September 23 2017 The Sign l Acts 5 Parallel False Christ & False Preditcions l Blood Atonement FYTube

What is so important in your life right now that you don’t have some time to watch or learn of Jesus’ return?? What do you have to lose? Only disbelief keeps people of sharing in this amazing prophecy unfolding before our very eyes!

Robert Breaker “Asking vs Accepting Atonement”

The 3 Minute video you need to share with EVERYONE you know (3 min brief explanation of the Revelation 12 sign on September 23 2017)

Now look at the 5 minute version!

Revelation 12 sign in 15 minutes.

Scottie Clark (Best Information, period)

Revelation 12 Daily:

Jaco @ God’s Roadmap to the End

Hamrick CE


Cutting Edge

Steve Sewell

ZEUS Mossbender (Rev 12 With some comic relief)

Jerry Toney (if he doesn’t light a fire in you, I don’t know who will)

Daniel Matson

There are many more watchmen and I will continue to add to this list as the recommendations come in!

Answering 7 questions for Skeptics on the sign

Music by Pamela Hughes (itunes only)

Video Source


  1. God's Wonderful Gospel, The Greatest News Ever, About Amazing GRACE!
    For ALL who Have sinned, But NOT YET "WASHED" In The BLOOD! Amen?:

    Do you desire ETERNAL Condemnation? 😢 ↓ (Luke 18 : 9-12!), Then, please
    "remain," In UNbelief, As you ARE = PROUD & ARROGANT!,

    But, if you DESIRE to be one of:

    the "few," who Are humble! (Luke 18 : 13-14!), Then God Has Great News!!:

    FAITH Cometh By hearing, And hearing By The Word Of God!: Amen?

    (ALL Scriptures From God's Preserved WORD = KJB! ## )

    The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God! = God's Eternal Salvation! By:

    100% faith (heart belief, trust!) in The LORD JESUS CHRIST,
    In HIS BLOOD, And In HIS Resurrection! = God's Eternal Life!!,
    According To The SCRIPTURES!
    (Romans 10 : 17; 1 Corinthians 15 : 1-4; And Ephesians 2 : 5-10!)

    Good Works Will Not Save you, But Will Get you Rewards At:
    The Judgment Seat Of CHRIST! (1 Corinthians 3 : 8-15!)

    **Note: Verse 15! Teaches ETERNAL Security "Despite Loss!"**

    **Note2: IF you just BELIEVED This AND your Are The LAST "member"
    Of The Body Of CHRIST, we Are Going To Depart To HEAVEN!,
    so, learn This Right NOW, And you Will Receive A crown At Judgment!:**

    "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
    Which The LORD, The Righteous Judge, Shall Give me at that day:
    And not to me only, but unto All them also that love HIS Appearing!"
    (2 Timothy 4 : 8!) Amen?
    IF you are in any "religion" with ONE "false doctrine,"
    it is UNclean!, Please Obey God, WHO Commands:

    "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, Saith
    The LORD, And touch not the unclean thing; and I Will Receive you,
    And Will Be A Father Unto you, and ye Shall Be MY sons and daughters,
    Saith The LORD Almighty!" (2 Corinthians 6 : 17!)

    God's ETERNAL Salvation Is THE Best Motivation For "true"
    believers to serve God "out of love," being SAVED For ETERNITY!

    rather than "serving out of FEAR" of "losing Probationary" salvation!:

    "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
    And of love, and of a sound mind!" (1 Timothy 1 : 7!)

    GRACE/Repentance And FAITH, Found In SCRIPTURE, to The Honor And
    GLORY Of GOD, The Father, Through The LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST!

    Please Prayerfully and Carefully (1 Corinthians 2 : 13!) Study, enjoy,
    And learn From The Blessed Teacher, and, Always Be Richly Blessed! In:

    God's Inexhaustible Mine of Precious Gems = Pure and Holy Scriptures! ##

    Please Always Be Richly Blessed In HIM And HIS Precious Word! #

    brother Chris – – ETERNALLY Saved In CHRIST!
    { i must decrease; HE Must Increase! }

    I ❤️ JESUS And HIS Truth!:
    The Word, 👑 Law, Rightly
    Divided From GRACE✝️ (2 Timothy 2 : 15!)
    { = God-Given "Key" For Understanding Scripture! # } Amen?

    ## KJB Only Is God's Preserved Word!

    # Romans – Philemon = God's GRACE Love Letters For us Today For:
    Consolation, Comfort, Edification, Enjoyment, Encouragement, And
    spiritual Building Up Of ALL the "members' (saints!) In The Body Of CHRIST!,
    HIS Church, Seated In HEAVEN! Amen?

  2. Great video… things look fine outside, I dont see the rapture and i am still alive. We should always be prepared though cause you never know. Please click the link below and subscribe to my channel for funny Jokes and funny skits and LIT ASS VLOGS, PRAY EVERYDAY, LOVE and PEACE!

  3. This "End of the world the events" you people said they would happen or predictions were fake. Remember god will suprise us. He didn't say what day or time or year it's not in the Bible aswell. Like so many people said 2016 end of world or 2014 end of world event. Well it was all false never happen. God knows nobody else.

    I don't want to die yet but .. if I have to.. I would and will be sad.. don't believe YouTube videos and fake news. They poison your brain sometimes. And most of the time you tubers and other people come together to spread the theory..

    But at the end.. it's all false. Don't believe yt. God knows nobody else this September nonsense is false.

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