "false" "Day's"!?  "Of"  "Worship"!!!?
    False "Gregorian" "Calendar"
    False "Sunday" and "Saturday"

    "Lies"! to "Eve" and "Now"! the "Whole"!!!  "World"!!! being "Deceive"

    "Roman" "Calendar" is "Not"!!!  from "GOD"!
    The "Original'!  "Calendar"!  Of  "Creation"! in "Genesis"! 1:(14-18)
    Is The "True" and "Original"! From
    The 'Creator'! Of 'Time'!/"Universe"!
    The ("Sun and Moon"!) Established Times Season Day's Month's Year"!
    The ("Sun and Moon"!) Are for All
    "Mankind"!  and all  "Humanity"!!!!

      Since the "Early Day's"!!!  the
    "Mark" of "Authority" of "ROME"!!!
    False "Calendar's" of  "ROME"!!!
    1st. Calendar "Alphabetical" [ A-H ]
    2nd Calendar "Julian"
    3rd Calendar "Gregorian" ["it is Now"]

    False "Adoration"!!! To Who"!!!???

    To The "Father" Of "Lies"!!!
    Genesis 3:(4) "Serpent"  "Say"
    Let's "Make" "Another" "Calendar"!
    Let's "Not"!!! "follow" the "Creator's"!
    "Calendar"!  Of  "Creation"!!!!!!! 
    Created by "GOD'! in Genesis 1:14-18
    "Let's"!  "Not"!  "Deepen" On "GOD"!
    Revelation 13:(4)

    The  "Serpient" " Say"!!! 
    "Disobey" GOD!" "Nothing" "Happen"!!!              
              Revelation 17:[ 13-14 ]
    And "Everyone" they "have" "One" "Mind" With "Her"!!! /"Her"!!! "Mark"!!! Of "Authority"! to "Change' 'Time's! And GOD'S Law "Day's" "Month's" "Year's"!!!        Daniel 7:(25)
                    Revelation 17:[13-14]
    And false "Day's"!!? of "Worship"!!!
           Isaiah 30:[1]"Woe'! "Rebellious"!
           Isaiah 5:20[24] "Despised" Word'!
           Revelation 17:[13-14] One Mind'!
             Daniel 7:[25] Changing'!'Times'!
                                   Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]
    1 Thessalonians'5:[4-5]Child of Light!
    2 Thessalonians 2:[8-11] "Delusion"!
    False "Gregorian" "Calendar"
    False "Sunday" and "Saturday"
    False "Adoration"!!! ["Being" "Mark"!]
    By "Her"! "Authority"!!! (In forehead's )

    And "Those" "Have" "One" "Mine" and "Make"! ("War"!!!) With the "LAMB"!!!! Of "GOD"!!!!!!!
    And "War" With His' "Chosen"! "One's
    And "faithful"!!!! " to "Lord"!!!!!!! of "Lord's"!!!! and "King of King's"!!!!!!!
    "Because" they "Despised"!!!  and believe "Not"!!! the "True"! "Word"!!!! Of the "Creator"! Of the "Universe" "GOD"!!!!!!!
    "GOD"! Of "Abraham'!"Isaac!"Jacob"!

    Also Another "Truth"!
    "Moses"! and "Aaron"! For 40"Years'!!! in the "Desert"! in the land of "Egypt" They 'Kept"! the 7th "Day Sabbath"! and They "Didn't"! have to "Use"! a "Paper" "Pagan" "Catholic" "Calendar" from "ROME"!!!
    "Another"! "Truth"!!!!
    Our "Saviour"!  "Yeshua"!!!!  Didn't "Kept"!  the 7th "Day"! and "Holly"! and "Blessed"!  "Sabbath"!!!!!!! / ("In")
    "Anything"!!! That is "Man"! "Made"!
    "Especially"!!!! "Not"!! Of "ROME"!!!

    The "Roman" "Calendar" is "Not"!!! from "GOD"! The "Creator"! of Time and The "Universe"!!!!
    Salvation in False "Story" "ROME"?
    Salvation in 'Other? 'Word? "ROME"?
    Salvation in 'Other? 'God? "ROME"!??
    Totally "False" "Impossible"!!!

    Matthew 4:[1-10 ] "It is Written"
    John 17:[17]'Sanctify! by the "Word'! "You"!  "Word"! is "Truth"! ("GOD'!)
                  Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]

    "Not"!!! in the "Word" of "ROME"!!!

    "How"!? "ROME"!!! they "Measures"!  "Time"!!!??? On her "Calendar"!!!???
    And "All" "Other's" "Calendar's"!!!
    "How"!?? "they" "Measure" "Time"

    "The "Creator"! of the "Universe"!
    "The "Creator"! of "Time"!
    The "Creator" Of "Time"!  "Cycle"!
    The (Sun/Moon)"Establish Time"! 
    Genesis 1:14-18][ Genesis 2:1-3

    "Who"!? You're "Worshiping"!!!???
    "Obeying? "Other? "Word"" "ROME"!!!?
    "What"!!!??? "Spirit"!?  is "This"!!!???
    "What"!!!????  "God"!?  is "This"!!!???

    "Totally"! "Nor"!!!  the "Creator"!!!!!!!

    Genesis 1:14-18 ][ Genesis 2:1-3
    "Creator"! Of the "Universe"!
    "Creator"! Of "Time"!
    "Creator"! Of "Time"! "Cycles"!    

    "Deceiving" "Many" "People" and the "Whole"! "World" is being "Deceive"!
    By the "Old" "Serpient" and "ROME"!!!
    Genesis 3:(4)  Revelation 13:(4)

    "Salvacion"!? in "This"  "falsehood"!??

    Totally "False" "Impossible"!!!

    "Roman" Calendar is "Not"!!! from "GOD"! The 'Creator"! of "Time"! And The  "Universe"!   Ezekiel 22:[ 26 ]
    This is the "Biggest" "Controversy"!!!
    Is the "Lie" "Invention" of "ROME"!!!
        False "Gregorian" "Calendar"
         False "Sunday" and "Saturday"
        Totally A "False" "Adoration"!!!
                     "Adoration" to "Who"!!!
    The "Father" Of "Lies"!!!
    Genesis 3:(4)"Worship"
    Mateo 4:(8-10)"Worship"
    Juan 8:(44)"Worship"
    Revelation 13:(4-8)"Worship"
    Revelation 17:(4-5/17)"Worship"
    Revelation 18:(2-3/23)"Worship"
    Salvation? in "falsehood" of "ROME"!

    The "True"! "Saviour"!!!!!!!
    Revelation 19:("Alleluia"! Salvation"!)
    "Honor"! and "Glory"! to the "Creator"! "GOD"! Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
               "His"! "Own"! "Creation"!
      Genesis 1:14-18 ][ Genesis 2:1-3

    "Honor"! and "Glory"!  to the "Creator"!   Our  "Havenly"! "Father"!  And  "Our" "Saviour"!  His  "Son"!   "Yeshua"! 
    For "Ever"! and "Ever"! "Amen"!!!!!!!

  3. Know and
    remember this !!!!  The devil comes first pretending to be the Lord Jesus Christ  (666)  6th trump ,6th seal,6th vile ,,  If your still in your Flesh body it's satan !!!! pretending to be the Lord ,the Lord doesn't return until the 7th trump, the farthest trump out ,, We are changed into our spiritual bodies  In the twinkling of an eye,,   1st Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. REMEMBER  IF YOUR IN YOUR FLESH BODY IT'S THE DEVIL (ANTI-CHRIST) meaning instead of Christ !!,,,1st Thessalonians 5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
    2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
    4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.,,, ///That's because we know the Devil, (Anti-Christ) comes 1st pretending  to be the Lord Jesus Christ !! And we're still waiting for the true messiah so when he does come, it overtakes them as a thief in the night because they're worshipping the Anti-Christ ,the devil

  4. i see images of people with nose rings and earrings and trendy fashon following looks…. i thought that was the BEFORE images..before they found the Lord and i was waiting to see the AFTER images .. but there was none
    SO its hard to teach others when we are still in carnal things ourself

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