The Revenge of Jacob (Biblical Stories Explained) ForYouTube

Jacob turns the tables on Laban and serves him a slice of humble pie.

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Artwork/Illustrations by
Karlo Lottersberger (
Elisa Fratarcangeli (…)

Music by

Graham Plowman:​​​
Derek/Brandon Fietcher:​​​

#Jacob #Laban​​​ #BiblicalStories

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  1. Would you consider doing a video on the queen of heaven? It's a very controversial subject as it is both, a title given to Christs mother Mary by the Catholic church, as well as many figures from ancient near Eastern religions. I believe that it would be an interesting subject to cover none the less.

  2. I am adoring these videos, especially adapted from the Book of Genesis. There is more to these stories than simply what God had "planned" for Abraham and his descendants. Seriously, consider the way the characters in these stories treat each other and what becomes of their relationships over time. Had Laban not treated his daughters, let alone the way he used Jacob, so poorly, he would not have been parted from his daughters and grandchildren without warning.

    When you follow Your god, you follow your Heart.

  3. Get right with God friends, time is running out. Can't get much clearer they're heading towards the mark of the beast. Trust in the blood atonement of Christ for forgiveness of your sins, then repent and live for Christ as faith without works is dead. Romans 10:9-10 ❤🎺🙏

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