(2017) Virtual House Church – Bible Study – Week 45: Va’etchanan FYTube

This is the Week 45 Torah portion -Va’etchanan – with related studies from the Prophets and New Testament from our 2017 broadcast. This week’s study page:


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  1. The next step is the understanding that the Ashkenazi Jews are actually not the descendants of iYaHUDaH but the practicers of Babylonian Talmudic Judaism and that the Modern Hebrew is not Scriptural Hebrew. Then having to study the language, also some Greek to understand the Septuagint.

  2. Rob, you saved my life maybe five years ago this very week by telling me in an email that "God doesn't like people that eat pork." That's when I began to eat kosher, wear tzit tzits, and do my best to observe the Sabbath. How my life has changed since then. My wife divorced me, my kids won't speak to me, but my relationship with God has never been better. Reminds me of a passage out of Matthew somewhere.

    I hope someday you recognize Yeshua did not come to start a new religion, but to "Call the lost sheep of the house of Israel to repent for the kingdom of God is always just a heartbeat away." I so often hear you and your guests putting their faith in Paul, not in Yeshua. Who is your God? Is it Paul? Yeshua? Or is it the one that Yeshua prayed to and worshiped?

    The question I ask all my Christian friends is "If God came to earth to teach us how to live, why did he have to send someone less than 30 years later to change or even elaborate on any of his teachings?" No Christian has ever been able to give me an answer to this question!

    I think that if you apply these two principles to the New Testament you will find a very different story than the one that is found in churches, synagogues, or even Hebrew roots congregations. The first is to apply the Torah teaching that in order to discern the truth you must have corroborated eyewitness testimony. When it comes to the teachings of Yeshua the only possible eyewitnesses to his teachings and ministry in the New Testament are James and Jude his brothers, Matthew the tax collector, Peter through the hand of Mark and John. I know of no biblical scholar that believes either of the books of Peter were actually written by Peter. John has a major problem in that his testimony is not corroborated by the other eyewitnesses and in places even contradicts it, which leaves one wondering about the entire revelation thing.

    The second is to lose the tradition of men that is the order of the books in the New Testament. Many if not most scholars believe that James could possibly be the first book that was written and is in the New Testament. Galatians appears to a direct response to James's letter. First Peter also appears to be a response to James's letter, but comes much later and the style would indicate it was actually also written by Paul. It likely bears Peter's name not because he wrote it, but in order for Paul to create legitimacy for himself, he needed it to bear the name of an actual apostle.

    If we look at these four books as the only actual corroborated eyewitness testimony to his teaching and ministry, and the rest of the New Testament as rumor, as we should, we find that Yeshua never intended to start a new religion. He was a Torah observant Jew who did not follow the traditions of the elders (rabbinic Judaism) and instead relied on the prophets to discern where the Torah had been changed. What one would call a Karaite Jew today. Most of the Karaite I am aware of consider Yeshua to be the last of the prophets.

    Thanks for saving my life in this world and hopefully the next. My body certainly would be dead at this point if I had continued to eat any meat, especially pork. And if God had not taught me how to forgive the betrayal of those on this earth that I love the most, my soul certainly would have no chance at life after my body has died. If there's one thing in the law of Moses that the prophets appear to be emphatic that the scribes have changed, it is that God never commanded the people that came out of Egypt to sacrifice of animals.

    Shalom Rob.

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