(2020) Virtual House Church – Bible Study – Week 47: Re’eh FYTube

This is the Torah Portion Week 47 Virtual House Church Bible study, called Re’eh. Here is the show notes page:


Links to other things talked about in this broadcast:

The Deuteronomy 12 Test: Read at your own risk…

The Deuteronomy 13 Test


Paul Taught Against Transgression of the Law (a.k.a. sin)

Finding Our Sabbatismos

Redeeming the Bride: https://youtu.be/XCrzkbBOWmE

Ephraim Awakening: https://youtu.be/xTvmTeBZU6w

MIQEDEM & friends across the globe – Psalm 150 (from home): https://youtu.be/qqmKsAtFyNc

If you have been blessed by these studies, please consider helping us with our on-going ministry efforts: https://robschannel.com/support

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  1. Science is totally depended on gravity and yet gravity doesn’t even pass as a hypothesis. Because there’s nothing at all to be measured or tested, but not only do they get away with calling it an excepted working theory, they use to explain everything. Gravity is merely a law of authority, it’s based on social proof only. It’s not a law of physics. It’s an incantation, a lie.
    It’s dark magic called science and we have all been under this spell for a very long time.
    What kind of law says that if we can get high enough then we never have to come back down ?
    ºIf gravity can bend even light than how is it that Helium and Hydrogen (The two must abundant elements in the universe) completely defies gravity's effect ? It has been over four hundred years and not so mush as a single graviton has been isolated.
    ºThere’s no experiment for gravities validation nor can it be demonstrated or reproduced.
    Calling falling objects gravity bound is like calling stolen goods, free.
    ºThings do not fall to the center mass of gravity they simply fall down because thin air doesn’t have the density to support any thing heaver than thin air, the ground however does, it’s all about buoyancy and density. (Things that are finer will rise, things that are grosser will sink/fall)
    ºIf it is gravity that keeps the oceans in their beds as the Earth spins a thousand miles an hour then insects couldn’t fly and clouds couldn't float in fact everything would be crushed.
    ºIf it’s the Moon’s gravity that causes tides then why aren’t lakes, pounds and steams affected ?
    ºIf gravity could raise oceans then we would feel it, we would weigh less.
    Tides are caused by electromagnetism. Water is diamagnetic and is repelled by the Suns positive magnetic field and is compelled towards the Moons negative magnetic influence.
    ºHow is it that there is no gravitational relationship between the Sun and the Moon ? When the Moon is between the Sun and Earth that's one thing but when the Sun and Earth are both pulling on the Moon then the Moon should be slamming into the Earth unless the Moon changes speeds and trajectory which it does not.
    ºThe Suns gravity will pull a comet directly towards the Suns center mass of gravity and yet this same gravity will somehow prevent an impacts from occurring. This is pure monkey science.
    Gravity answers everything that official experts can’t. It’s the gravity of their situation.
    ºGravity failed as theory, it even failed as a hypothesis. It was rejected by its architecture Sir Isaac Newton in 1666 and yet its consider one of the four fundamental forces in nature along with electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces.
    ºGravity fails as a theory, but it’s accepted as a basic fundamental law of nature ! Think about that for a moment.
    ºIt took the Special Theory of Relativity to rationalize Relativity and it took Relativity to make any sense out of Gravity and it took Gravity to explain everything that science can't. Albert Einstein invents nothing, discovers nothing, has no breakthroughs and proves no theories. And yet he wins two Nobel Peace Prizes for writing on chalkboards that only Sir Arthur Eddington says he understands, and who's going to call him a liar ?
    ºOnly an imaginary and magical force such as gravity could make life on a round ball Earth seem possible, which just happens to contradict the Bible and so gravity becomes the law of the land (No pun intended) in accordance with the authority and is strictly enforced in every learning institution in the world.

  2. ººRemember to Moon landings ? Yeah, the moon that you can see stars through ? The moon that we can see daylight through ? The moon that is supposed to be a 1/4 million miles away yet somehow we can easy see details on it, instead of it looking like a street lamp from far away ? The one that NASA brought back petrified wood from ? The one that NAZA lost all eight years of footage of ? The one that NAZA lost all telemetry of ? The one that NAZA destroyed the technology of ? The one that we don't know how to return to after half a century of progress, developments and advancements ? The one that suddenly there's a deadly Van Allen belt in our way ? The one that two dozen astronauts got right the very first time and didn't even get a sunburn ? The one that gave us the miracle of Apollo 13 when the American audience was turning in to reruns, of "I Love Lucy" because the fake moon landings was so boring ? The one that NAZA would not give a direct feed to the media ? The moon that the tax payers had to watch in fussy black & white on their colored TV while Nixon talked live to the moon on a mid twentieth century rotary phone ? The ones where rockets went into cartoon animations (Courtesy of Walt Disney) four minutes after blast-off because NASA doesn't know how to mount a camera or use a telescope ? Yeah, I'm sure we walked all over it. I'm surprise they didn’t bring back some cheese, instead we get rocks. Rocks that somehow according to NASA were stolen, contaminated and then recovered. Now isn’t that interestingly convenient ?
    If the Earth and Moon is really traveling 66.600 mph through space then as soon as the 25,000mph Saturn V rocket left Earth it would have been left behind forever. Also combustion and trust are not possible in space. If you hit a wall with your fist you’ll get a response. Your fist is hurt and your wall is dented. If you hit thin air you might feel a breeze but if you hit nothing, there won't be a response. And expanding gases would have nothing to expand against.
    When this was brought to NASA attention fifty years after they were supposed to have gone to the Moon nine times, then suddenly they give us this crap. "The Moon is inside Earths atmosphere " And now they tells us that they found pockets of gravity on the ISS right after one of the astro-actors was filmed falling on his ass in what was supposed to be zero gravity.
    NASA is Santa Claus for adults
    There are people who think that we went to the Moon and then there are people who think.
    ººIt took a Nazi that Hitler could trust: SS Officer Wernher von Braun; who’s signature sent tens of thousands of people to be worked to death to make the NAZA’s/NAZI's lies believable, while another 1600 top americanized Nazis scientist keeps the fourth Reich alive and well.
    ºThose rockets travel in a parabolic arc. Out over and into the ocean once they’re out of sight and those shuttle crafts were nothing more than outlandish airplanes.
    ºThat image in the sky that they call the ISS, the one that cost the US tax payers over a $1,000,000 an HOUR has been up there for over 20 years and it's in such great condition that they say that they are going to keep using it for another 20 years. Space must be the safest place in the world (so to speak). Apparently there isn’t any extreme temperatures or space debris or micrometeoroids or solar flares or radiation or even aging to worry about. Americans are so easy it's no wonder that the US its scammed more than all the other nations combined.
    ºDid I mention that science lies about everything ? You can watch a satellite at night which is no bigger than a school bus for eleven minutes and traveling at a mandatory orbital speed of 17,500 mph that’s over 3,200 miles. In witch case we should be able to see the headlights on a school bus 1,600 miles away. Satellites are balloons, we pay billions they pay mere thousands.
    ºThey forgot to put fake thrusters on those fake satellites, so how do they position themselves ?
    ºIf there is really over 2,000 artificial satellites orbiting the Earth then there wouldn't be any dead zones for cell phones and we've been placing transoceanic phone calls long before NASA.
    ºPlus outer space is not a void, nature forbids a vacuum. Space is water it’s called The Waters, The Deep, Thrum, Celestial Seas or Primal Ocean".
    ºFour minutes after blast-off of any rocker or shuttle that NASA launches, are switched to animation as if NASA can't put a camera on a telescope or position themselves in readiness. Their machinery never goes straight up, it rolls over on its belly and goes downrange, always over the ocean and out of sight. We see a real parabolical launch and we see an actually landing or splashdowns but everything in between is just TV imagery.
    ºIt's been over sixty years and nobody is any the wiser.
    Do you trust science because it’s given us world peace and wiped out hunger and disease ? They tell us that there are thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth and yet not one of them are equipped with a camera so that the tax payers can see for themselves. Why would they do this unless it’s the best that they can do ? Because it is the best that they can do. Because we live in an enclosed environment. No one can leave. Besides why would NAZA spend millions on a rocket that goes up 200 miles just too zoom in or in this case zoom down ? They don't. They spend a few thousand on a ballon that goes up 40 miles or so which is much better anyway because traveling 17,500 mph is not as good as coasting when you're taking pictures. But more importantly NAZA get to keep the change, which would be millions per shot. So these people have all the reason in the world to lie to us.
    ºTwo hundred and thirty-eight thousand miles away and we can easily see Tycho crater on the Moon with a mere fifty-three mile radius but the real kicker is we can even see it's crest, which would be less than five miles wide. Either we have super human vision or we’re just down right gullible. One thing for sure, nobody is going up there to verify.

  3. ºIf we are exploding half a million miles an hour through space or even one mile an hour, in an ever expanding universe than the stars should have changed their relative positions in the six thousand years that we've navigated using Fixed Star Location. But they haven’t. Stellar drift is a misnomer. Polaris is still the North Star. All the zodiacs still look like what they were named after some six thousand years ago. The great pyramids of Giza are still perfectly aligned with Orion and Orion having twelve independent stars should not still be looking like an archer. And Haleys comet knows where to find Earth every seventy-five years in an ever expanding, chaotic universe ?
    There are over two hundred stars in the constellations alone and if they haven’t moved in over six thousand years then they never will. It’s practically written in the stars that, “The Earth is stable and cannot be moved.” 1 Chronicles 16:30.
    Someone is obviously lying, so let’s take a really close look at some of the measurements behind the wisdom or wizardry of these fifteenth century scientist known as sorcerers, such as Copernicus who gave us the heliocentric model.
    Main stream magic now called science has always been free to lay claim to the incontestable knowledge of Creation that they renamed, “The Universe ” Here’s their gospel.
    ººThe speed of Earth’s orbit is 18.5mps which just happens to be 66,600mph. Earth’s curvature drops eight inches per mile squared, which just happens to be .666 inches per square foot, 10 miles = 66.666 feet, 100 miles = 6666.666 feet and so on. Earth’s axis of rotation and it’s plane of orbit around the Sun just happens to be 66.6º. Both polar circles which are located near the poles of the Earth just happens to be 66.6º. There's a 666 trillion mile discrepancy concerning the distance from Earth to Polaris and of course the Earth is tilted at 23.4º which just happens to be a 66.6º tilt from the 90º right angle. All of this while flying through space at what just happens to be 2,843,666mph. Do you see the problem ? We've been worshiping Satan all this time without even knowing it. The joke is on us.
    ºGravity was fabricated in 1666. The Washington Monument just happens to be 6,666 inches by 666 inches ? The Pentagon just happens to be pentagram ? The Vatican (synonymous with pedophilia) just happens to have named their telescope ”Lucifer” and they won’t let us near it.
    ºThe word nasa is in The Bible* it means beguile or to deceive. Goddard as in “The Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center” is also mentioned, its Lucifer’s original name and it still is.
    ºNASA named their Tower of Babel “ Saturn V” in honor of Satin and their missions Mercury, Gemini and Apollo were all named after false gods. And let’s not forget the many human sacrifices that there were. When we give praise or money to NASA and it’s Goddard religion, we are literally praising and financing the Lucifer concept. Rather there's a God or not.
    ºScience named the chief/wondering stars “Planets” so we’d think that there are other worlds and then they named the so called planets after false gods except Earth which is not a planet, it’s a world (There is life here and only here.)
    There’s no such thing as planets, gravity, relativity, infinite space, aliens or even evolution. Space is fake. Space is water it’s called "The Waters, The Deep, Thrum, Celestial Seas or Primal Ocean" and it doesn't surprise me one bit that millions of people can spend their entire lives looking into an ocean with a telescope and never see any water. People have been trained to trust not their minds and eyes but their education. Water was never created, water is the stuff of creation.
    ºA universe being created is redundant, there is only creation and we are creatures because we were created. Man's image is not random, we are the center of Creation.
    ºScience says the Heavens and the Earth couldn’t be created in six days because it takes millions of years of secretion for planets to form, but then they tell us that the universe was created in less than a second via “The Big Bang and Super Inflation” measured in Planck time.
    ºIn the story of Creation God rested on the seventh day. In evolution everything came from nothing in no time at all. It seems the Bible has more respect for the laws of conservation of energy than scientist have for their own pseudoscience, their anti-biblical religion.
    What they need more than anything else is to gradually dumb down each new generation until we are eating out of their hands and have severed all ties with YHWH, the Hebrew God of Israel.
    These people aren’t just liars. Our top researchers are quite literally satanic gate keepers.
    *The King James Bible was edited in 1958 to correct some of Gods mistakes.
    God Bless and Optimism

  4. Each new generation is being dumbed down and this is where we are at today.
    This is the crap that they are teaching our children.
    Look at any diagram of the solar eclipse that you can find. They all have the same four lies.
    Lie #1…In reality the Sun does not appear five to ten times bigger than the Moon, they appear as the same size.
    Lie #2…In reality light rays always travel at a 90º angle, they do not travel from top down and from bottom up.
    Lie #3…In reality light rays always runs parallel, they do not converge or diverge.
    Lie #4…In reality there is only one source of light, not two. (Which explains why the oversized Sun)

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