The Holy Spirit Wisdom Sophia – The Feminine Aspect of the Godhead as Confirmed by Proverbs I of III FYTube

The question of whether the Holy Spirit is male or female has been a topic of particular interest lately by many now searching out the Scriptures in deeper revelation. Because this is another one of the topics I am largely criticized and condemned for, I thought I would address it strictly from the perspective of the church fathers and the canon of the King James Bible only.

And because there is so much information available on this topic, I will follow up this show with at least two other full two hour programs, sharing further confirmation and multiple dozens of witnesses which I believe clarify without a doubt that the Holy Spirit is regarded as a she within the holy Bible by not only the early church fathers but the ancient Israelites themselves.

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. – Genesis 1:26-27

20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. – Proverbs 1 KJV

Wisdom resounds in the street and gives her voice from the streets. 21 on top of fortifications she proclaims, at the entrance of the gates in the cities she speaks her word. ‘How long will the simple ones love simplicity, mockers desire mockery and fools hate knowledge? 23. Turn to face my chastisement; I will pour out to you my spirit and I will make known my words. 24. For I called and you did not believe, I raise my hands and you did not listen. 25. And you changed all my counsel and did what want my rebuke. – Proverbs 1 Targum

But She—the Spirit-the Paraclete whom He will send to you-my Father-in my name—She will teach you everything; She will remind you of that which I have told you.” – John 14:26 Siniatic Palimpsest

[34] The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! [35] But wisdom is justified of all her children. – Luke 7

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children. – Matthew 11:10

Origen on John, ii. 12. And if any accept the Gospel according to the Hebrews, where the Saviour himself saith, ‘Even now did my mother the Holy Spirit take me by one of mine hairs, and carried me away unto the great mountain Thabor’, he will be perplexed, &c. . . .

On Jeremiah, homily xv.4. And if anyone receive that saying, ‘Even now my mother the Holy Spirit took me and carried me up unto the great mountain Thabor’, and the rest. . . . – Gospel of the Hebrews

In a more practical application, Methodius – also a leader with an impeccably orthodox reputation – states directly that the family is meant to reflect analogously the blessed Trinity:

[T]he innocent and unbegotten Adam being the type and resemblance of God the Father Almighty, who is uncaused, and the cause of all; his begotten son [Seth] shadowing forth the image of the begotten Son and Word of God; whilst Eve, that proceedeth forth from Adam, signifies the person and procession of the Holy Spirit. – Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 6, p. 402

And Peter answered: ‘One is He who said to His Wisdom, ‘Let us make a man’ [Gen. 1:26]. His Wisdom (sophia), with Her (Greek: hei, 3rd p. sing. feminine) He Himself always rejoiced [Prov. 8:30] just as (hōsper) with His own Spirit (pneumati).’ (Ps.-Clementines, Hom. 16, 12, 1 – Rehm 1969:223)

The text identifies Wisdom with the Holy Spirit. This equation of Wisdom (chokma, sophia) and Holy Spirit (ruach, pneuma) has old parallels in Jewish and Jewish Christian traditions. Already in the Jewish book Wisdom of Solomon, preserved in Greek as part of the Septuagint and being in high esteem among most early Christian writers, one finds this equation; for instance, in Wisdom 9, 17 it runs:

Who has learned thy (i.e., God’s) counsel, unless thou hast given wisdom (sophian) and sent thy holy Spirit (pneuma) from on high? (Wisdom of Solomon 9, 17 [Revised Standard Version])
Wisdom is equated with the Holy Spirit and both are considered to be feminine.2 Hence one understands how in early Christian tradition Christ is so often considered to be the child of mother Sophia or the Holy Spirit.3 In essence, both traditions express the same concept.

1Wisdom found not a place on earth where she could inhabit; her dwelling therefore is in heaven. 2Wisdom went forth to dwell among the sons of men, but she obtained not a habitation. Wisdom returned to her place, and seated herself in the midst of the angels. – The Book of Enoch Chapter 42

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  1. God, YHWH does not need a Mother or have. If so, this would make the mother Sophia the ultimate Creator. Totaaly unBiblical.Plus Jesus Christ is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE FATHER, therfore NO NEED FOR A MOTHER AS WELL. WOW, PEOPLE BELEVE WHAT THEY WANT TO BELEVE INSTEAD OF READING SCRIPTURE.

  2. Spiritualy speaking (gender aside), matriarchal wisdom can begin with a fundamental understanding of the cyclical nature of reality (God).

    Represented by the snake in many creation myths, the living cycle has a trinity of a beginning (head), a middle and end (tail). As above so below, the sexes were created in the image of God's cyclical nature where Mother is the head and opening to all beginnings and Father holds the tail to all endings (through which the sowing of seeds allow for the next great matriarchal rebirth).The joining of the two (symbolized by the Ouroborus or the marriage ring) is the sacred union needed in assuring the creation and continuation of new life cycles. To speak of the present day God as "Our Father" is simply an admission to our collective positioning within the bigger cycle.

    As all mothers have direct experience with the creator quality of birthing, so is the direct experience of rebirthing the divinity within (baptism) belong to that which is spiritualy matriarchal. (John 3, verse 3-8).

    Sekhmet statues (ancient Egyptian) carry most of their weight in symbolic memory of what was a mother culture dedicated to the direct experience of baptism. As the leg shaped hairlocks extend from maternal breasts to the womb of rebirth, the lioness's head proportions are such that they highlight the bust of a second animal figure. The Lioness's ears as eyes and eyes as nose (nostrils) brings to life the figure of a reptile. 'Neath the halo headress of the solar egg, the lioness's egg fertilization process being internal (Set) and the reptile's egg fertilization process being external (Setting), such being key components to the safety of entering the trans-egoic or "born again" state. The life threatening fear associated with the predatory nature of a lion and/or crocodile encounter are reflective of the intense ego death experience associated with the transpersonal awakening process.

    In spiritualy matriarchal times, illumination could be seen as wearing the false beard (ancient Egyptian funerary ego death mask) as the high state of cyclical self knowing; high cyclical awareness of both our upper matriarchal half and our lower (later) patriarchal half (compared with a mini lower body replica, an "as above so below" tail end beard extension); in full recognition of her civilizational Underworld; her inevitable cyclical destiny. The male pharaoh wears his beard tapered in reverse, indicating a pointing upwards towards the patriarchal head, divine representative of God's tail end cycle.

    To carry the Ankh was perhaps to symbolically carry that upper and lower understanding. As the upper matriarchal womb symbolised the fertile birthing of civilization, below, the now Christian cross is carried to place emphasis on the lower (later) "End Times" Father principle of the great cycle.

    Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu diety, displays a cyclical head to trunk symbolism and points to the Mother head of his matriarchal elephant society.

    A whole temple was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is the matriarchal "Uterus" personified.

    In the name of the Father, the Son and the holy ghosted… ? … inevitability.

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