1. That was a great video presentation brother and I really appreciate it very much. However there are few points that need to be clarified. Allow me to share my humble opinion as you permitted us to make some few comments.

    First of all the Revelation 12 signs is very much of the topic today and is the very hot item from among us Christians who embraces a pre-tribulational rapture view, perhaps because of our eagerness of His coming for us. I am not discounting that the views and interpretations presented were incorrect but need to be justified a we interpret this chapter context by context. As you were saying, it must be interpreted literally and not by some allegorical nor spiritualizing method.

    In my analysis, as we look into the whole chapter of Revelation 12, it is very Jewish and it speaks wholly for the nation Israel. It described a woman having twelve stars on her head, clothed with a sun and a moon on her feet. This was Joseph's dream as presented in Genesis 37 with verse 9 giving us the similar image of Rev. 12. And it is highly agreeable in your presentation that this woman (Israel) is giving birth to a man-child (Isaiah 66:7) and it described a boy which coincide with Rev. 12:5. This is further justified by Micah 5:1-3 which points to the Messiah. With these references that the woman described here is no less than Israel herself, who in turn produces a son, a man-child who is to become the ruler of Israel (Micah 5:3). At this point in time, we can now conclude that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who is best described here as a "man-child"(Rev. 12:5), as your video presentation described it. And this woman (Israel) is being persecuted by the Devil(Rev. 12:17) because the woman was the one who brought forth the existence of the man-child that made him thrown down from heaven at the time this man-child was "caught up" in heaven(Rev. 12:5,13). Thus the Devil persecuted the woman but was protected by God (in Petra) for 1,260 days, that's 3-1/2 years-second half of tribulation down to the end.

    Now what fellow saints were startled here is the Rev. 12:5 where the "man-child" was "caught-up" (Harpazo)in heaven – thus interprets the rapture of the church. This is where they get confused of, thus it appears that the "man-child" here is the church and not the Messiah.

    Three(3) things that need to be clarified here.

    1) First, our O.T. references point to a woman being the nation Israel, and Messiah being the man-child.
    2) Next, in the study of prophetic books, particularly Revelation, the word "Woman" always represents a nation or a church (Isaiah 66:7 and Rev. 12; Rev. 17:4-5). Rev. 12:5 points to a boy and not a woman, thus it cannot be a church, but indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ!
    3) Third, the word "caught-up" (Harpazo)in heaven described in Revelation 12:5 points to a rapture (Harpazo). If the Greek rendering here is indeed a Harpazo or rapture, then rapture of the saints is not limited only to the church body, the saints. Since Christ Himself is the first to be resurrected from the dead with a "glorified body" (1Cor. 15:42), then He is the first to experience being – harpazo or rapture or "caught up" in the throne with the Father.(Rev. 12:5;Acts 1:9) and the promise that they, who were gazing will be caught up also upon His return for them (Acts 1:11, John 14:3;1 Cor. 15:50-54; 1Thes. 4:15-17).

    The church is composed of the head, which is Christ and the body, we believers and all of them, including Christ Himself will experience being "caught up" where Christ took the first step, then we, saints, the body on the appointed time of His coming for the bride.

    I believe the rapture of the church would come even before the Revelation 12 event, because Revelation 12, signals that the last remaining one week (7 years) or the 70th Week of Daniel is about to commence.

  2. The first four Spring Holy Appointment "Feast" Days were fulfilled by Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus Christ) under the New Covenant around 3 BC, which began the Harvest for the Kingdom of Heaven at Pentacost, the 4th Feast Day. Pentecost was the conception of the Body of Christ, and the beginning of the "harvest" for souls that has been going on the last 2000 years. There are 3 Fall Feast Days yet to be fulfilled, and I believe the Harvest will soon be reaped around Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets) on 9/23/17, where signs in the Heavens will align with Revelation 12:1-2 of the Holy Bible prophecy. This Yom Teruah, I believe will be the Rapture (Harpazo – Catching Up) of the Body of Christ – the true believers and followers of Christ.





    However, Satan will have you believe that it was an alien invasion/abduction. Do not be deceived, aliens are demons and are powerless when calling upon the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ/Yahshua Hamashiach.

    Parallels of Heavenly Signs and Scripture from Holy Bible:

    Isaiah 66:7 (KJV)

    7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.

    8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

    Revelation 12:1-2 (KJV)

    1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

    2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

    5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child (G5043 – teknon – children) was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne.

    1 Thessalonians 5:3 (KJV)

    3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

    Just as Jesus (Yahshua) was born unto a virgin Mary (represented as Virgo Constellation – Spiritual Israel), and wears the crown of the Lion of Judah (Lion/Leo Constellation) with 12 stars (12 Tribes of Israel), so will the Body of Christ (Faithful followers of Christ) in the Heavens on 9/23/17. Revelations 12:1-2 is paralleled to that of Jesus' birth, who is the Head of the Body, King of physical Israel and Spiritual Israel when he was caught up to Heaven, and the 9/23/17 signs in the Heavens parallels that of the Revelations 12:1-2 which alludes to the rapture of the Body of Christ. Where the woman (Virgo – Spiritual Israel) will be clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and there will be the 9 stars of Leo plus Venus, Mercury, and Mars, making it a 12 star crown (12 Tribes of Judah). Also, Jupiter (King Star – Representing Christ's Kingdom) will be passing through her womb, as if giving birth, and Jupiter has been swirling in her womb since last November, 2016, for about the same time as a woman's gestation cycle come this Yom Teruah 2017.

    1 Corinthians 12:50-53 (KJV)

    50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

    51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (be dead forever), but we shall all be changed,

    52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

    This is probably the birthing of the Body of Christ which is the rapture (harpazo) or "catching up" of the Body of Christ to be delivered to the Heavenly Father on the "Feast" of Trumpets before the great dragon (Satan/Devil/Lucifer) consumes it (New Born Body) with the Great Tribulation.

  3. I had a weird dream a few weeks ago. There was a planet with oceans and continents on it that showed up visible in the sky that was bigger then the moon. I was looking at it and could see something else barely. It was a dark star with some red lines in it. The star was really hard to see at first but it kept coming closer and once it got close enough there was some writing on it in red on one side. On the other side of this writing was a big number 3. I was talking to someone and don't remember who it was but in the dream I knew them.  The person said the language written on the star said that Satan was coming and the 3 was saying we had 3 years until Satan comes. The person said the written language was Angelic.

    We were standing under the awning and my grandmother was with us. My grandmother has been dead for awhile now. So I don't know why she was in the dream. Anyways she went out from under the awning to look at the dark star better and as she did a black helicopter flew over and was shooting out lasers. It blinded her. She was screaming her eyes were burning. The person there with us said that the government was going to be blinding people looking up at this star.

    I put my hands on my grandmothers head and prayed to God to heal her. She was instantly healed. The person there with us said many people were going to be blinded. There was people screaming in the background in the neighborhood after the helicopter flew over. Lots of screaming in pain.

    We went inside to have dinner and steaks were brought out to us. The person said to cut the steak and as I did blood started coming out of it. He said that the Jews were going to be tormented. That God was going to punish them. He said that people were going to use sorcery and witchcraft against the Jews.

    I don't believe in Sorcery or Witchcraft and think the dream was more symbolic than literal. I didn't believe in Niburu and still have trouble believing in it. I don't think there is going to be any rapture until after the 144,000 with the seal of God are slain by the Anti-Christ.

    After watching this video it seems to make sense in Revelations that the red dragon could be a planetary system showing up. We will just have to wait and see. We should pray for the Jews just incase the dream turns out to be real.

    Thanks for the video and may the Lord God bless you.

  4. It's no accident that the eclipse's happen 7 years apart and that the second one is precisely 14 days before Passover in 2024. We will be in heaven from August 21 2017 until April 8 2024 and will be fully dressed for the wedding on April 22, 2024.

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