The Book of Enoch with Redpill78 and Zen Garcia FYTube

Zen Garcia and Redpill78 join together for another amazing discussion about the ancient manuscripts surrounding the modern day search for Truth with one in particular in mind, the Book of Enoch.

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The Collected Works of Enoch the Prophet
The Collected Works of Enoch the Prophet

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  1. This was a great video Zen. There are a few people out there Chuck Missler and many others that show Bible codes how perfect and how God had designed the original language scriptures. That is without a doubt. Since we entered the end times and more recently the last six or seven years slowly and speeding up now the Bible is changing. Super naturally changing. The strong delusion and aMOS 811
    Is really happening. Words omitted words added spelling errors punctuation errors capitalization errors modern word strange words…etc. it is happening and every translation however the KJV has it the most definitely something to test as the KJV used to say test the spirits now it says try the spirits and those are two different things

  2. Our Savior was crucified according to what was written on the 14th day of the 1st month during the dark conjunction of the moon in shamayim, because it is written in OT and confirmed by all 4 synoptic gospels record this event.

    And the ABBA Father confirmed it with the sign, when the sun was darkened in the middle of the day for three hours.
    Fullfilling the Scripture of Amos, who prophecied:
    "And on that day," declares the Lord God , "I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.
    Amos 8:9 ESV

    Note: the solar eclipse can only occur during the dark phase of the moon, which is exactly why the moon always was and always will be a sign for appointed times (moedim) And this includes weekly Sabbaths, because a weekly Sabbath is regulated by the Moon (Psalm 104:19)
    Apostol Paul quotes psalm 19 in his letter to Romans, referring that there was sign in heaven, confirming the death of Elohim's only begotten son!
    Romans 10:18
    But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have, for "Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world."
    Romans 10:18 ESV

    Psalm 19 speaks about glory of Elohim in shamayim (heavens) where luminaries speak for themselves!!!
    Three Witnesses in shamayim according to the TORAH testify when the Year begin, when the month begin, when the New Moon Day occurs!!!

    Constellation "virgo" – a vergin rises in the spring after the spring equinox (first witness), then the moon marks the beginning of the month with a full lunation under her feet!
    And this is beginning of the YEAR!
    Then constellation Virgo proceeds through the sky during all summer and last is seen in night shamayim during the fall festival of ingathe ring over the western horizon and thus disappears from roolling appointed times during winter months!
    Moon and the stars rule during the night, as Genesis 1:14 declares.
    And if you will, moon tells us when the next Sabbath is about to occur!

    Ecclesiasticus 46:6-9
    6. He made the moon also to serve in her season, for declaration of times (years, months, and therefore 'emodims, appointed times), and a sign of the world.

    7. From the Moon comes the sign of the feasts, a light that decreases in her perfection.

    8. The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her changing, being an instrument of the armies above, shining in the firmament of heaven!

    Wake up people of Elohim and obey heavenly Sabbaths!

  3. Zen is exactly right. The Vatican wants to keep everyone ignorant. They have the largest statue in the world of a pine cone, and its green for a reason. A green pine cone is an undeveloped one…The pinecone represents the pineal gland…Which is WHAT…???

  4. Have you heard of the Thracian Kelts that served cleopatra in Mitsrayim? They were bondsman and actually served as mercenaries for her. They had knowledge of the isles of the northwest which is why a lot of Hebrews fled to Scotland, Ireland, and Briton during Phoenecian control.

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