Passover with the Garcia Family FYTube

We welcome you to join us as we break bread and share the blessing of a meal in remembrance of our wonderful Savior and Mighty Redeemer who’s called us out of Egypt to dwell in His Eternal Kingdom of Shalom. It’s not our goal to be fancy or haughty in any manner; we simply want to share with you an idea of how our family gathers for this Holy Convocation.

Have a blessed Passover!

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  1. {I am sorry for how youtube compresses the dialog}
    <A request from Zen… Have you done a video on the linkage between the splitting of tribes from Babel and how the Native Americans held paleo Hebrew glyphs.>

    Unity and Division

    Meeting Notes 3/27/21

    [My meeting notes are my conversations with They who are ONE by the Ruach Hachodesh shared with you. I am but a spec of sand within His Body.]

    How are we to argue with the children amongst the elect?

    Did not Yashua say” With importance I tell you, unless you change, and become like children, you will never enter into the Kingdom?”

    Does a child need to know about the calendar intricacies, the flat earth, the serpent seed ins and outs, or even things like the rapture or the cross vs stake?

    {This is not saying these or any topic of Yahuah and His creation are of no importance, but what is the bigger focus?}

    No, a child says yes daddy what can we do together today. Learn life from experiences together;

    Such an easy yoke to bear;

    Especially when Abba is the Alef-Bet.

    (Mathew 10:33)

    Peter was warned ahead of time,

    Peter recalled Yashua's Words.

    "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven."

    Yashua was able to answer Peter's teshuvah (repentance) and wipe every tear clear.

    Anyone can repent, and turn to and call out to Abba Father.

    If we trust the process we will get from where we are to where He Is.

    And to trust the process we have to understand what Trust is, and who you are trusting.

    A Trustworthy servant. Content with cleaning the porta cans to sailing the oceans. Serving Him in His Will day to day eternal.

    A just to be with HIM state of heart.

    We need to be asking ourselves daily is the path you are on bringing about unity? or division in the body?

    (1 Corinthians 1-x)

    My brothers, some from (brother x or sister y) household have informed me that

    there are quarrels (intense arguments) among you.

    Strife’s amongst the set apart, called out, even those who know a more personal Name of our Elohim.

    Strife- bitter, angry disagreements over issues; conflict.

    The reason for God's good gifts are so we may be One as They are ONE (John 17).

    The Ruach Hachodesh will not flow nearly as well as when all the vessels come together for an outpouring like the world has never seen if there is strife.

    [Oh, the image I see of the Ruach pouring out and through a unified body]

    [You see there is someone out there with the gift as a prophetic artist]

    [It just isn't my gift, but I know your gifts combined with mine is completing the set

    apart Ruach into Oneness. The body coming together.]

    Oneness in the Son, and Oneness in the FATHER through HIS Ruach Hachodesh.

    One of the first questions the called out like to ask Abba is "how did the church get like this?"

    Hear Yahuah through Paul and Sosthenes,

    A house divided will fall. Even Hassatan knows this.

    Vs)19 For it is written:

    “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;

    the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate.”

    Have you gotten frustrated about a topic??

    Or others when discussing a topic?


    Even the wisdom you now have will come

    to destruction.

    I AM God. I can tweak this story any way I please. I can even extend or shorten it.

    No man knows the day nor time except the FATHER.

    He can't tell you, but HE can show you by experience.

    The book of Acts is in our court.

    The question is when is the team going to work together to play ball?

    I Am who I AM, I AM who I AM.

    He doesn't even expect children to try to understand that. YAHWEH needed to write to them on apples and trees level.

    We are no longer on the milk. We wanted meat. But He gave us bread.

    If we want meat again, He will give it.

    But daily bread, and the water of life are so much more enjoyable.

    Vs)21 the foolishness of the churchianity system to save those who believe.

    Their wisdom will be destroyed.

    Vs)23 this is just going around telling people Jesus died for your sins like the gentiles do.

    Christ crucified preached is the sharing of how you yourself are crucifying your flesh, your lifestyle in Egypt.

    How you are walking as a living vessel of a set apart Israel in the world but not of it?

    Utilizing tools of this world for the Kingdom.

    Look we all have to take time away from the crowds. But you are also no good if you aren’t working in the Vineyard.

    Yahuah knows when you need time away from the Vineyard.

    There are a lot of tares in the field.

    Vs26) consider the early times when you were just called out.

    [And we wonder why they think we are crazy sometimes.]

    Just give a baby a corvette.

    And then try to explain the blueprint design of it.

    Am I getting through to you?

    Stop living a life where everything has to be written in stone.

    This is what the babies wanted. A little crib to play in.

    Churchianity is now that crib.

    And that crib like the Jewish crib doesn't carry the Image of Yahuah.

    All will get every available choice that even death can't deny;

    to choose and accept one of the two images.

    To step out of the crib.

    Each needs different levels of awakenings.

    [Mine was the collapse of my empire of dirt.

    My salvation story.]

    Vs 27) But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

    28) He chose the lowly and despised things of the world, and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are,

    29) so that no one may boast in His presence.

    [1 Corinthians my favorite book in the scriptures.]

    He will shame you when you think you got it all certain of how God should work in your life.

    Or how you read something that you hold as Truth.

    Are you sure-sure it wasn't your spirit confirming what you read?

    Even the King Jimmy was full of errors.

    Even one error is to many for the Word of God.

    The word “office” was never written in the original Greek.

    [We are responsible for our errors.]

    Good thing the one True God doesn't make errors.

    I, Yahuah will teach you how to correct your erroneous ways.

    Mistakes I can deal with, it's the blatant disregards, ones that won't acknowledge ME even when I offer MY Son to bridge the gap.

    The divide between Eden and Void.

    [I have seen vision of the Void.

    Hell is an understatement.]

    [The scary thing is we can create a false light in that Void. Even pull shades to mask the Void]

    [We live in the upside down (stranger things picture)]

    Not as desolate yet because My Light is still in the world.

    Soon, and up to My Bride, and her readiness Soon,

    The Light will be removed.

    All that will be seen is man’s false light.

    With the Void consuming storm.

    (1 Corinthians 1: )

    [It is funny as I look back at my time in the school of the prophets. The biggest lesson I had to learn is to shut up. Even still learning.

    We must learn when to not speak, and when to let the Ruach Hachodesh speak.

    We are the bride, and we must yield to our Husbands voice.]

    Revealing is supposed to be fun, not some deep self-search for knowledge.

    [When to speak in a group conversation, and when to leave one.]

    You must discern the poor and needy from the unclean and desolate.

    There are those who are no part of Me living in mixed in with humanity.

    They are of the Father of Lies.

    Learn that some things are set apart between you, and only Yahuah.

    [Crazy how thoughts still come at me like.

    "You can get that for your son for Christmas even though I shed that old way.

    I now say I can get that for my son anytime. And spend time with him enjoying it.]

    Vs29) So that no one may boast in His presence.

    It is all about Him. Which is all about HIM.

    When you meet people out in the Vineyard, always ask yourselves how could you have turned that meeting to be more Yahusha like. (How could you have yielded to the Holy Spirit better?)

    {We always tend to get in your way. Teach us Lord Yahusha.}

    [He tells me "walking in the Spirit even in maturity is just the beginnings of what your eyes will see!"]

    Strive to be strife-less.

    Strive to be unified in Yashua.

    {We don’t have to be the ones who send links to websites, create videos and attachments to documents to make arguments, and convince people of a bunch of stuff. This is not Yashua behavior. I repent because I have done this to some.}

    {We have to remember Father is the one who awakens the true desires inside, who reveals the Truth. We are not to step into that roll towards another. We can answer questions or point to those who we have learned our truths from.}

    (1 Corinthians 3)

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