How The Apostles Of Jesus Received The Holy Spirit FYTube

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through
►Footage licensed through and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: How The Apostles Of Christ Received The Holy Spirit



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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.

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  1. The Lord is near! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! New channel here, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!

  2. Matthew 24/36 'But concerning that day and the hour, nobody has known – not even the messengers of the heavens – except My Father alone. 37 But just as the days of Noah, so also will be the magisterial presence of the Son of Man 38 For just as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah went into the ark,

    Ezekiel 14/13 'Son of Adam, when a land sins against Me by trespassing grievously, then I will stretch out My hand against it, and I will shatter the staff of its bread, and I will send famine on it, and cut off man and animal from it. 14 Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only their own lives by their righteousness,' declares Adonai Yahweh.
    15 'If I cause dangerous animals to pass through the land [flood], and they spoil it so that it is desolate, so thar no man can pass through because of the animals, 16 even though these three men were in it, as surely as I live,' declares Adonai Yahweh, 'they will deliver neither sons nor daughters. Only they will be delivered, but the land will be desolate.
    17 'Or if I bring a sword against that land, and say, "Sword, go through the land," so that I cut off man and animal from it, 18 although these three men were in it, as surely as I live,' declares Adonai Yahweh, 'they will deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they themselves will be delivered.
    19 'Or if I send a pestilence into thar land, and pour out My fury on it in blood, to cut off from it man and animal, 20 although Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as surely as I live,' declares Adonai Yahweh, 'they will deliver neither son nor daughter. They will deliver their own lives by their own righteousness.

    Only the Son of Man & 2 Witnesses escape and they're killed…

    Matthew 24/39 and they did not come to know until the flood came and wiped everybody out, so also will be the magisterial presence of the Son of Man.
    Genesis 9/11 And I will establish My covenant with you. Neither will all flesh be cut off any longer by the waters of a flood. Nor will there ever again be a flood [of water] to destroy the Earth.'
    Jeremiah 46/7 'Who is this who comes up like the Nile, whose waters are moved like the rivers? 8 Egypt rises up like the Nile and its waters are moved like rivers and he says, "I will go up to cover the land. I will destroy the city and its inhabitants."
    9 Come up, you horses, and rage, you chariots, and let the mighty men come out, the Ethiopians and the Libyans who handle the shield and the Lydians who handle and bend the bow.'
    10 For this is the day of Adonai Yahweh Sabaioth, a day of vengeance, so that He might avenge Himself on His adversaries, and the sword will devour, and it will be satiated an bathed with their blood, for Adonai Yahweh Sabaioth has a sacrifice [the Son of Man] in the north country by the River Euphrates.
    Jeremiah 47/1 The word of Yahweh that came to the prophet Jeremiah concerning the Philistines, before Pharaoh struck Gaza: 2 Yahweh says this:
    'Look – waters rise up out of the north and they will be an overflowing flood and they will overflow the land and all its fulness, the city and those who live in it; then the men will cry and all the inhabitants of the land will howl. 3 At the noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his strong horses, at the rattling of his chariots, the rumbling of his wheels, the fathers, for feebleness of hands, will not look back for children, 4 because of the day that comes to spoil all the Philistines, to cut off from Tyrus and Zidon every helper who remains, for Yahweh will spoil the Philistines, the remnant of the sea coast of Caphtor.
    5 Baldness has come on Gaza; Ashkelon is cut off. Oh remnant of their valley, how long will you cut yourself?

    Matthew 24/40 'Then two men will be in the field; the one will be taken[killed], and the other left. 41 Twi women will be grinding in the mill; one will be taken[killed], and the other will be left 42 'Be watchful, therefore, for you do not have any intuitive knowledge of what time your Lord comes.
    Jeremiah 48/17 Mourn for him, all you who are around him, and all you who know his name, say, "How the strong staff is broken, the beautiful rod!"
    [The Son of Man is killed, see Micah 6/9]

    Matthew 24/43 But know this: that if the master of the house had intuitively known in which watch the thief was coming, he would have been on guard and not allowed his house to be broken into.
    Jeremiah 48/40 For Yahweh says this: 'As you will see, he will fly like an eagle, and he will spread his wings over Moab.

    Matthew 24/44 On account of this, you also must become ready, for the Son of Man comes in an hour you do not expect. 45 'Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant whom his master has made ruler at the head of his household, to give them food in due season?
    Jeremiah 50/44 'As you will see, he will come like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan to the habitation of the strong, but I will make them run suddenly from it. And who is a chosen man I can appoint over her? For who is like Me? And who will summon Me? And who is that ruler who will stand before Me?
    Matthew 24/46 Joyful is that servant whom his master, in his coming, will find doing this. 47 Truly I say to you, he will make him ruler in charge of all his property.

    Ezekiel 36/5 therefore Adonai Yahweh says this: 'Surely in the fire of My jealously I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who have appointed My land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with spiteful minds, to throw it out for prey.' "
    Jeremiah 49/17 'And Edom will be an astonishment. Everyone who goes by it will be astonished, and they will hiss at all its plagues. 18 As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors,' says Yahweh, 'no man will remain there, nor will the Son of Man live in it. 19 As you will see, he will come up like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan against the strong. But I will suddenly make him run away from her. And who is a chosen man I can appoint over the pasturage? For who is like Me? And who will summon Me? And who is that shepherd who will stand before Me?

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