What Was The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? FYTube

In this show I share quite a number of ancient sources to clarify the timeline of the war in heaven and how it led to the destruction of the first world age. I then clarified in great detail how it was that the watchers who abandoned their first estate were able to copulate with the daughters of Cain; creating a race of giants known as the men of renown. I wanted to explain the difference between these two incursions of angels and how they tied together with the biblical narrative of the rebellion of the angels and the fall of Lucifer separate from the interdiction of the 200 watchers into the affairs of humanity during the time of Jared.

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  1. If Adam and Eve were spiritual beings before they 'ate the fruit', then why did The Most High charge them by saying be fruitful and multiply? This would be a stark contradiction of what Jesus said in Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. [[not the resurrection, but the ,"'as the angels of God in Heaven" part]] , so if they transformed into regular humans (Genesis 1:28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”) would be a contradiction

  2. https://drmsh.com/the-serpent-and-eve-nonsense-where-the-idea-comes-from-and-does-not-come-from/


    The Hebrew word yada’ (“to know”) doesn’t mean” “have sexual intercourse. It is used as a euphemism for the act, though. This is just like words in English. The verb “to screw” doesn’t *mean have intercourse, but it can be used as a euphemistic substitute.

    The lemma for “to know” is yadaʿ (ידע); it occurs three times in Gen 3 (vv. 5, 7, 22). The lemma for “to beguile” (I presume you’re thinking of v. 13, but I don’t know what translation you’re using) is nsʾ (נשׂא), which has a more common homonym. There’s no semantic relationship between ydʿ and nsʾ. The former points to understanding; the latter to deception. Here’s the HALOT entry:

    II נשׁא: ? by-form of שׁוא: Arb. našiya to be intoxicated.
    nif: pf. נִשְּׁאוּ: to entertain false hopes Is 1913 (parallel with יאל nif.), cj. Da 1114 (יִנָּֽשְׁאוּ). †
    hif: pf. הִשִּׁיא, הִשֵּׁאתָ, הִשִּׁיאַ֫נִי, הִשִּׁיאֲךָ, הִשִּׁיאוּךָ; impf. יַשִּׁ(י)א, יַשִּׁיאוּ, יַשִּׁיאֲךָ; inf. הַשֵּׁא: to cheat, deceive with acc. Gn 313 (cf. R. Meyer Gr. §91:2a and 92:4b), 2K 1910/Is 3710 Jr 4916 (rd. הִשִּׁיאַתְךָ), Ob 3.7, cj. Ezk 392 (rd. וְהִשֵּׁאתִיךָ); הִשִּׁיא נַפְשׁוֹ to deceive oneself Jr 379, cj. Lam 119 (rd. וַיַּשִּׁיאוּ Rudolph 208); with לְ 2K 1829 Is 3614 Jr 410 298; —Nu 2130 prop. וַנָּשֶׂם אֵשׁ; Ps 8923 rd. יִשָּׂא no enemy will rise against him (Dahood Psalms 2:317f; Fisher Parallels 1: p. 69 no. 56), cf. נשׂא nif; Ps 5516 Q see Commentaries. †

    Trees were (at times) markers of divine encounters and, therefore, experience of / acquisition of divine knowledge. Sexual intercourse is not a “divine act” – it’s a normal act for embodied humans (and many animals of course).

    Ludwig Koehler et al., The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill, 1999), 728.
    My personal conclusion is, that the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent is referring to the Faith of Mankind in God and the battle against the devil "world" and at last our Lord Jesus and his battle against every ungodly unseen Spirit and the "Sons of God" and the Serpent (=the Devil), and Jesus marked his victory on the cross once for all. The seed of the woman represents the faith and trust only in Yah. And this Faith should went along from Adam+Eve= Seth to Joseph+Maria to Jesus the reincarnate Word of God. God bow down because of love and became a man (still fully God fully Man) to complete his plan in restoring the full relationship to God like in the time in eden and to give mankind the full revelation and give hope and prepare mankind who have faith in him, so they are fully armed for the spiritual warfare that still is going on in this world and echoing beneath the flesh. Adams "birth" was unique like the birth of Jesus. Adam brought the sin and the dead with some ideologies for free like doubt, ego, arrogance, superiority, ignorance, hard-heartedness, which fully unfold to the core the more we move away from God. Jesus as the sole perfect seed brings eternal life and covers our sins and make alive our dead spirit to see the lies of the serpent which are still wrapping the unknowing people. The "Eye opening" moment after eating the fruit was actually becoming blind (isaiah 42:18-21; John 9:39-41). Jesus is the ultimate revelation and salvation (1. John 3:8-12). Esra 9:2 could be understand if they are talking about DNA/mingled seed/blood. But we know, that in the OT people outside the Israelites could be a part of the community, if they truly from the heart abandon their false believes and join in the covernant with God in believe in him and adapt every given command and word. Every other intermingling outside the physical but also spiritual borders, would unavoidable poison your faith, your loyality and your spirit and undermine the authority of God what the same is like mocking God. If the seed means only biological then every decendants of Kain or Ham would be damned from the very start but forever, with no chance for salvation. But it is not true, because God is fair and righteous. Kaananites were damned becauce of Ham, but still there was for example this prostitute who chose to believe in the God of Israel and she was saved. The Kaananites get many chances and much time to become a believer of the true God because they were aware of the events and storys, but they choose not to do. Everybody who refuses God ist the child of Satan, an adversary no matter which blood you have in your veins. the Bible also talks about "believers" like Pharisees / Jews / Israelites who will be removed from the olivetree and unbelivers who become believers will graft into the Olivetree (the Tree of Life).There are only 2 ways: live with God or refuse God. Here we have to ask ourselves what faith is. How God/Jesus defines faith and trust and loyality. Why Jesus said to Believers "I never knew you, depart from me, you workes of iniquity". So one doesnt realize that one is sitting at the table of the Devil and at the same time at the table of God. That is the whole point to think about and not the point if Eve had sex with the serpent, because the serpent plant his seed already in Eves mind/spirit/heart, in this event intermingling with the serpent was not the point althoug sex is a big issue 1. Corinthians 6:18 and virginity of a woman and the sexual act just in marriage is to make us understand, that the purpose of sex is not a game or kind of sport or just pleasure, but the marriage as a covenant is to build a familiy in trust and loyality like our relationship to God and the "task" which Adam and Eve in Eden had "be fruitful and multiply" to a big family with God beside them. But the Devil deface and distort the purpose of sex and marriage and the sense for relationship within men and woman up to the relation to God.
    Kain was not the seed of the devil, he had the seed of the devil in his spirit, because he became jealous of his brother and he put his spirit, heart and mind not in Gods hand so that the jelousy bloom and mislead him to murder his brother. Someone could overcome jealousy when you let God in your mind and heart. So Kain could ask his brohter "what im doing wrong, could you help me" or ask this directly God. But he didnt.
    Child abuse/sex and Child sacrifce is very old and it is the seed in the spirit of people who believes in Gods to achieve tribute and power from a "god" who expect these things, who is Mommon and other corrupted Sons of God an the Devil. They promise power, money, "happiness", "good"life, fame, reputation a false idea of life etc. and they murder the most precious thing you have and this is your spirit. The divinity begins in our Faith, than spirit, than in our thougts which find expression in our behaviors and decisions. Therefore the evil begins in a faith which poissons our spirits and our thoughts and find his way in our behaviors and decisions. We born as innocent Beeing in a sin world and our environment devour our spirit and brainwash our senses and thoughts, as long we dont run under the wings of God.
    Jesus himself talked about the seed in parables to relate to the Word of God which is the Building of our Faith and Trust (Lukas 8:4-18) but unfortunately within Believers there are still stumbling stairs and lies and wrong ways, therefore we have to eat every day the word of God and pray, like we need food everyday, so our eyes and spirit become more and more open. The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil was not an enlightenment or a benefit, which God withheld. The tree was there the whole time and it was not veiled. But only as the serpent came, Eve began to see this tree suddenly with diffrent eyes and mindset. Her whole perspective changes and the serpent raise willingly doubts in the trust and obedience to God. To eat the fruit was not the state of gain a skill now to distinguish between good and evil, wrong and right, because some verses later, they failed again in trying to help theirselves in covering their shame and try to hide also from their responsibilty and reject their blame and excuse theirselves from blame and guilt. What they "know" was, that they did something very wrong but still not distinguish false from right. But they realize that they were confronted with something evil/bad/wrong and realize what consequences and punishment was. God put this tree in Eden so that Adam and Eve realize, that they are beeings who has the freedom to choose, although their Father also mentioned, that there are consequences if they choose this way. This is the ultimate and only state which defines love, trust and loyalty. Every other way could not be called love or trust, when someone has no choice for themselves. Adam & Eve weren´t Robots, but more artificial intelligence who get input of many Informations to get Understanding/Knowledge, but the BIG difference is that A. I. has not the Breath of God, so no spirit, no real love and will never have the capacity to reject God willingly like a child or love God unconditional although every input could make the contrary appearance of God because there is more than Knowlegde and this is the holy Ghost and conscience and selfconsciousness, which no A.I. will ever experience.

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