Ask Me Anything #3 – The Atlantean Age FYTube

In this show I speak about the seven heavens, prior times, destruction of Atlantis, and the attempt by the fallen angels to create a slave race of the preadamite peoples.

There were hominids before the destruction of the first world age in Genesis 1:2. For why would the Creator manifest the earth initially in a ruined state and then after reconstruct it when He could initially have created it in perfection? It seems confusing to form an imperfect world only to later finish it in completion. We know that God is not the author of confusion so why would He waste time and effort creating the earth as a deserted wasteland and an indistinguishable ruin especially when considering the following two passages? He wouldn’t.

For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), “I am the LORD, and there is none else.” – Isaiah 45:18, New American Standard Bible

For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else. – Isaiah 45:18, KJV

For this is what the LORD says– God is the Creator of the heavens. He formed the earth and made it. He established it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited–” I am Yahweh, and there is no other. – Isaiah 45:18, Holman Christian Standard Bible

[38] And I said, O Lord, thou spakest from the beginning of the creation, even the first day, and saidst thus; Let heaven and earth be made; and thy word was a perfect work. – 2 Esdras 6:38

It was originally completed in fullness to support life. Yah has always created all the previous earth and heavens perfect and inhabited as He recreated it after the destruction cited in Genesis 1:2. We do not know how many previous worlds had existed prior but that judgment against the fallen angels has ongoing since even Atlantis.

Sometime after Genesis 1:1 had been initially conceived in fullness, judgment was administered to the creation which in some way resulted in the destruction of the culture and civilization which the fallen angels were involved in establishing during the times before what is now. The judgment incurred upon them in some way for whatever reason resulted in the land becoming a ruinous heap. This proposition becomes increasingly apparent once one looks deeper into the original meaning of the Hebrew words selected for the conveyance of such notion.

Taken in context together the passage, “And the earth was without form and void” essentially means: And the primeval earth existed, fell out, became, came to pass, was in a state of formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness, like a desert wasteland, wilderness, a place of chaos, vanity, and like an undistinguishable ruin, void, and wasted.

This idea is referenced in other passages of other ancient texts as the ones cited below.

The guardian angels are always near God’s throne, but the accusing ones are kept at a distance. Even the new heavens and earth, spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah (lxv. 17), were created in the six days of creation. Other worlds were created and destroyed ere this present one was decided on as a permanent one. – The Midrash, Genesis Rabba

Nor is this world inhabited by man the first of things earthly created by God. He made several worlds before ours, but He destroyed them all, because He was pleased with none until He created ours. But even this last world would have had no permanence, if God had executed His original plan of ruling it according to the principle of strict justice. It was only when He saw that justice by itself would undermine the world that He associated mercy with justice, and made them to rule jointly. – Legends of the Jews

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  1. If you had an opportunity to speak to a brother in Christ about FE and he currently believes Space and Planets how would you start your conversation? Timothy Alberino: Flat Earth Is A PSYOP To Discredit Christians Away Fro… I in no way want to cause strife which is why I have posted this request here with you Zen. I have witness hubris on both subjects which emotionally and spiritually ended dialog. It is about meeting people where we are.

  2. Amazing teaching, Zen!
    Thank you very much. My book Skyfall is here, can't wait to finish it.
    Please clear this for me:
    1) In your work you use lucifer as the angel who was favored by God, untill he rebeled against Him. Then you allude that, once fallen, he is known on earth as satan.
    I have been following the work or shows of David Carrico on NowYouSeetv. He emphatically teaches that satan and lucifer are totally different entities. Lucifer been actually the son of satan. Satan been the one who rebelled against God, not lucifer. Lucifer it's an earthly nephlin king, son of satan.
    He does provide the evidence for his claim.
    Where do you stand on this? It's a new knowledge and your book Skyfall it's from, I believe 2013, places lucifer as the angel who rebelled against God, but according to David was actually satan.
    2) You teach that in the second day of creation or prior to any being in the image of God is created on the earth, the fallen angels were here, banished. Also, that they are the ones responsible of the construction of megalithic structures we see today. Since these structures are so many all over the world; were these fallen ones procreating, like in having offsprings, to populate the earth, or did they just lived here without the hability to procreate? If yes, who did they procreate with, among themselves, evil male and female spirits?

    3) Where these beings of flesh and blood, or did they keep their immortal spirits till this day. Flesh and blood would not allow them to be inmortals according to the story of Adam and Eve and they would be in a grave today. But we read that these are encarcerated within the earth, if so, who are the ones on the face of the earth tempting man and possessing bodies as in the story of Jesus, the possessed man, legion if evil spirits who run into the swines?
    Hope someone could answer these questions for me.
    Thank you.

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