1. Since we have had a trial run, and seen how
    we respond to threats; perhaps it is time to evaluate our responses and compare
    them with people in history and the future response of those we are told in the
    Spirit of Prophecy

        First of all, for decades I have sat in
    church and listened to stories of men and women, who regardless of the threats
    presented them, demonstrated courage and faith that was stronger than fear of death;
    and how the God of Heaven was there with them, even in the fire.

        Does “perfect love cast out all fear?”  That is the real question here.

        It is one thing to say “I believe this or
    that,” but do you really?  I wonder how
    many homes were opened up to groups of church members for Sabbath worship, in
    spite of the laws of men?  What is the
    example of the Apostles?  What is the
    example of hated and hunted groups of Christians in places like the Soviet
    Union and China, the Waldersee’s, or the Christians in Europe during the 1260
    years of papal persecution?  One can only
    hope that many of these groups formed for worship services that transcended the
    usual couple of hours that are the norm these days. If ever there was a time
    when churches need to be spending all day in worship, prayer and study as in
    the days of Paul, shouldn’t it be so now?

    seems to me that the current situation, where the commandments of men are superseding
    the rights and duties of Christians to meet and worship God; that Christians should
    meet for hours studying, praying, and counting themselves blessed to be meeting
    with God on His Holy day in this time of chaos and turmoil; having instead a
    time of peace and reassurance with our creator.

    The Spirit
    of Prophecy speaks of just groups and such meetings that those found faithful
    will be having when the Lord descends the sky to receive his own.

  2. The following enlightenment might take atheist/agnostic to the top of their class. Maybe even become another someone like Richard Dawkins.

    If society isn’t controlled, the resulting mayhem will bring about such havoc that all will suffer including the mutineers who unwisely riot.

    Napoleon said that the purpose of religion is to stop the poor from murdering the rich.

    And actually from a secular point of view he is right.

    If we use the simple example of the primitive witch doctor, we will see, if we are smart, that his true purpose is to keep the tribal members under control.

    His position in his native society has been instituted to protect the chief.
    That’s why he exists.

    His job unbeknownst to the tribal members is to prevent uprisings and rebellions. He secretly works hand in glove with the chief.

    Baal worship the severest of all control mechanisms and the most cruel, had the people in a highly tamed obedient state. They absolutely toed the line.

    When you have to throw your first born infant into the fire as a sacrifice, believe me, it breaks your heart, especially the heart of the mother.
    It crushes the people. They are truely subdued.

    This is the way of the world. This is the way things are. All religions with the exception of Judaism and Christianity are man made mechanisms invented to control the people.

    And as the witch doctor cannot tolerate any rivals neither can the control mechanism of the day allow another to get the ear of the tribe.

    When Christianity surfaced 2000
    years ago, the existing religions, the control mechanisms, came under question.

    Therefore Christianity had to be extinguished.
    But try as they might they couldn’t stamp it out. They kept throwing them to the lions but they wouldn’t give up.

    Eventually it was decided by the controllers of society to get control of Christianity itself and use it as a control mechanism which Constantine successfully did around 350 AD.

    However whilst the bulk of Christendom came under his control nevertheless a few escaped. And from these, true Christianity was preserved.

    Judaism and Christianity are the true religions instituted by God which He designed so that mankind could be blessed with the knowledge of the one true living God.

    However Christianity was instituted to supersede Judaism.

    The Bible says the purpose of religion is to look after the widows and the orphans.

    James 1:27 King James Version (KJV)
    27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

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