1. … Bienvenue a Cirque du Macabre…. WHERE…. using Trampolines and Trebuchets a la Wiley E. Coyote for furthering in future feature devolutionary deployment-difficult developmental gain-of-function Viral Acrobatics that can NEVER have….NATURALLY…. progressed…. pathogenically…. without the midwiving ministrations of Anthony Fasci-Fauci Et Al. as conniving clinical intermediaries in…. HOSTING this dysplannedemic…. AND…. for which they are horrifically though HANDSOMELY being rewarded by those finagling Faustians currently hard at work using fractioning of public cohesion in creating coherent dysfunction through fraternal factioning…. to failure…. as an act of Global humanitarian TREASON while…. due to inherent intersectional…. INTENTIONALITIES…. of venally NARROW necrotic crypto-imperative Power…. INTERESTS…. in neither solving nor even SEEKing successfully for other than globally DYS-integrate micromanagement of global macro-complexities…. totalitarian fascism cannot function at FURTHERANCE of progressively evolutional Salvation…. for ANYTHING…. and SPEAKING of Faustian Foibles…. just so's y' knows…. 'Father of Fascism' Mussolini's favored word for Fascism was CORPORATISM…. that's right…. CORPORATISM…. as FranklinDelanoRoosevelt's disparaging word for CORPORATISM was…. FASCISM…. Our current so-called neo-con/neo-lib socio-economic political system IS…. CorporatistFA$CI$M…. A.lso K.nown A.s END-cycle Crony Corporatist Capitalism…. devolving RAPIDLY…. into 'crypto'-TOTALITARIAN…. corporatism/fascism…. the pumping of public monies into private purses for purposes of gaining corporatist CONTROL…. of governance…. while everybody sits around going we CAN'T use words like fascism and totalitarianism or we'll lose the argument by alienating the…. fascists…. and totalitarians…. 'n' all their head-in-a-hidey-hole water-carrying WANNA-beeze…. y' CAN'T take OFF the table the VERY words that MOST aptly describe the problem…. the fascistic…. 'CRYPTO'-totalitarian…. problem…. or by removing Comments like the following…. … the VaXX is NOT benignly efficacious at ANY level…. let's LOOK into 'symptom reduction'…. somebody…. ANYBODY…. betcha a SIGNED dollar it ain't there…. ALL things CONSIDERED…. the VaXX is but a SET-UP for highly contagious highly virulent end-product Variant release FROM ongoing gain-of-function OPERATIONs currently being perpetrated in and on the general population under a FalseFlag rubric of 'public health' 'vaccination' policy…. both for ADVANCING and enhancing end-product virulence/contagion IN…. public-targeting PERFORMANCE refinements…. through DELIBERATE use of 'leaky' 'vaccination'…. aaAAANNNNDDdd…. preparatory plow-down of natural immunity in general population through DELIBERATE use of immuno-TOXIC 'vaccination'…. and all purposed at preparation for socio-dys-economic CONTROLs to be implemented (if not implanted) as so-called 'remediative' reaction for further dysPLANNEDemic fallouts…. in overthrow of 'US'….. EVIDENCE…. Seeke and Ye shall Finde…. OR…. we can all just wait for these prejudicially pernicious Perpetrants to PREVAIL at…. wePay….THEYplay…. which…. they ARE…. barring fortuitous disruption by pro-evolutionary BIO-phylic COUNTERVAILING interventions through…. where'n'when POSSIBLE…. continuate PROGRESSION in evolvement of Civil ECOnomics…. currently being preemptively blocked and bludgeoned to bits by…. as we speak…. CorporatistCovidDYSeconomics…. aaAAANNNNDDdd…. continuous removal and/or GhostPosting of Comments such as…. this one…. Shots FIRED…. Ladies…. time to Stand and…. UNDERSTAND……

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