TFR – Secrets Revealed 27 – Quest4Truth: Genesis Study – Genesis 15-17 ForYouTube

Continuing where we left off last week in our study of Genesis. In this broadcast, we wrapped up Genesis 14 and read through Genesis 17, with commentary from Jasher 16, Jubilees 14 and 15 and more from the Targums, Writings of Abraham and Legends of the Jews.

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  1. I was just stating what they say to me it's all none sense cause I'm waiting on all prophecy to be fulfilled and im one just because some have Dr or bishop or whatever there knowledge level I've heard this debate for years since the late 80's early 90's but as Timothy in 1:4 Titus 3:9 speak on geaneology about not getting caught up it will all be sorted out Revelation 2:9 / 3:9 along with those teacher's and preachers who lead those astray personally I worship in Spirit an Truth we down here get to caught up on I'm this I'm that me I'm with YAHUAH to follow YASHUA if it's not God of God what is we should be focused on obeying the foundation set forth by Aluah. I pray no one is offended but when I mentioned the khazarian Jews no one had comment I was just asking cause I've seen Israelis protest them but again we ( man) get caught up again this will come to light but dialogue is good if it's no animosity involved and there is none on my part
    But Mr Skiba I would like to get your scholarly opinion on Bible changes Isaiah 11:6 it has been changed I checked the scroll of Isaiah this comes from the folks at truth shock tv on you tube Mr Chuck Missler said it was not but he was very old but for 60 years in scriptures he said before he passed it had not been change but the Isaiah scroll in the Israel museum says different any thoughts on this ? Shalom bless

  2. I never said they was racist also people keep talking about 430 years and then say take that from my understanding there basing it on Deuteronomy 28 where it says that they will be put on ships and taken to the 4 corners of the earth I heard one very upset young Jewish guy say that the Jews where put on ships and taken to Egypt but from the desert ? Who else was put on ships taken to a land they do NOT know a language thet do not know and worship gods they do not know who else show me the history. Any way i never said he anybody was racist i said people would think he is if thet haven't been watching him as long as i have now yes there is WRONG doctrine taught /preached by many so YOUR saying he's absolute in his teachings ? I was just pointing out also why people hop on it i hear Israelis talk about the khazarian Jews but i digress why care if your not right let God deal with who has the right to judge read revelation 2:9 / 3:9 that says it all let that be for Yahuah to deal with my point was NOT to get caught up I see your vert defensive but that's between YOU and God. Shalom

  3. All the secrets you'll ever need IN THE WORD: It is my duty, as lead general in His mighty army on earth, to, Sound the Alarm in His Holy Mountain, and Blow the Trumpet in Zion!. Praise you Father! Halleluiah! This fall 2020 The End Begins, The Final 7 Years begin. The live DNA altering, Quantum Dot bar coded tracking tattoo vaccine, is The Mark of the Beast ( ). We are in lock down till Satan gets here. YHWH Yahshua Messiah has declared the end from the beginning, or from the 7 day creation (Isaiah 46:10). You MUST STOP.. and read each scripture, as you read along to SEE FOR YOUR SELF. The Word establishes this truth, one day is as a 1000 years, and a 1000 years as 1 day (II Peter 3:8 & Psalms 90:4). YHWH Yeshua has given mankind 6000 years to do ALL their work (Exodus 20:9), which ends in 2028. Also 1948 plus 80 is 2028 (Matthew 24, Psalms 90:9-13 KJV). Yeshua rebuked them for not knowing the time of His first coming (Matthew 16:1-3). He also said this in Luke 12:54-56. The second coming is commanded for us to know. That day will NOT overtake us as a thief. We will know, not only the times and the season (1 Thessalonians 5:1 KJV), but also the week. We know He comes in the fall of 2027, on the Feast of Trumpets. If you are not EVEN looking up each of these scriptures you are a fool! You do not even care. You will wish you did.

    Time in the scriptures is in open view to ALL who look. The fig tree in Matthew 24 verifies His word. Moses wrote one Psalm, Psalms 90. In verses 9-13 Moses states, " We spend our years as a tale that is told. 10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. 11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. 13 Return, O Lord, how long?" A generation cannot be longer than 80 years ( Four score is 80 in Psalms 90).. it has been 72 as of May 14th 2020. 1948+ 80 = 2028. 2028 is Feast of Trumpets on Israel's calendar in the fall of 2027 on our calendar, on the Jewish New Year. ( )

    Yahshua said, 'Destroy this temple and in three days I will rise it up (John 2:19 KJV)." Yahshua was born in 3 BC (New Year) and crucified, died, and resurrected in 30 CE. From 30 AD (minus His 70 week ministry) adding two days (II Peter 3:8 & Psalms 90:4), or 2000 years is our fall 2027 (which is 2028 Israel NEW YEAR). Hosea 6:1-2 states, " Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days (or 2000 years) will he revive us: in the third day (from Yahshua's death & resurrection), he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight." Luke 13:32. "And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected." The morning of the 3rd millennial (day) from Yahshua Messiah, and the morning of the seventh day (millennial) from Adam (See Exodus 20:9 & 19:11 & 15). The millennial reign of Yeshua Messiah will begin in the Jewish New Year 2028, which is The Feast of Trumpets 2027 September 2027,our calendar. That is September 18th-20th 2020. Father did all His work in the six days of creation, when He finished all His work and rested on the seventh day. The 1000 year reign of Messiah, begins in 2027 Halleluiah!

    However, Satan comes first in April 2024. There is NO rapture. The scripture is crystal clear in II Thessalonians 2:3. Yahshua will not come, "Until there be first a falling away (as described in Revelation 12), and (and is a conjunction, so it is in conjunction with the falling away ), and that man of sin, the son of perdition be revealed." Now you know what hinders and withholds or holds back. Satan has not fallen from heaven to earth yet. He is the accuser of the brethren day and night, until he is thrown out of heaven (Revelation 12). Notice the word in verse seven, until he be 'taken' out of the 'way'. The word 'taken' means, "to become generate into being".. that would be Satan, when he falls to earth into a body of a man physically (the Anti-Messiah). The word 'way' means middle. When the falling away takes place, Satan is no longer in the way or middle… the hindering and withholding is over. The accuser of the brethren who stands before the throne day and night is cast down to earth. That is the end of the rapture lie period. He cannot come till Satan gets his 42 months on earth in a body of a man. Revelation 13 tells how wroth (or angry} he is, knowing he only has only a short time, 3 1/2 years, or times, time, and a half time. This scripture is clear, end of story… period. Yeshua Messiah cannot, nor will not come, until after Satan fulfills his times, time and half a time (forty two months) as the anti-Messiah. THERE IS NO RAPTURE, It is a heresy false teaching, as you all will soon discover. ( )

    2020 is perfect vision, Father Gods perfect vision, and He has set the final seven years to begin. And in perfect time comes Crown COVID-19 virus out of the blue it appears. Father Yahweh knows all about it and Yahshua YHWH has corralled up all the peoples of the earth. He has slowed down all mankind and taken them away from the rat race, back into the quiet to hear. Isaiah 26:20-21 states, " Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past." He is giving all, one last call, to turn away from our miserable selfish life of sin and come to Him from out of the rat race that has deceived so many.

    Satan's army (The NWO rich elite banker Jews ( ), who govern the earth and own everything). They have had this plan for 300 years… actually thousands of years. Satan through his army, are setting the stage for his entrance now. We are on lock down, until the Bill Gates, live DNA altering Quantum Dot tattoo tracking, Mark of the Beast vaccine, is administered to all people upon the earth. The Devil gets three and a half years before Yahshua Messiah returns. When we take Satan's time, 3 1/2 years from the fall of 2027 on our calendar (2028 Jewish New Year), it is the spring of 2024 (April) when the Devil arrives (Rev 13). There are two variables. First, Yeshua's ministry counts into Daniels final 70th week (Yeshua's ministry was a 70 week ministry (not three and a half years as falsely taught). Secondly, Father declares, He will shorten those days for the elect's sake (Matthew 24:22 KJV). Therefore, it could be sooner than fall of 2027. Satan will arrive about the same time, the Live DNA altering Quantum Dot tattoo tracking, "Mark of the Beast" vaccine, is administered to the entire globe, around 2023. Then 2024 April, Satan arrives.

    This fall, 2020, begins the final seven years! Daniels prophecy, it appears in the Hebrew does not say in the Hebrew, "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week." The Hebrew however says, it will take one week to confirm the peace treaty. Interestingly, Trumps Deal of the Century, was introduced in the spring of 2017, which must be signed in 2020? If… we knew there was a seven-year peace treaty, and know the half way point? ..Why does Father say over and over again in His word, "When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing in the holy place, FLEE to the mountains and don't look back. If you are on your house top do not GO BACK into your house to grab anything! If you are in the field don't GO BACK to get clothes.. just FLEE (Matthew 24:15-16, Mark 13:14, paraphrased)!" Obviously, these scriptures show us we will not know about a start date of a seven-year treaty? If there is a treaty, it must be signed no later than the fall of 2020 (Feast of Trumpets).

    This is THE SECOND COMING OF YAHSHUA MESSIAH! YAHWEH! COVID-19 is a HOAX, wake up people of God! TAKE OFF YOUR MASK! It is a distraction for the NWO (Satan's army), as they are employing 5 G in all cities while they keep us at home. They have also delivered over 200,000 satellites into space, all very recently. Why?… so they can round up all who have not the medical certificate. They are taking down the USA now before our eyes. This is the last piece to Rockefeller's and Rothschild's NWO bunch, a 300-year-old plan, for a tracking, and enforcing, of a Live DNA altering, Quantum Dot tattoo tracking vaccine… or you can't buy, sell, bank, buy gasoline… NOTHING. They will not enforce you, but as I stated you can't work, buy gas, bank, buy food, own a house… nothing if you reject it. Then soon after they will kill you if you refuse this vaccine. when their god Satan, the false Messiah arrives in spring 2024. Remember also the two Great America Eclipses of 2017 and 2024? Both with the Revelation 12 sign Sept 23rd 2017. In the 2024 eclipse, a second Revelation 12 sign but, Draco the Dragon is in a different position, ready to devour the man child ( ). Wake up and hear the word of Yahweh Yahshua! The battle of the ages between YHWH Yahshua and Ha-Satan is here! There will be chaos and tragedies between now and 2024 when the Devil arrives. The Great 3 1/2 Year Tribulation is 42 months away in April 2024, SAITH YHWH YAHSHUA! If you do NOT know Him (not about Him) Jeremiah 29:12 is the answer and only hope for your life?

  4. It says in revelations his skin was like bronze and when describing God it says he had hair like wool. Correct me if im wrong I became Christian back Sep but thats the description of a brown person? Anyway still learning ty

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