Mystery Babylon – Mother of Harlots and Abominations FYTube

This changes nearly everything you’ve been taught about the End Times. Test this, as the scriptures are clear; Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem, which comes with many implications and busts wide-open the great deception.

#MysteryBabylon #EndTimes #Prophecy


The Beast of Revelation:

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  1. The messiah was crucified in Rome. Rome was a city, a city with no end. Everything belonged to the “eternal city,” Rome, they only had left to claim it in their eyes.

    Rome had annexed Jerusalem, and renamed it as, "Aelia Capitolina, which means “capitol of Jupiter,” or, holy city of Jupiter.”

    By the time our messiah yahusha was murdered, the city of Jerusalem had been absorbed by the eternal city and had no sovereign but ceasar, the saducees said so directly to Pilate. They altogether refused to crown the king, the king because of ceasar and their newfound power over their fellow Jews, power they would lose the moment they crowned and anointed him.

    Rome is that city, by this time Rome was literally the entire Mediterranean basin and rim. It was called nothing but, “the eternal city.” The claim was that this city would one day rule all of the world. One world, one city.

    It’s the counterfeit holy city… the city still yet in the sky above, yet to descend. That ancient city called Rome sat on many waters already. Then came the Holy Roman Empire… 😑 it then sat upon many more. Don’t forget, waters are also “the people” in most prophecy.

    The ancient city of David is the actual Jerusalem… golgatha was well outside the walls of that city. Golgatha was in the Part of the city constructed by Rome for Roman’s to live.

  2. This is my understanding:

    The cross is the mark of the beast.

    The Vision of the Harlot represents world power, with the classic model being the Roman Catholic Church riding the temporal Western superpowers. But this model evolves depending on the age and time: as the Catholic Church gained power it infiltrated through the Jesuits every nation and religion so that the Harlot now represents Christian apostasy and false religion riding the beast of the world's superpowers. The traits of the Harlot are almost exclusively circumscribed to the Roman Catholic Church in the opulent luxury of gold and pearls and the attire of royal purple (the color of the prelates) and scarlet (the color of the cardinals). The golden cup with which she is drunk refers to the eucharistic chalice, linking the resemblance of wine with that of blood, blood of the martyrs of Jesus, which according to the RCC 'the wine truly becomes the blood of Jesus' (the only religious institution in history to gather these attributes is the catholic church). But there are other traits: she seats on seven hills—the traditional 7 hills of ancient Rome: Viminal, Quirinal, Caelian, Palatine, Aventine, Capitoline, Esquiline. She also seats by many waters: of the great capitals of the world's empires, Rome is the most prominent in this respect since the Italian peninsula situates her in the heart of the Mediterranean, the greatest body of water known to the ancients; besides Rome did more to supply water to its provinces with the revolutionary technology of the aqueducts than any other empire in the ancient world and even modern Europe for many centuries after its 'fall' in 476 CE. Rome historically ruled over many nations and languages, Europe, though a small continent is composed of many nations all speaking rather different languages–then it expanded to the colonies throughout the world, seating on the oceans of many peoples. The harlot is drunk with the blood of the saints: Rome conducted the most bloody and horrifying campaigns against what she deemed heretics, massacring raping plundering torturing without the slightest qualms—of which enterprise the Jesuits were the chief undertakers from the 15th century to this day. The woman is also described as a witch; the Greek word pharmakia designates not only witchcraft but also drugs. The Vatican seats over an ancient necropolis and St Peters Basilica over one if not the most splendid mausoleum in the city; preserved underneath are mosaics and frescos of Pluto the god of the underworld and lucifer; Vatican comes from 'Vatika' the Etruscan goddess of the dead. They have practiced necromancy throughout their history, with graves and graveyards in and attached to churches—which the Christian tradition considers unholy—with 'relics' (in fact talismans) of 'saints' (the dead) which are as revolting as foreskins and ears or bones and hair or flasks of blood. The catacombs, dark, cold and with the smell of decomposing cadavers, was an ideal environment for the incantation type Latin prayers—many secret societies and criminal mafias over the centuries and around the world would follow in her footsteps gathering in underground tunnels for meetings and rituals, as well as escape routes. The name of its most important church in Jerusalem is paradoxically named nothing more and nothing less than the Holy Sepulcher. The necromancers communicate with the dead—hence the dry blood of Gennaro became liquid when pope Francis kissed it presumably a reply from the dead person in sign of 'love' for the pope: a purported 'miracle'. It is historically known that the Catholic inquisition permitted many sorcerers to operate like 'the Raven' diviner visited by cardinal Cisneros or the sorcerer who offered the king of Spain his services and this one paying him his fee out of respect though not using his services—meanwhile the inquisition was raging in Spain; very likely due to catholic influence also many monarchs used the services of astrologers and sorcerers of all kinds. The crosses do for amulets 'that ward off evil' and then there is also the rosary. The prayers to the 'saints' are really prayers to the dead since no resurrection has yet taken place except Jesus'; the First Resurrection will take place when this world ends (I could speak more of this topic if the reader desires).

    Finally, Rome is the city that reigns over the kings of the world—it was so in the past in the West, as soon as the bishop of Rome became pope and that remains the case with universal Jesuit influence.

    The analogy of a harlot riding a beast is very apt for the phenomenon of insincere religions, and preeminently an apostate Christian church, unfaithful to her master Christ, that is, the clergy (who are weak by nature as a woman) skillfully pulling the strings of temporal power (a mighty monstrous beast). The feat the Catholic Church has performed for centuries, as if by a magic spell of erotic connotations, one day will fail, and the beast will turn against her and devour her, as just retribution performed by an irrational creature for her ludicrous shedding of innocent blood.

    Rome is the fourth beast in the Book of Daniel and is the beast in Revelation that rises from the sea, the Mediterranean, which they called Mare Nostrum, because their empire comprehended the vastness of its coasts. The mortal wound that was healed refers to the period of the barbarian invasions; Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople and there the Roman Empire held out until 1453; when the Byzantine capital fell to the Ottomans, Rome was once more resurgent—and all its classical ideas, in philosophy, politics, art, architecture, science, were revived, even religion—which is why European cities, despite Christianization, abound with mythological idols and Roman quadrigas—'the images of jealousy' the Vatican spread like nets over the continent to catch the nations like fish.

    (Because of this reason Constantinople with its Orthodox Church is also another Rome in the East—this city also seats by many waters. This splitting phenomenon also occurs with the antichrist in the papacy in Rome and Avignon.)

    Because the book of Revelation links Rome with Babylon, for whom there are many oracles in the OT, we can still gather more information about the Papal Roman Empire; because Rome is the sinful city par excellence, almost all the oracles against sinful cities apply almost entirely.

    As to the Antichrist, it is a figure that evolves, just like the Harlot and the Beast. For a long time it was the official pope; then it appears to have migrated to the black pope (the superior general of the Jesuits) and today, he is most likely a covert figure leading the Jesuits, ruler of the world, called 'man of sin' and 'son of destruction'. The name antichrist suggests he is the antithesis of Jesus Christ, in all his qualities. This person considers himself to be a god and performs 'wonders'.

    The false churches (the harlots) have temples and do not endure constant persecution only the natural political conflicts that arise from their political agendas (their infidelity to God and fornication with the kings of the earth); the True Church is the Heavenly Jerusalem in the vision of the Woman In Birth Pangs and is persecuted solely on account of her loyalty and obedience to Christ: "Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image".

    Let no one be deceived: there is a horrible persecution of Christians by Jesuits (as chief authors) taking place all over the world even as the Church has been under persecution the last 2,000 years—I have been myself tortured for 19 years since age 14 on account of my faith in Christ.

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