Bible Answers Live with Pastor Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross. FYTube

A dynamic 60-minute radio broadcast in which listeners like you are the program! You’ll get accurate, biblical answers to difficult Bible questions. Join Pastor Doug Sunday at 7:00pm Pacific Time. Call 1-800-GOD-SAYS during the broadcast to have your question answered live on the air!

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  1. Question-what if you’re humbled but am praying for Jesus to come rather than for God to heal the land? We’ve hit some points of no return with the redefining of marriage, the acceptance of gender reassignment, the murder of 70 million unborn babies, prosperity church and wolffish pastors, the church falling away, and worship of the devil in music and tv programming. The mark of the beast is being glorified and displayed on everything… I’m just over this land and want so much for our Savior to return but is that wrong to feel and pray that way?

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