1. What bothers me about the azores plateau as regards the location of Atlantis is the mention of Traditionally African or Asia Megafauna being present there in great number. That being the Elephants. Now, it certainly isn't impossible that an advanced enough ocean going civilization could transport them there in breeding pairs but to my knowledge there wouldn't be any other way. It's also possible the story is not entirely factual, or that it's actually a combination of multiple stories of possibly even more than one place. The other thing that bothers me which was touched on by Mr Dibble in his debate with Graham Hancock, is the absence of any sufficiently old enough shipwrecks ever found, anywhere on earth to date. That would suggest an extremely advanced technology, bordering on the flying Vimanas of Hindu texts. To my knowledge the only other significantly similar stories being would be in the Torah/Old Testament or plausibly atleast the stories of dragons or feathered serpents. Which are alternately at times, depending on geography interchangeable with a star, comet and a man or God. All that being what it is, if they did exist and had flying craft it's plausible they were an Earth Borne Civilization, or at least just as plausible as them having been from Off World. We honestly having no direct evidence of either. Or even of their actual existence, except in stories which appear linked, Globally as well as certain other things which are also, seemingly linked across the entirety of the globe. And ancient maps referencing older maps which show things like Antartica Devoid of Ice. Which would suggest one of two things, a truly Ancient Culture which was only destroyed around 10-11,000 years ago or one with nearly as, or even more advanced technology as our own. Which when coupled with some of the truly unexplainable mysteries surrounding certain artifacts in Egypt, some of which we likely would be hard pressed to copy with our current technology and which in certain circumstances we still might not be able to duplicate… would suggest a truly advanced Civilization at least equaling our own, if not exceeding it. Is that the Progenitors of Human? Or Humanity itself? Perhaps just another Pre-Human cousin like the Neanderthal or Denisovan? ET? The Annunaki? The Nephilim? Honestly it's impossible to say, with what we do know, which would suggest there is some basis to the story. Which I think is why Modern Archeology is done it's best to divest itself of that, alongside Biblical Archeology in most instances. The places where Mythology, Religion and factual Science intersect are dangerous territory. And have in the past been used by all sorts of people pushing horribly unscientific theories like various racial theories, which were then used to justify all manner of horrible crimes, both in the Old and New Worlds. So it's certainly understandable why Academia has sought to distance themselves from these things and in a lot of situations act like Gatekeepers, or the Angel with the Flaming Sword at the Dntrance to Eden barring reentry. But I think now might be the right time to begin reexamining these things, having now come to.an almost complete concensus as a Civilization that the Old Racial Theories which propped up White Supremecy have no genuine scientific basis. That we're all equally human and equally capable of genius, creation and as well, destruction and falling into ideas and ideologies that can be dangerous. And that we need to be careful. It's one thing to hypothesize upon things and another to decree them as fact. The first step in discovering anything is realizing there is something to discover. And nothing should be off limits to investigation and genuine debate. We've already seen the dangers of ideas that are turned into unassailable dogma, and the horrible things that can and have been done based on them in the past.

  2. Yes, land rebounds when its relieved of the weight of ice. I'm afraid there's one place where Atlantis can definitely be found and that's inside Plato's head. It was made up guys. Its fun but it was a story and sadly Joe cant get enough of it.

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