Pride is the original sin, when Satan said I will be like the most high, That's pride. Pride got him cast from heaven, got him Eternal damnation. The inability to see wrong in one's self, the inability to be humble. Humility is the opposite of pride. Pride does not allow oneself, to see one's own wrongdoing, it blinds themselves to their own reality. Humility allows one to see one's own errors, one's own shortcomings, and maybe the fact that everything one has been told, is a LIE. When facts, absolute truths are spoken, and the receiving person cannot hear( the truth );they cannot hear his voice. His voice, is the voice of Truth. Psalms 119:1 Torah Is the way. Psalms 119:142 Torah is truth.
    Deuteronomy 32:46 Torah is life. John 1:14 Messiah is Torah. Yahusha is Messiah!!! So John 14:6 Messiah is the way the truth and the life. He's the Torah!! So when they reject the truth, they're rejecting him, not you, not me, they're rejecting him. They can't hear his voice, because they're not his sheep. Are you His Sheep? Number one do you have something called cognitive dissonance? That is the uncomfortable feeling when your core beliefs are destroyed by facts.  Facts that totally contradict your core belief. Look it up!
    What a person believes has nothing to do with what is fact. Facts are absolute, anything else is false, from the enemy, and a LIE. Fact, the the letter J was invented in 1524, now if that is a absolute fact. Then Jesus was not the Messiahs name. It's not Greek, Aramaic, or Latin, definitely not Hebrew. It cannot be a English translation.  As there aren't English people, white people, or black people that speak English named Jesus. Fact, He was born A Hebrew Baby named Yahusha Bar Yoseph. Yahuah the Creator manifest Flesh. Scriptures clearly state, there is one name that you can be saved bye. That name is NOT Jesus. It Didn't Exist!!!! People Go to jail, for stealing someone else's identity. To deny Yahusha, and call him by a defiled name, when they know his correct name, is Rebellion. 1st Samuel 15:23 for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry, because thou Hast rejected the word of Yahuah, why he has also rejected the. Seek him with all your might, not what your told, or what is easily picked up. Not just the Traditions of men. POWER IS IN THE NAME” WHO DO YOU PRAISE? Yahusha OR Jesus
    The whole wold is Decieved 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 and for this calls YAH shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie 2:12 that they ALL might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    Righteousness =Obedience.
    Unrighteousness = disobedience or iniquity. Psalms 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart Yahuah will not hear me. If I'm disobedient he doesn't hear my prayers. That takes us to the 10 Commandments. The whole bible was written by men, divinely inspired men, but men. All but one part, the 10 Commandments, they were penned by the very finger of YAHUAH (God). Written in stone forever. As the bible says clearly, Everlasting covenant. Something about the word Everlasting, That's FOREVER. Fact, the catholic church changed the sabbath in 324 ad, I guess the traditions of men overrides YAHUAH (God) the creator.1st John 3:4 (kjv) Everyone who sins breaks the law, in fact sin is breaking the law (Hebrew) He who sins transgresses the Torah, for sin is transgression of the Torah
    1st John 2:3-4 kjv And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
    Isaiah 30:9 This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesie deceit. There's only one set of instructions to keep us on the Narrow Path. We only have one chance at experiencing the Blessed protection of the Most High, to be found with your oil in your lamps brothers and sisters. Whether it's tomorrow or in 10 years. A time will come for Destruction, and Redemption. When you realize that the truth is being revealed, and It's not Going anywhere, fact is fact ,lies are lies, and if it's not the truth it's a lie, and it comes from the enemy, the father of Lies. So you will either love the enemy, and love your lies. Or you love the truth and worship the father and you love the Son. We are all going to go through Tribulation There is no rapture, this idea is a singular interpretation. (1st Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830s name John Nelson Darby please Look it up. Father was surely right when he says they will be asleep, and blind. We're getting ready to have World War 3. Its Going to happen, do you not see it. There are no crops planted this year. There's no food, the weather has destroyed Farm's, and resources all over the world .  The economy has been destroyed by a false virus. Food chain supply for next year are in serious disarray. What is everybody going to eat . It's time to wake up from our slumber . There is no more time guys . If you can't see the signs you're going to be swallowed up by the Beast. I just can't Understand how people can allow themselves to not stop, and look at what's happening. Or begin to understand how they can allow their own self serving attitude to destroy their lives. What are they going to get a bigger house when there's no food. or getting a new car when there's no food . What do they do for work .What are you going to do when there's no food .Think about what's coming guys , there's no stopping it. And if you think this war is going to help things. Buddy it's going to get worse really really fast. Do you think that anybody is going to win the nuclear war? Come on this is beyond what anyone can imagine. So stop. Do you really think when there's no supply of goods , that people aren't going to get angry. Do you think you're going to have it easy. Do you walk in Freedom now? Are you going to Be able to walk through the Fire? Only the Truth can walk you Through tribulation unharmed Do you know the TRUTH.

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