Is Paul a False Apostle? With Rob Skiba and Zen Garcia FYTube

This clip shares Rob Skiba and Zen Garcia’s point of view on the concerns being raised up in the Truth Seeking community of the validity of Paul’s epistles and apostleship.

For a longer discussion on this topic please visit Zen’s video:

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  1. Rob here is out of line. Seems like he can’t discern enough truth as he has the mindset of a war monger, praising soldiers that’s function is to kill. Also, the possibility he’s movin with mammon too as a lover of money and fame over Truth.

    One needs to be of humane character to receive the higher mysteries and be able to see the Truths of God.

    One of the Ten Commandments thou shalt not kill.

    The mark of the Holy Spirit is being a lover of Truth that comes from God.

    To contest Paul’s claims isn’t blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. It’s discerning that his story doesn’t resonate as Truth to those that Have the Spirit of Truth leading them.

    And on Robs live forums blocked me from my comments, to block a truther is blaspheming God and against the spirit of Truth.

    Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

  2. Not very well done. Not throwing the bible out with the bath water. But needs are to chew the meat and spit out the bones, as there are lies sown amongst the truth. Read parable of wheat and tares.

    Paul aka Simon magus, to learn read The Clementine Homilies and Peters epistle to James the brother of Jesus, the head of the Church at Jerusalem. Where He warns how they were changing the words of their master.

    Peter contends with Simon magus aka Paul In debates there.

    And like Paul needed to correct Peter the eminent disciple of Jesus? Peter who walked with Jesus on water and in daily communal life, who was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and ordained the rock that Jesus would build his Church on needed correction from Paul. Also, He needed a vision on the beach at Joppa as if Jesus forgot to teach him these things?

    And like Jesus forgot to call Paul before the cruxifiction, oh yeah Sorry Father in Heaven I missed one, don’t worry, I’ll just come to Him in a vision, no problem. A vision in the wilderness that Jesus warned not to follow. Also, as an angel of light that the devil masquerades as.

    And Jesus said let everything be established with 2/3 witnesses. The evidence shows Paul was self appointed and lied about the others.

    Jesus chose the 12 disciples one for each tribe of Israel then the 70(72) the 120, the 4000, gave them the great commission to go to the ends of the earth to preach His doctrines that are His gospel, but not go to the samaritans or gentiles. But then here comes Paul single handedly takes care of the gentiles, the other 99% Jesus never came for gentiles, as they are as the swine or dogs, the heathen that remain unlawful against God.

    Paul hijacked the early church confiscating the disciples writings making changes and plagiarizing others, even 1 Corinthians 13 that are the words of Jesus, that Paul has been given credit for.

    It’s the wheat and tares, lies that have been planted amongst the truth of Gods words. Read Jeremiah 8:8 about how even before the lying pen of scribes changed the laws that God gave to man, such as animal sacrifices, cutting of flesh, and dietary restrictions, even marriage and how to live Holy.

    Paul and the other lying pens changed the true doctrines and creating their own false gospel. A gospel with sophist arguments, such as justification. It’s clear that Paul is trained in argumentation as a politician speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

    Jesus’s message is simple enough a child can understand, when you get to Paul you need a formal theology degree to make heads or tails of what he’s saying, because he’s crooked. Being the wolf in sheep’s clothing of the tribe of Benjamin as has been prophesied about.

    Paul continues the heretical teachings of the fake Jews that Jesus and the prophets that were sent earlier to correct. Primarily, the teaching of atonement, that is remission of sins from shedding of innocent blood, which God calls an abomination. Read the parable of the wicked husbandmen, explains the situation.

    The sophist messages Paul taught was adopted by the pagan Romans to use to control the masses and allow them to continue with their traditions.

    Paul says woman should not speak, funny how God made woman prophetesses, leaders, and judges, and then when Paul comes woman can’t speak any more.

    Also, he taught that it’s a shame for men to have long hair. A real shame for Jesus then, or John the Baptist, or Samson to have long hair too. A real shame to consecrate themselves to God? According to fake Paul the apostle wolf in sheep’s clothing from the tribe of Benjamin, aka Simon magus.

    Paul sets him self up as a father, teacher, and a judge of the law that Jesus warned against not to do. Paul says the law is a curse and is done away with. This teaching is false as it’s one of the true doctrines of Jesus that leads us to follow him in obedience to the law that saves us by taking us out of sin and into righteousness pleasing to God.

    Jesus teaches that whoever does the law and teachers other to do will be great in heaven, whoever does not do the law and teaches others not to will be the least.

    You are either gathering or scattering.
    Paul is the reason the sheep are scattered amongst thousands of denominations, truly an author of confusion.

    We need to be lovers of the truth and not just fine sounding words.

    This message is for those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to understand.

    For many are called but few are chosen.

    Repent from your ignorance and error for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    Remnant Church, lovers of truth, Lost sheep come home and rise up to full stature.

  3. Shalom, Did anyone happen to read this post under community on Parable of the Vineyard by Adam? IT IS AWESOME….

    Parable of the Vineyard
    3 weeks ago
    Regarding Justin’s video about Paul, I wanted to say just a few things. This topic is something we have discussed for quite some time, and while I do find some of Paul’s words “hard to understand” (as Peter states in 2nd Peter) and surely his words have been used to perpetrate a lawless faith, I do not believe he is a false apostle. I do believe his words have been twisted, to turn people away from the Torah over the centuries.

    “And the servant of Yahuah must not strive; but be gentle unto ALL men, apt to teach, patient,
    In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if Elohim peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25)

    While he and I don’t agree on this topic, he is an amazing brother that I will continue to love, have patience with and not treat like a leper, to which I pray you all would consider as well.

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