Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. I love the way Ross talks!! Both are so calm in nature! Blessings. I sent in a question, hopefully it reaches someone soon! Insomnia is very bad these couple weeks, but I can always come here to put my mind back in order. Thank you!!

  2. The virus has the same name as the Patron Saint of plagues and epidemics Corona, feast day May 14 what else is happening that day at the Vatican. I was raised catholic, and for years I wondered why my church would allow priest to molest and other things evil, why it had billions of dollars and still ask there flock to give more. Why the secret archives that no one is allowed to see, is there something they have that proves that the Lord exist besides the Bible? Many years ago, I turned my back on religion and on God, about 1 year ago, I realized that my church abandoned me not my faith even though it was weak. I am a man without a church but I have the Bible. My faith is getting stronger every day. I have had a lot of time to self search and have realize that I have been terminated from 2 jobs was my fault. My ego, vanity and self entitlement got me fired, God would kick the chair from under me to restart. But, I only lost my job, He did not take everything from me. But my eyes and heart were close, to see He was not pleased and was giving another chance.

  3. DrFossse, advisor to the Prez, the man responsible for all this, admitted 3 days ago to the New England Journal of medicine, that this is just the common flue. The link to the article is in a RFB Video entitled More evidence COVID 19 is a hoax. Please verify it, and let's get this out there. God Bless You!!

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