By Reason of the Enmity Implanted In Thee FYTube

The phrase fruit of the tree is Hebrew word # 6529 periy- fruit, in a wide sense: a) fruit, produce (of the ground), or b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny ( used of the womb), or figuratively c) fruit (of actions). The phrase eat of it is Hebrew word #398; ‘akal (aw-kal’); This word has many uses, among which, one use means to lay with a woman (which is a sexual act) touch is Hebrew word # 5060; naga` (naw-gah’); Properly, to touch, ie: to lay the hand upon (for any purpose); euphemism for: to lie with a woman.

And My Father said unto the serpent, “Because thou hast done this thing, cursed art thou among all the beasts of the earth. Thou shalt walk upon thy belly all the days of thy life, and all thy seed shall be accursed throughout all generations on the earth. Thou shalt eat earth and ashes all thy time, and so shall all those that shall come forth from thee.” It was in this way that the serpent came to walk upon his belly, according to what My Father decreed for him. And He said unto the woman also,” Because thou hast done this thing thou shalt bring forth children in sorrow and sighing, and thou shalt turn to thy husband.”

xxv 1 And the Lord turned to me and said: “Since thou hast hearkened to the serpent, and turned 2 a deaf ear to my commandment, thou shalt be in throes of travail and intolerable agonies; thou shalt bear children in much trembling and in one hour thou shalt come to the birth, and lose thy 3 life, from thy sore trouble and anguish. But thou shalt confess and say: ‘Lord, Lord, save me, and 4 I will turn no more to the sin of the flesh.’ And on this account, from thine own words I will judge thee, by reason of the enmity which the enemy has planted in thee.”
xxvi 1 But he turned to the serpent [in great wrath] and said: “Since thou hast done this, and become a thankless vessel until thou hast deceived the innocent hearts, accursed art thou among all beasts. 2 Thou shalt be deprived of the victual of which thou didst eat and shalt feed on dust all the days of 3 thy life: on thy breast and thy belly shalt thou walk and be robbed of hands and feet. There shall not be left thee ear nor wing, nor one limb of all that with which thou didst ensnare them in 4 thy malice and causedst them to be cast out of paradise; and I will put enmity between thee and his seed: he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel until the day of Judgement.” xxvii 1,2 Thus he spake and bade the angels have us cast out of paradise: and as we were being driven out amid our loud lamentations, your father Adam besought the angels and said: “Leave me a little (space) that I may entreat the Lord that he have compassion on me and pity me, for I only 3 have sinned.” And they left off driving him and Adam cried aloud and wept saying: “Pardon me O Lord, my deed.” Then the Lord saith to the angels, “Why have ye ceased from driving Adam from paradise? Why do ye not cast him out? Is it I who have done wrong? Or is my judgement 5 badly judged?” Then the angels fell down on the ground and worshipped the Lord saying, “Thou art just, O Lord, and thou judgest righteous judgement.”

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  1. and what is so awesome we are in the book of life and how could we not be hungry for the word without God I don't want it I love God with all my heart and all my soul Jesus went down hard for us I love him so much

  2. the Bible connects with people individual each of us getting the word in the ways that we need it is the best book but I like you I like to read all books but the King James is by far the one I must read everyday thank you for all that you turn us on to I've learned so much and I am on the same page keep doing what y'all do.

  3. If your interpretation is correct I wonder if St. Peter was a serpent seed, for JESUS did say get behind me Satan to Peter like his place at the time was at JESUS' heel just as the serpent to mans heel in Genesis which in turn would lend credence to even the serpent seed can be saved , also Peter had a propensity for violence in cutting off a piece of the temple guards ear, one could say in that act he was in bred or predisposed to violence. Further more how many times did GOD tell the Jews not to intermarry but they did anyway so at the time of JESUS there was a mix of serpent seed and Adam seed in the JEWS and GENTILES alike so JESUS did come to save all and now it's up to us to act as he taught; whether we be serpent seed or Adam seed.

  4. I though this was a bit off at first, Zen been talking on this subject for a while, but after going back over the scriptures I was thinking about it as I looked, and I really think the smoking gun that Zen is right has to be John 8:44, it was clear as day.

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