A Warning for America… FYTube

WATCH – A Warning for America
We Americans are under attack by our own government. We the people have no choice But to once again defend our freedom. This has all happened before and we can learn much from the American Revolution starting in 1763 to pay for debts incurred from a war with France the British began enforcing new taxes on the American colonies in Response to this the colony set up their own parallel government based on a simple structure of three committees delegated to voice the will of the people a committee of correspondence to disseminate information a committee of inspection to enforce Continental Congress decisions and the most important of the three a committee of safety to act as general executive in the absence of legal authority These committees stemmed from each community of all the colonies and each and every local committee of safety Had two missions to provide military support and monitor political affairs each community Delegated its own representatives to speak on their behalf at the county level and then at the state level Where state legislatures are thereby formed and senators are elected to represent the overall interests of the people in that state with these committees the 13 colonies Honorably created a parallel government that lawfully nullified British rule this compelled the crown to take it back by force.

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A Warning for America
A Warning for America
A Warning for America

end times productions message strange truth world news current events may 2023 today this week this month motivation america
@EndTimesProductions @-anonymous @RedactedNews ​

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  1. Wake up people. Here is what is said can or must be done by WE THE PEOPLE. A few words first. See our rights and way of life is being taken away from us by the people shown in this video. That no one seems to care or is even willing to fight to keep what is rightly ours, by God. Is being a coward, and willing to be enslaved, the thing people seem to be blindly accepting? Many other people like me have turned blue in the face for trying to make everyone see what is being done to us, yet no one listens to any warnings like these videos as if this were a conspiracy theory, a myth, or a tale of fantasy. Sad to say, we only listen in times of terrible acts, near-death or dying, and usually when it is already too late. No longer do people teach what we are as Americans, and our duty as citizens of the USA, and about 85% of American young adults do not know anything about the Constitution or even our own rights. Let alone the Bill of Rights and other documents of significance. I suggest we get with it fast and act. start using our right to let our voices be heard. sending a clear message and warnings to enemies within that we will not go down without a fight, that we will not listen to any words of betrayal to our country, and that we will not be enslaved. Now read this part of our rights.
    That whenever any form of Gov becomes destructive of these ends, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE, to alter it or to abolish it. and to institute a new gov. laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such forms as to them would seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that gov, long-established shall not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms which they are accustomed. but when a long train of abuses ( as it is happening now)and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism. It is our right, it is our duty to throw off such gov. and to provide new guards for the future security of our liberties and the pursuit of happiness and the reinstated gov and its constitution to continue to defend our freedom with stern determination with prejudice, and conviction. that it is better to die than live as these people are offering you to live. for if you do not see what is being offered by them, then we have truly lost
    But you see I bet maybe only about 5 people know of this and about 3 men are willing. and am not even saying what the rest will do. because they are doing it now.

  2. An anonymous birth is a birth where the mother gives birth to a child without disclosing her identity, or where her identity remains unregistered. In many countries, anonymous births have been legalized for centuries in order to prevent formerly frequent killings of newborn children, particularly outside of marriage.

    In an anonymous birth, the mother's right of informational self-determination severely curtails the …

    High rates of infant abandonment, child neglect, and neonaticide created the preventative systems of baby hatches, anonymous birth, confidential birth, which are forms of giving birth without personal information or privately disclosing information. Infant abandonment is a form of child abandonment where a parent leaves their infant in attempt to end their guardianship. Child neglect is the lack of care given to a child. Neonaticide is a form of infanticide where babies are ki…

    In 2003, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in a case involving anonymous birth in Odièvre v. France. The applicant's mother had given birth anonymously; when the applicant later asked for more information, she was only given non-identifying information. The applicant appealed to the Court citing Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, stating that it was a violation to the right to a family life. The Court noted that the case could not simply be viewed as a conflic…

    • Adoption disclosure

    • Baby hatch

    • Confidential birth

    • Infanticide

    • Neonaticide

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