Rob Skiba’s “Nephilim seed on the ark theory” is RACIST!? FYTube

Some people have accused me of essentially “cursing all the descendents of Ham” (which in their minds equates to all black people) for showing what the Bible CLEARLY states in Genesis 10:6-20 concerning the origin of the Post-Flood Nephilim giants.

First of all, I didn’t write that. Moses did. I’m just showing everyone what he wrote. And by the way, most of my accusers think Moses was black. Sooo…. uhmmm… yeah. He wrote it. I’m just reading it.

Second, I have NEVER said Ham’s entire line was cursed – only that the Canaanites were and perhaps also by extension the Caphtorim (from whom came the Philistines) of the line of Mizraim.

OK. So, does this mean that essentially all Africans are cursed Nephilim then? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have never even so much as insinuated such a thing. But still there are exceptionally ignorant (and dare I say racist) people out there who try to accuse me of being a racist, condemning all black people because of my position concerning how the Post-Flood Nephilim returned.

What’s rather strange is many of these people now actually believe that virtually everyone in the Bible from Adam to Noah, from Abraham to Jacob, from Moses to Yeshua and all His Disciples were ALL black. Soooo… OK. IF this is true, then why go insane over what I’m saying? If virtually everyone in the Bible was black, what’s the big deal in saying that SOME of Ham’s offspring were cursed Nephilim?

Furthermore, I’ve consistently shown that most Nephilim giants that have been discovered or written about in history are typically described as having PALE WHITE skin and usually with red hair. Sooo… how does that equate to me condemning black people?? I think the more you look into the claims, you will see most of my accusers are getting all worked up for nothing and thus you will quickly realize that the vast majority of their arguments only become more and more ridiculously absurd from there.

Suffice it to say, regardless of what color the characters in the Bible may have been, I believe the Scriptures are more than abundantly clear who the Post-Flood Nephilim were and from whom they came (simply read Genesis 9:18, 19 and Genesis 10:6-20 for your answer). But if you want to understand where the so-called “races” of people came from, all you need to do is turn the page to Genesis 11 and read the Tower of Babel story. From there, if you simply apply a little bit of common sense, you will actually discover that there really is only ONE “race” – the HUMAN RACE – and that the various sizes, shapes, and colors contained within our species can be reconciled by simply understanding how controlled breeding experiments work. In this video clip, I suggest it must be similar to how over 300 “breeds” of dogs can come from essentially two wolves who got off Noah’s Ark thousands of years ago.

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  1. 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

  2. Hey Rob, Former Born again Christian here (that’s correct, former)
    So I have been told so many times that Yhwh flooded out the earth to rid it of the evil Nephalim and the and their cross-breeded abominations.. So Yhwh failed?
    Because the Nephalim clearly show up later in the Bible-In the book of Numbers I believe.. Do you believe that two of every animal went aboard this boat??
    Are you aware of all the filth contained in the pages of your “holy” book?
    This is when I would cite Genesis 19
    Hey Rob, are you familiar with the story of Gilgamesh? Utnapishtim??
    Which came long before the story of Noah.. Judaism is a hodgepodge of Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian and Cannanitre beliefs. Yhwh was a Canaanite diety.(research what I’m saying). But let’s set all that aside and look at the character of Yhwh , as described by your Bible. Jealous, angry (already we have 2 negative human traits attributed to an omnipotent, all benevolent, omniscient being? How is this so? this being tampers with free will (hardens Phatohs heart to ensure his death angel slaughters a ton of 1st born .. seems fair and just, right? And yes I know the argument -Egypt did it to the Hebrews first. Circular reasoning. Which is COMPLETELY at odds with Yeshua Ben Davids message-a theme repeated over and over again in the Bible .
    Yhwh demands and does one thing,
    Yeshua commands and suggests another.
    Yhwh loves the smell of burning animal flesh, demands penis mutilation, demands genocide, condones slavery, sends bears to maul CHILDREN for calling a prophet “baldy”
    And this is the Uber short list-
    I’m just getting warmed up!
    You seem like a nice guy Rob
    And other then your blind loyalty to Christianity I like your research. I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to address the myriad of issues I find with Yhwh and the Bible.
    In closing
    I present to you one question
    I’m going to describe a fictional scenario to you
    But this scenario is making a point
    So I am a robot engineer, chief engineer tasked with giving this robot a personality, making it as close to a human as I can. Somewhere along the way I find out that at some point in the near future this robots actions will lead to a chain of events that will mess up the earth FOREVER. Now, do I allow the robot to mess up the earth?
    Or do I stop the robot?
    If I DONT stop the robot, should I not be held SOMEWHAT RESPONIBLE for the outcome?? !!
    You better believe I am!!
    Good day

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