Watchmen in one Mind and Accord: Spiritual Warfare W/ Scottie, Alan, Rob, Sha’ul and Chris! FYTube

**Adam Fink, Scottie Clarke, Rob Stone, Alan Horvath, Paul Skotarski (Z. Mossbender) and Christopher Maskey**
We are assembling to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching!


The world has been changing at a rapid pace, so much in that we can hardly keep up! So often in your ministry, oh Yahshua (Jesus) you were bold to say, “Fear not, Fear not”. While the world is busy with distractions and consuming materialism, also full of fear, your body, your Qodesh ones are yearning for you. Some of us thought we would be with you by now, but just as your word says, we wont be taken unawares, as we are your children of light and of the day.
Since we may be here longer than expected, we need you more than ever, our rock and salvation! In King David’s day, the enemy was all round Israel, your called out ones and David conquered ALL. Once again, oh Yahuah, your people are surrounded, in the spiritual realm. Even so, what has changed since it was written, “Be strong and of a good courage (Chazak AMATS), fear not nor be afraid of them, for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee” and “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord” and lastly, ” For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
The enemy wants to keep you in fear brothers and sisters; This is how he keeps a stronghold over you. So while the battlefront has changed, the outcome has not. For as it is written ” For I am the Lord, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
Let pray without ceasing and put on the WHOLE Armor of Yahuah

The “Revelation 12 sign” we were discussing (3 minute vid)

Scottie Clarke (ERF Ministries)

Rob Stone ( (use code POTV)

Here is a list of recommended channels

Tim and Rob

Alan Horvath –

Our Brother Sean O’Rourke’s website;

Revelation 12 sign in 3 Minutes (If you are unfamiliar with what the Revelation 12 sign was)

How special or rare was this “Revelation 12 sign”?

Scottie Clark

Revelation 12 Daily:

Jaco @ God’s Roadmap to the End

Barry Scarbrough

Christopher Maskey


Steve Sewell

ZEUS Mossbender (Rev 12 With some comic relief)

Daniel Matson (watchfortheday)

Real Eyes

Tetelestai on the Cross

Betty DeMers

Apocryphile 1970

There are many more watchmen and watchwomen and I will continue to add to this list as the recommendations come in!

If you feel led to assist my family (Click the secure link)

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  1. I get called crazy by my family because I try and get them to see the truth. I’m not a scholar but I can tell you that I have learned more from people like you than I ever learned in church. They think that I just believe anything that is on You Tube. I have no friends left because I don’t believe as they do. I really appreciate you guys!

  2. Definitely 8/21 was the GO time…I saw that number written on my doorstep (twice) on 2010….a 7 year time-line was given to me by The Holy Spirit which ended on 9/1/2017 when the lights returned to me as a sign……Then, on 9/9 I heard a loud Trumpet after a sudden electrical black-out…(the King was born) …9/10 the next day, IRMA hit my town (great winds after birth) and 9/19 Mexico earthquake..,,.that month I had plenty of "coincidences" with number 9/19….PLEN…..TY…

    Also I turn 49 yrs old…Leviticus 25 states the SABBATH YEAR..of Jubilee at the 7th period of 7 yrs = 49 plus 1 Holy Year….ends Oct/ 2018 on Halloween.

    Turns out that on 2018, the 10 TERRIBLE DAYS of the Hebrew Feasts of HARVEST 2018 ( will run btwn Sept 9 & Sept 19 !!!) Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur; which simbolize the Announcement of THE KING JESUS and 10 days for Expiation & Purification.
    Those dates coincide with the 2017 markers: 9/9/2017 Jupiter (King Planet) was born out of Virgo…10/9 was IRMA great wind…19/9 was Mexico Earthquake….23/9 was the fulfillment of Rev 12 Prophecy.

    We are the Christian fresh sprouts…THE FIRST FRUITS IN CHRIST…they won´t hurt us because we will be Raptured…………. Probably on 4/11/18………………

    FIRE & FURY…………..TIME´S UP………..Hollywood in Black……..A NEW HORIZON……The Mask is OFF……The TRUMPet is blown on the Feast of Trumpets 9/19


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