Books Hidden from the Bible now UNLOCKED and Revealed FYTube

Did YHWH (God) allow over 70 books to be concealed? Has the unsealing happen yet? We believe so and the proof is in.

Full Livestream here “Sealed up until the Time of the End”

Read the removed books here:

Purchase a Cepher: – The Bible I read from; Uses the restored sacred names and includes the books found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, 2nd Esdras etc..)
(use code POTV for 10% off if you decide to purchase one)

Join us live EVERY Friday (here on Youtube) at 8:00 PM Central time (CST) as we glorify our Heavenly Father YHWH first and foremost and discuss topics necessary for the Body of Jesus Christ (Yahshua) to learn and grow in. We discuss the hard topics not being taught in “churches” today. Unless YHWH builds this “virtual house”, it is built in vain-
Psalm 127

All glory to YHWH, creator of Heaven, and Earth and ALL things contained therein, through Yahshua (Jesus Christ)

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  1. In Dan 12.7 where the Mighty Angel rose up to arms vs one to heaven is said to mean times 2, time 2 1335 day/ years which is 2670 years from that time with Daniel and the Angel from Father Most High Yahuah/ Yahusha. In Fox's book of Martyrs shows that trib years were off and on that 1335 year per region were trib and 1335 were peaceful years. Bless you 🙂

  2. Years ago, I had a dream where I saw Jesus in the dream, He was walking beside a stone wall. The wall was not a high wall, it was shorter than I am. As He walked, He said 'Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the blood of the Prophets and Saints are in you!'

  3. On 9/10/18, my oldest daughter told me of a dream that she had the night before.

    In her dream, it was in the future, but we were still the same age as we are now.

    GOD was doing a new thing, He was redoing things, He was writing a new Bible, and writing new Laws, and the whole earth knew it. It was on the news, everyone knew that GOD was doing a new thing in the earth.

    We had a small statue of Moses, in her dream. The statue was made of gold. The Moses statue was holding tools under one of his arms, holding a pickax, maps, etc. In his other hand, he was holding a magnifying glass, and he was holding the magnifying glass up, towards Heaven. Although every part of the statue was made of gold, the magnifying glass was not, it was like a real magnifying glass. And you could look through the magnifying glass and see things that were happening, in the spiritual world (she explained it, that you could see things in our world that normally one cannot see).

    She knew, that the statue represented what Moses is doing now.

    We were trying to figure out what this all meant, and what exactly, was Moses doing with the tools and the magnifying glass.

    Suddenly, it came to her, and she said 'I've got it, I know what he's doing, he's rebuilding the Promised Land'.

    That's all she told me of her dream.

    After she told me of this dream, this Bible Verse came to mind-

    "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

    Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

    Revelation 21

  4. The holy spirrit did ghatered med and many other souls and wondering what we wantet to bring whit ja from this erth to the heavens and since I have answere questions asked from our all fhater I Said I think nothing since I realy dont love anything so high here and Adam when the holy spirrit let med meat the person who was uppersit from my way we did not like etch other but God sayd I love you bout the same so you must tolerate that you might not love all in my Kingdom but have respekt for all you can't find anything you like and now I do understand love your animy since we dont cnow the reason they reacting like they mislike you and it might have something whit theyr beliving and some arent living in the spirrit of gladness and they can't understand anything by living in the flesh so for you and all other New bourn and saved do not understand whom you are meating since for sure we need to learn again and not doing our old misstake we realy need to help others souls to know the God they come from as we now obay

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