Are The Jews Still God’s Chosen People? With Doug Batchelor FYTube

Are The Jews Still God’s Chosen People?

Is our question of the week. I give an in-depth answer to this head scratching question in the video below.

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  1. John stated that "Even in his own land, and amoung his own people the Jews, he was not accepted. Only a FEW would welcome and accept him. But all who received him, he gave the right to become the CHILDREN of God. All they needed to do was to TRUST HIM to save them". John 1:12. ( 'The living bible'). The bible is clear that a true Jew is "One who is on the INSIDE & not on the OUTSIDE" ( Rom 2:28) Thus the TRUE sons of Abreham are Not those who are his PHYSICAL ancestors but those who display "The FAITH of Abreham" ( Romans 4:16). In Rom 11 Paul is NOT saying that all the 'Zionist', secular Jewish nation will all accept Christ at his return. This is FALSE!

  2. Since DNA testing didn’t come to be until the 1980’s I don’t see how he or anyone can claim to have ‘Jewish’ ancestry through DNA testing. What is his DNA being compared to for identifiers? A random group of other people claiming to be Jews?

  3. Nice try Pastor Doug, the Jews themselves asked to be removed from God's protection when they offered up the Messiah to be killed. Read chapter 2 of the Desire of Ages – no they are no longer God's chosen people! Today, they can be saved as individuals but NOT as a nation. It is horrendous what they are doing to the Palestinian people. They no longer have rights to that land. the Spirit of God is no longer on the temple mount. The new Jerusalem in heaven is what is given to ALL who love God and are accredited to be done and daughters of Abraham. God loves all people, even those that killed His Son, but they are no longer His chosen! Galatians 3:29 tells us: "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." All real Christians will be heirs of the heavenly Canaan, heirs of the promise given to Abraham. Even Abraham himself "waited for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God." Heb. 11:10. This makes it clear the real promise was of the heavenly kingdom.

  4. Sadly, Doug Batchelor is doing what he so often does, he proves clearly for all to see that he is 'the king of doublespeak'. He on one hand, essentially brags how he is "part Jew ethnically" as he said when he learned this to be the case from a DNA test, he was "happy to know that is is part Jew." Secondly, pray tell Doug why can't you be objective in the discussion, since you say that you are half-Jew, causing you to say "I don't know if I can be completely objective about this?" What's that have to do with the price of rice? But then as you listen to Doug in this video, he turns right around and says, "a person is only a Jew if he expresses faith and obedience in Jesus." So please quit trying to play the middle of the road. Bottom line is: one's DNA does NOT matter one iota what your nationality or ethnicity is, so drop that nonsensical distraction and red-herring to the truth. Why even broach the fact that you are supposedly 'Jewish' as far as your bloodline? Who cares? You even said that you are "Heinz 57", so why even go there? Newsflash: point of fact, there are NO true Jews on the face of the earth today as far as genetics are concerned due to all the intermarrying over the millennia, particularly after 70 AD. Then subsequently during the Dark ages and furthermore those of Jewish heritage scattered the entirety of the the earth in all directions after World War II. True factoid here. Not long ago a scientist who claims to be Jewish, like Doug does, conducted hundreds of DNA tests of the Palestinians who live in Palestine and he found out that the vast majority of them have far more Jewish blood coursing through their veins than do the people living in the state of Israel who CLAIM to be real Jews but who are actually the offspring of 'Askenazi' Jews and Khazar clans from Europe, i.e. mixed-breed peoples. Go figure. And we all know what is happening right now to the poor innocent Palestinian women, children, elderly and the handicapped who are under not only occupation since 1948 but are being utterly decimated or displaced by the state of Israel since October 7, 2023. Now then, since Pastor Doug claims to be an SDA why does he give short shrift to the CORE SDA doctrine that "the Jewish nation of old was no longer an entity that God deals with as a nation any longer as of the end of the 490 years that occurred in 34 AD"? Btw, that was the fulfilment of Daniel's primo prophecy in Daniel chapter 9:24-27. Doug didn't mention a peep about this key point. Why? That's because truth be told, Done has incrementally and strategically done a 180 on said fundamental doctrine over time, as has been taught by the SDA church since it was founded in 1863. Listen to him. He is in a very subtle way (be wary of subtleties, friend) positing "in so many words", that 'the state of Israel' set up NOT by God but by the dark forces of Zionism (the counterfeit Israel) in 1948, (is at least partially STILL God's Israel in one way or another.) Huh? But you can't have your cake and eat it too, Mr. Batchelor. Doug, I call to your attention a verse that may I submit, has YOUR name written all over it: In 1 Kings 18:21, Elijah approached all the people and said, “How long will you halt between two opinions?" Make up your mind, Mr. Batchelor. It is not as you said at the top in this vid, "it's yes and no that the Jews are God's people." Amazingly (amazing facts) you indicted yourself by saying "that answer I gave might sound like a politician." You said it. From your lips to God's ears. That's because you are waffling like so many politicians do and it is duplicity which is dishonesty anyway one wants to cut it. And dishonesty is a lie. And by osmosis, what does the Bible say will happen to those who peddle lies? "They will have their part in the lake of fire" says the Word of God. This is ultra-serious business, Doug. Incidentally, during the Civil War a soldier tried to appease both sides by wearing a Confederate top and a pair of Union trousers. Guess what happened? Both sides shot him!

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