September 23 2017 l Response to Koinonia & Others l Hebrews 11 & Biblical astronomy vs astrology FYTube

All glory to Jesus Christ! He is the way, the truth and the life!
Wanted to address the recent attempt at debunking the Revelation 12 sign by Koinonia ministry. While I will leave Hamrick CE to do what he does best (debunk the debunks), I wanted to briefly touch on astronomy vs astrology, as this seems to be a continuing stumbling block for someone to grow in this matter.

New to the Revelation 12 sign? Get up to speed with the

Revelation 12 Sign in 5 Minutes (what you need to know)

Revelation 12 sign in 15 minutes.

How special or rare is this sign?

Scottie Clark (Best Information, period)

Revelation 12 Daily:

Jaco @ God’s Roadmap to the End

Hamrick CE


Cutting Edge

Steve Sewell

ZEUS Mossbender (Rev 12 With some comic relief)

Daniel Matson

There are many more watchmen and I will continue to add to this list as the recommendations come in!

Answering 7 questions for Skeptics on the sign

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  1. It's truly quite special. I arrived home 2 hours ago. When I got out of my car I just looked straight up into the night sky. I thought to myself how amazing is thst, it was so clear and so open like I've never seen before. I said to myself I need to look up more. And now I find this video shortly after.. little things like that let me feel someone is there guiding me. Thank you for the video. May God bless you all

  2. I know this stance will receive a lot of backlash, and believe me it is not easy being a true follower of Yeshua! I will ask one thing of those who wish to respond to this statement, please take what I'm about to say with an open mind and prayerfully consider it!

    There is no pre-tribulation rapture!

    Do not be deceived, for the enemy has placed stumbling blocks before God's people! The book of the Revelation is only for seekers of truth, for many have tried to imply their own will upon it, and have confused themselves as well as others! Brothers and sisters, I say this with a wholesome heart and a sound mind in the entirety of the scriptures, you cannot understand the Gospel of the New Testament without the foundation of the Torah and the Prophets!

    Yeshua' first coming was as the Lamb of God, completing every requirement of the Spring Feast of the LORD to the very moment they were rehearsed for thousands of years! His mission was for the personal redemption for our sins, and he gave up His kingdom for a later time! His second coming will be in the same manner for the national redemption of all Israel, completing the Fall Feast!
    Those who are not founded in the Torah, will not comprehend what is about to transpire in the latter days!
    There are things that must come to pass before his return, which are legal prerequisites put forth by God through his spokesmen the Prophets! Primarily, the return of ALL Israel to the Promised Land (Not just the Jews), and the Abomination that causes Desolation! Messiah cannot return before any of these things, because God's plan is to send a delusion so strong that the very elect could be deceived! He is going to filter out the lukewarm and wicked (twisted), by allowing the enemy to deceive humanity!

    Here is one question the Holy Spirit has shown me to ask readers of the Bible.. If all His true believers are with him in Heaven before the Tribulation, then why does Messiah give His followers specific instructions of what to do at the start of the Great Tribulation? I don't feel this information is for the scoffers!

    In Matthew 24 and Luke 17, Yeshua explains that as it was in the days of Noah, so too will be the coming of the Son of Man! He goes on to give examples of two men will be in one bed, one will be taken and one left. Two women will be at the grindstone, one will be taken one left. Two men in a field, one taken one left! Most use this as reasoning for a pre-Tribulation rapture! I ask you, in the Days of Noah who was taken and who was left? The 8 people of Noah's family and all the animals on the ark were left to repopulate the Earth, while the waters took the rest away!

    Another verse used to try to prove this theory is Revelation 12:5.

    “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”

    Who is the man child here, not any other person other than Yeshua Messiah! The woman can only be Israel, not the church, the churches are represented as the candlesticks which we learn in Rev. 1:20.

    In Rev. 3:10, the church of Philadelphia is told that for their patience and keeping the word, they will be kept from the hour of the Tribulation. Kept or keep is to be watched over or protected from, not taken away! So this verse does not support a pre-trib rapture either!

    Those who teach of this rapture theory have no concern of our Creator's plan, let alone his appointed times and seasons! They are put there for a reason, and it seems that everyone wants to try to jump the gun! God is going to show us something beyond comprehension, on His time and in His season!

    The Gog invasion of Israel (Eze. 38-39) must happen first, which is tied to the Fall Feast, then ALL Israel is to return home (2nd Exodus)! I feel at that time the Ark of the Covenant is revealed to the world, making known His testimony in the Earth. (1John, 5:7-8) Then the Temple Mount needs to be purified with the Red Heifer, then The Temple can be built to "Confirm" the Covenant to start the last or 70th week of Daniel. This is why the 2 witnesses are here in the Earth during the first 1260 days, along with setting right the way, including the sacrifices and daily oblations before "The Great and Dreadful Day of the LORD!" In the midst of this week of years is when the lawless one will bring forth the abomination that causes desolation, then the Woman (Israel) is instructed to flee into the mountains by Yeshua Messiah, where she would have a place prepared for her by God!

    There is a first and second resurrection however, many want to call these raptures, which I feel it takes away from the spirit of the events taking place. The first is the resurrection is of the faithful and obedient, in which the second death has no power over, but moreover the will be attending the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! They will live in the Sabbath Millennium, away from sin and the fallen ones, where we will be taught how to live Godly lives by Messiah himself! The second one isn't as pretty, let's just hope our name is written in the Book of Life!

    The Covenant, including the renewed Covenant in Yeshua's blood is for all Israel. All the land from the Euphrates to the great river in Egypt will belong to the Sons of Jacob, and they are to be priests and prophets to the whole world! The goal of the gentile church is to be graphed into the olive tree, to enjoy the fatness that the natural branches have. But just as the natural branches can be broken off, so too can the wild branches with their disobedience!

    Only the elect (144,000) will not see death, even the 2 witnesses will die! So to teach that one is to be raptured before anything bad happens is not biblically founded, and we should be weary of those who do not have the Word of God (Torah) and the testimony of Yeshua!

    Blessed is he that come in the name יהוה


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