End Times News with POTV – Preparing for Messiah’s Return FYTube

It’s time to take a break from our normal scripture studies and cover some important topics concerning you, your family and the end times. What we will be doing, is spending a few minutes on each topic, to give you the basics and will provide links for you to search the matter out further, if you feel led. Most importantly, we will be discussing how we know to be ready, per the Scriptures- discussing controversial subjects such as the mark of the beast vs. the mark, sealing and protection from the Most High, the Wise and foolish virgins and just exactly what it means to prepare for the return of Messiah Yahusha known by many, as Jesus Christ.

#EndTimes #News #Revelation


Beast of Revelation video:

Po-pe’s invitation for May 14, 2020:

Rockefe-ller and Education lies:

Po-pe’s Encyclical (global warming)

Pa-pal quotes:

Papal Quotes: Sabbath Change & Their Authority

Po-pe and Islam:

Can Gentiles repent?

70 Nations to Replace the UN

Pastors reporting to DHS

Sacrifice on Mt. Olives


HORRIBLE NOAHIDE SACRIFICE Renewing the Covenant of Noah for the “70 Nations” – Video (Warning Graphic)

Noah-hide and J-ews hatred of others:

The Sons of Noach: Genuine Righteous Gentiles Revisited

Friday – 8pm CST: Weekly Gathering

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Adam Fink
P.O. Box 557
Nixa, MO. 65714

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  1. Adam and friends, I would like to humbly share some thoughts and some of my research with you all. could it be that America is the revived Roman Empire, the feet of iron and clay? American became a nation in 1776, close to the same period that the Roman Empire fell. Rome is the 4th beast of Dan 7, but American is also the 4th beast of Dan 7. Did a personal research project on this prophecy, the rev 13 prophecy, and the 2nd Ezdras Eagle prophecy, with YA’s help. All the puzzle pieces fit into place for all three prophecies showing AMERICA as the final ruling nation. The eagle in the Ezdras prophecy IS America. The feathers (kings/presidents) rule one after another…….just like American presidents. The second feather (king/president) who ruled longer than any of the others and no one had even ruled to the half of his time, is Franklin D Roosevelt, who reigned as president for 12 years and 38 days, which equals three terms plus 38 days. No one has served even half that much time. Coincidence? The 10 horns in Daniel 7 are also 10 presidents of the USA, as well as the “little horn” = 11 presidents. Three of them are uprooted = 7 plus the little horn. Meaning the beast is AN 8th king (rev 17). The little horn is the beast of rev 13. The remaining 7 horns from Daniel 7, become the 7 heads in rev 13. They are the same kings. Daniel 7 has 7 remaining horns (presidents) carried forward to rev 13 where they are now called heads. The 7 remaining horns are the 7 heads of rev 13. Notice these 7 heads “kings” of rev 13 do not have crowns like the 10 horns (kings) of rev 13. Could this be because the “kings” in their country do not wear crowns? Like America? One last thing: rev 13 says that one of the heads of the beast SEEMED to have a fatal wound. Remember, the heads are kings/presidents. So, one of those 7 presidents seemed to have a fatal wound. But, when the beast shows up on the scene, the fatal wound is healed. First of all, the beast is one of the 7 heads (kings/presidents), because one of the 7 presidents gets the fatal wound BUT it is the beast who is healed. Hence the beast is one of the seven heads. Also, it doesn’t say he had a fatal head wound at all. The head (president) seemed to have a fatal wound. Could this be saying, the president seemed to have a fatal wound to his throne, but he returned to his throne therefore that fatal wound is now healed? The heads do not represent the lives of 7 presidents, it represents their time as ruler/president. This ruler, who seemed to have had a fatal wound to his reign, is about to arrive on the scene…….any day now. We are about to start living in revelation chapter 13. We are at the end of revelation chapter 12 now. Adam, I use the 9/23/17 star alignment as a marker for the times. Rev 12 says the star alignment happens and it did on 9.23.17. Well, revelation 12 go on to say that 3 1/2 years go by, bringing us to 3/23/21. Then, according to rev 12, there is a bit of a lag after the 3 1/2 years and the beginning of rev 13 and the arrival of the beast. The beast rules the first 3 1/2 years as president (ending 1/21/21) and the second 3 1/2 years as beast…….beginning upon his return. Could this be where it says in 2 Baruch that this period (the 7 year trib) would be divided into two parts? That’s exactly what I came up with on my charts when I did this study with YAHUAH. I have lots more on these things but wanted to share some of these things with you all. God bless and keep you all!

  2. .Thank you Adam for sharing. At 39:43, You talk about the Catholic Sunday Sabbath. What about keeping Yah's New moons Adam ? The enemy has been very cunning and clever here, he has fooled some of us into thinking that following the Julian and Gregorian Papal Calendars with their pagan days of the week, was and still is of Yah's original Genesis 1:14-16 creation calendar days of the week, Yahuah never named the days of the week other than to number them 1-7,… Ha-Satan has been allowed by Yah to used this err to hid Yah's Holy days for a time and a season from a wicked and perverse generation that rejected Yahuah's Son; Yahusha; His Word/Torah made flesh (John 1:14), and gave them over into a false sense security in their own minds, while they were still keeping and following the false Sabbaths of the pagan Julian and Gregorian Papal Calendars with their pagan names like; Sunday & Saturday,…

    Yahuah Elohim most high stopped these wicked people from seeing and looking into His true Lunar/Solar/Mazzaroth (Zodiac) Sabbaths, new moons & feast moadim,.. to stop them from polluting them with their pagan ways.

    Please would you look into the Creators calendar at :

    creation calendar . com

    And please checkout : Troy Miller of Follow That Cloud Ministries :

    Which Calendar Does The Creator Recognize? The Gregorian Calendar or His Own?


    Aries is the dominant consellation in spring when Yahuah said to being the year in the month of Abib (Ex 12 & Ex 13:4 & Ex 23:15, & Ex 34:18, & Deut 16:1).

    The ancient Jewish historian Josephus say's that the passover Moon occurs under Aries (this is the biblical Mazzaroth also known as the Zodiac (Job 38:31-33) it is Not astrology which is pagan) look at Gen 1:16 which say's Yah ordained the stars also.

    Aries is a Ram; a male sheep!

    The pagan new year in “January” has the dominant constellation Capricorn: the Goat! (go figgier!)

    Yahuah knew this would happen to His calendar : There will be a final separation of the sheep from the goats at the end times!!!

    Jeremiah 31:35,

    Thus say's Yahuah, who gives the Sun for a light by day and the laws (ordinances) of the Moon and stars for a light by night, who stirs up (or divides: raga, SC : 7280) the sea (people) and the waves roar Yahuah of hosts is His name. (see : Matthew 13:47-50 & Matt 4:18-20),

    The sea, a body of water, symbolizes "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" (Revelation 17:15).

    It is interesting that the sea or “the people” are going to be divided in this verse regarding the ordinances/laws of the sun, moon & stars ? The waves (people) roaring about the calendar of Yah, is this a purging Issue maybe ? (see : Matthew 13:47-50) because the calendar you observe tells you when to worship,..when you worship, along with what's in your heart tells Heaven who you worship, this is very serious.

    Who do you serve ?

    Do you worship the Creator of the universe at the times He has appointed ? Or at men's appointed times ?

    Truth is truth whether you believe it or not!

    Please would you look into the Creators calendar at :

    creation calendar . com

    And please checkout : Troy Miller of Follow That Cloud Ministries :

    Which Calendar Does The Creator Recognize? The Gregorian Calendar or His Own?


    I pray that this info will be a blessing to you & others in the faith, in the Mighty Holy name of the Messiah Yahusha Ha-Mashiach (Christ) I pray, amĕn.

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