History of the Canon – The Displacement of Truth FYTube

Zen Garcia goes live on Revolution Radio to share his studies on the general history of the Ancient Manuscripts, Church Fathers, and Canonical process which lead to the displacement of certain beliefs and books.

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  1. Great job Zen! "Let the heathen rage… be wise o ye kings, ye judges of earth". I'm greatly blessed/privileged to be part of this family/ministry… in this time of "remembering", that which was lost.

  2. For Mr. Garcia to believe that Arminian text show that Yahushua is GOD in the flesh as the second person of a triune godhead, strikes in the face of the Hebrew Scriptures which are strictly MONOTHEISTIC in their teachings and from Genesis 3:15 forward teach and are understood by strict monotheistic Hebrews, that the promised "seed of the woman " was to be a human being only, whom GOD would raise up from amongst Moses brethren, like unto himself, a human being only whom GOD would put His words into this prophets mouth and that this prophet would only speak the words of GOD and not his own. Deut. 18:15-20
    He is heir of David who would come forth from David's loins whom GOD would sit on David's throne and establish His kingdom with him which shall last forever. 2 Samuel 7:12-20.
    He is David's lord/adoni, pronounced adonee, of Psalm of Psalm 110:1 whom David's LORD GOD Adonai told David's adonee, to sit at His right hand until GOD made his enemies his footstool.
    He is the son of David, the son of Abraham whom GOD begot or created in the womb of Mary by His creative ruach Spirit for which he is called the son of GOD, a human title for the Messiah. Matthew 1 and Luke 1:35.
    He is the Last Adam spoken of in the genealogy of Luke 3 which starts with Yahushua and goes back to the first Adam who was also called the son of GOD by a similar act of creation. So either Yahushua is a uniquely created human being only just as the first Adam or Adam is also GOD in the flesh because you can't have it both ways.
    In Act's 2:22, Peter presents Yahushua of Nazareth as a " man " who was approved by GOD to all he spoke to by the signs and wonders which GOD did through him.
    He is the " son of man " another title for the human Messiah, whom Stephen sees standing at the right hand of the glory of GOD as he looks into the heavens during his being stoned. Act's 7:554-56.
    He is Yahuwah's anointed exalted, King of kings and Lord of lords who will establish GOD's kingdom on this earth and subdue all the kingdoms of the earth which his GOD and Father gave him to subdue, after which he shall at the end of the 1,000 years, lay all these kingdoms back at his GOD and Father's feet, subject himself to his GOD and Father, so that his GOD and Father shall be all in all. 1 Corinthian's 15:24-28
    He is the "man" Ha Mashiach Yahushua who is the only mediator between the One True GOD and man. 1 Timothy 2:5. Paul does not call him the god-man.
    As our Great High Priest, which again is a human being only, he shall lead us in the singing of the Song of Moses and his own Song of the Lamb to his GOD and our GOD and to his Father and our Father in praise to GOD. Revelation's 15:3-4.
    Yahushua himself states in revelation's 22:16, that he is the root and offspring of David and NOT GOD the Son as is believed and taught today.
    Mr. Garcia makes the mistake of looking to the writings and beliefs of men instead of what the Hebrew Scriptures actually teach and it's been proven over and over that the Hebrews often had it wrong by doing the same thing.
    He also makes the tragic error of thinking that those who are or were considered to be the " early church fathers, " were actually polytheist Gnostic in their beliefs totally devoid of Hebraic monotheistic beliefs which is what are the bases of the Hebrew Scriptures.
    In all that I've written here, you DO NOT SEE ME step outside of the written word of Yahuwah GOD to prove my position because if the written word of GOD is not capable of explaining itself, then it is totally unreliable.
    2 Timothy 3:7 sums up Mr. Garcia as someone who's ever learning but NEVER coming to the knowledge of the truth.

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